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tom krutilla Sep 2016
These worn out shoes,have holes in their soles
All the miles they've walked, have taken their toll
Every blister has been earned, with the tales they hold
When I thought my future was bright and bold
The healing is slow, for such a fool
Chasing dreams instead of truths
At the end of the road, I lost you,
I thought you would wait, each time you waved
My mind tells me, we we' ll be okay
Is it to late to patch these holes ask you to stay
It was me, not we, that led you astray
The healing is slow, for such a fool
Chasing dreams instead of truths
At the end of the road I lost you
Hope my heart plays still plays
On your radio
Let each memory note be the melody
Of your choice
Before your eyes tire from the days toil
Let my words be your lullaby, on your hearts radio
tom krutilla Sep 2016
I was never much of anything
But I was something, with you
When I rushed to wipe your tears away
I found the smile on your face
The little boy in me is still awed
When I see a wonder of the world
The beauty that graces you
Has this man aloof
These words written on this page
The ink spreads my love for you
Many years from  now, when we
Open that shoe box
Our fragile fingers fumble, to read
Inscribed at the top, my faded words
are still true
I was never much of anything
But I was somthing with you
tom krutilla Sep 2016
The sun sets early on the eve of fall
The shadows seem longer then long
Cool winds whisper, tuck us in at night
The leaves grip loosens from branches
Flutter silently at nite in unrehearsed dances
In the morning, create a colorful site
The mind wanders to hybernation mode
Winter will come soon, to tame the soul
And blanket the land in ****** white
tom krutilla Jul 2016
there are many on the ground
the beautiful bullets have found
in an instant, there were smiles
in an instant, only piles

lying bleeding, underneath the piles
asking, how can one be so vile
did the sermon of hate corrupt you
or was your mind, a reciever of fools

the talk of fear and the coming rapture
if you turn the page, there's another chapter
perhaps you should ask Him did you make
a mistake
let us all know His answer, for heaven sake

there are many on the ground
the beautiful bullets have found
in an instant, there were smiles
in an instant, only piles
tom krutilla Apr 2016
with sweet intent, I shall coax a smile
with titilating words and a face awry
for such beauty should not be deprived
of ridding the angst left inside

these foolish gestures of a fool, seem insane
they're only to unlock all your constraints
for those glowing eyes and purt lips be not contained
and allow us to admire the canvass of colors you paint
tom krutilla Apr 2016
walking down the avenue
right below my feet
dodging lifeless bodies
strung out from lost dreams
turning the corner, winds echo
little needles pricking all I feel
I sense the buildings, swaying
cold and stoic, yet to a beat
silently blocking the sun
each block the same repeat
but then it appears, foreign
the mist of the open sea
daylight pierces my eyes
recapturing those lost dreams
tom krutilla Apr 2016
your last laugh, on this silent night
will shackle you with the coming light
that figure walks away, to your delight
but in the dawn you wonder, just what might

such is the day, with the brightess sunshine
as your heart drips, feelings of pine
"what have I done, oh treacherous mind"
for another like him, I shall never find
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