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tom krutilla Aug 2017
your touch upon my skin
is the musical interpretation
i feel within
your voice, like a sonata phrase
soothes this tempted soul
as your words are easy to appraise
your nakedness jazzes my mind
each line and curve, etches you
the aura i sense, is well defined
as the last note I feel
and your touch recedes
that this lullaby, this admission
is from the heart I hope you steal
tom krutilla Aug 2017
Carry away this moment
what you see and feel
cup it in your hands
mold it to your uniqueness
empower you to believe
let the external voices
that whisper what you need
fade into their wonderlands
they are not your consciousness
you are what you feel and see
only to truly believe
tom krutilla Aug 2017
the weeds have gathered, now
around the pretty flower
those who's dripping drool
gave her life
have left it to wither
in her aging sunlight
there's always something new
on the horizon
a prettier, nano second
of admiration to follow
and yet, on the surface, a blossom
of unmatched beauty
but at the root, the slow decay
beauty and strength
are a true illusion
that everyday, after birth
is our slow wither
onto our aging sunlight
tom krutilla Mar 2017
A poem is a thought
an inkling idea
dripping from the mind
into the heart
there it palpitates, speeds and slows
weakens and strengthens
as blood flows through the veins
the mind wanders between fantasy
and reality
lets us let it sink in
for it is ours, yet written for many
tom krutilla Mar 2017
Coming down the road
like those thousand times before
pull into the sacred grounds
I am home
The squeaky door alerts
intruders, not here not ever
your demise is imminent
I am home
the walls of the old place
echo with futures past
breaths of life whispers in my ears
I am home
The colors have changed
every crack in the floor
tells of little feet that scurry around
I am home
touch the walls, feel the laughs
from tales of living
it's warm and cozy, the ultimate blanket
I am home
a living history ripe with pain and joy
the air inside filled with memories
a lovely melody, of notes that played here
I am home
and in the quiet of the night
when the eyes wary from the day
close them for a comfort sleep
For I am home
tom krutilla Mar 2017
When sadness clutches your heart
and you mind knows not were to start
When every sound and touch evades
look in my eyes, I'll make your sanity remade

If dispair brings fear and its many tears
and if you seek the truth, but it disappears
when every sound and touch evades
Look in my eyes, I'll make your sanity remade

Your eyes watch what words you say
to others, yet they keep them at bay
you wonder if your in this life to stay
Look in my eyes, I'll make your sanity remade

The newness of the morn, the chatter of the birds
starts a new beginning to melt away the hurts
hope is always in you, never goes away
look in my eyes, I'll make your sanity remade

Look deep inside you, you won't hide no more
For I'm the savior you've been waiting for
I'll dry your tears, chase away your fears
all the sounds and touch with me appear
I'll be the one to hold your heart
guide you to my bay, in hopes you'll stay
tom krutilla Mar 2017
Come lay with me by the fire
Snuggle on the soft rug we wove together
Let the flames lick at our thoughts
And their warmth perspire us to passion
Then we'll watch the embers slowly fade to gray
As we wrap ourselves in a cacoon of dreams
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