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tom krutilla Sep 2016
My three words have frighten this time
So retreat to that wilderness in your mind
Were its vast and secluded devoid of time
When you peek at me from under your
Guarded rock
Your fragile emotions add more building blocks
Remember the ground won't crumble when I'm near
I'm here to coax you relieve all fear
You know I'm not a Jekyll or. Hyde
I'm the constant your guiding light
And these three words I want to say
Every night
tom krutilla Sep 2016
The charm of the piano scales
Awaken the morning from night
As the flute and its butterfly sound
Flutters in the Suns warm sunlight
The clarinets jazzy phrases awaken
Our senses as the bass notes rumble
Shaking our bones apart
The cellos sad and lonley laments
say retreat
Yet high above violins tug at the heart
The glory of a new days anticipation
And the uncertainties it may bring
Let the music in our step and mind
Create the perfect song and hold off
Insanity till it's the moons time
tom krutilla Sep 2016
The last strands of sunlight captures the lines
Peering at that perfect body in sheer silkness
Perfection in motion
That Sutle glance and inviting smile
Weakens the knees, subdued by medusas eyes
Try to resist to late, turned to stone
Helpless she chisels me to her desires
Smooth the rough edges my voice silent
Her fingers smooth her moisture over me
Trying to scratch my way out, she teases with delight
Those sensual eyes, are my demise
Oh you wicked one, when will you mercifully end
Then the sly smile appears, but not without one last lick
As she slithers up to me blanket in hand
Our bodies entertained ,I feel her smile all over me
And with a tandem sigh and a last sensual gasp there's a silent goodnight
tom krutilla Sep 2016
As the tip of my pen, touches the paper
The ink spreads thoughts of you
The letters and commas set the rhythm smooth
Read them once, read them twice, set a mood
Let the crinkle corners of you smile and the twirling
Of your hair and the finger on your lips, be proof
That what I have penned be your goodnight sleep
you may now, curl up, close your eyes
And when you dream be Advised
My heart is always yours to keep
tom krutilla Sep 2016
Lying amongst the dunes
Gazing at the night sky
The darken palm of glittering eyes
Etch in patterns from the moonlight
Envision a bay lined with tall ships
Heading out on smooth seas
They disappear swallowed by earths lips
May their journey be fruitful full of peace
A light streaks across the sky
Seems to rearrange the stars
Yet just an illusion seen from afar
The heart drops in puddles stain the sand
Eyes closed memories release
Details are vivid when they began
But the truth of aging has skip s beat
The record of life still spins grooves wear out
The needle needs replacing every once and awhile
And when the grooves are finally muddle
And the needle thrashes about
Let us join the etch patterns on the darken Palm
And be a new set of glittering eyes
From the moonlight
tom krutilla Sep 2016
A thousand letters to write
Yet no words to make it right
Drowning in sorrows my lament tonight
Bekon the mind relive those times
Have another glass of wine
Pen another line hope it ryhmes
The past is a reflection
A futile attempt at recollection
That becomes an askewed deception
Let it decay be swept away
Tomorrows a gift if he lets us stay
Make each day act one of a new play
tom krutilla Sep 2016
If tomarrow is the future we seek
Why wasn't yesterday the future to keep
They say the river run deep
So do I when I sleep
I hit a bump on the road,stubbed my toe
When I fell I saved my nose
Should I see a doctor, or a nurse
I'll pick the one who won't lighten my purse
Running from the past I'm free at last
Yet my breathing has left me agast
If I fell into a well and screamed for help
Would they send a rope down made of swirling kelp
If these words I've penned from dreams remembered
Would they be famous or tossed in the embers
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