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tom krutilla Mar 2017
Those sails on your ship are tattered
Your rudder askew
The quest for yourself  has left you bruised
That newness you sought, was the past renewed
Time to anchor in this harbor, your emotions are
past curfew
Hold steady now, my flags are flying
Rest here for awhile or forever if you need
Lay down your arms or around me
Save your last bullet for me
I'll take it willingly
Then patch me up, absorb my love
as I bleed
tom krutilla Mar 2017
There was a time, I thought
I could find that sign
When green meant proceed
But I'm stuck on yellow
Waiting patiently
Yet your hands roam free
all over me
But mine were seized
You said " I'm not ready"
As you take what you need
Maybe I'll walk down to the sea
Let my mind wander, a good release
Have the waves caress the emotion in me
Stir them up, find some relieve
As the soothing sounds recede
I'll look to the horizon and see
In the distant, a new coastline for me
The yellow I've waited patiently
Is green so I'll proceed
tom krutilla Mar 2017
the cold absorbs my skin
only your whispered breath within
can warm this near fatal heart
of memories since we're apart

I watched those eyelids twitch, dreaming
what fantasy you might be seeing
but I woke up to reality
the erasing of our legacy
tom krutilla Mar 2017
the moon reports to the sun
as another day awakens from
the mischievous night
It tells of tales of crazed eyes
their faces hiding from sight
the murmur sounds of creatures sighs
of noisy streets, desperate peoples blight
of bright lights, dimming hopes goodbye
of tongues licking the roofs of mouths
tasting the moisture of loves delight
of lovers entangled, secrets kept till the light
of the sleepy quietness of dreams in flight
and those not ready to say, goodnight
tom krutilla Jan 2017
is it not the way it goes
that everyone knows
how to live your life

ride that ferris wheel of life
get stuck at the top
a breathtaking site
all the possibilites
a utopia of delight

and when the ride ends
and your grounded
when you walk away with
that tear in your eye
know i'm your constant light

that beam to guide you
through your nights
and with each turn of
your ride i'm always
in your sight

the only cornucopia
of your life's delight
tom krutilla Dec 2016
Nocturnal eyes, pierce the night
their form hidden from sight
rustle sounds, no shadow to follow
back and forth, in perfect rythm

The pendulum of thoughts restart
the mind relaxes the heart

Two fingertips, inches apart
merge, become hand in hand
where a new live began
tom krutilla Dec 2016
The white canvass, scribbled
with sqiggly shapes
are words from my mind
my fingers seem so nimble
my thoughts perform a dance
with them
the ebb and flow of each sentence
conjures up many meanings
such is the manic, of a lonley man

a dimly lit light, a glass of shiny red
and all the voices talking at once
tell my story first, no tell mine first
whats the difference
they all end the same
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