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May 2023 · 129
A new me
Ren Crostini May 2023
There are moments
Defining moments
Where you make a choice

And you may know
That it’s a “big decision”
Like who to marry
Or whether or not to go to college

But you also may not know
It may be small
Like which route to take to work
Or what time you go to the gym every day

Either way
The consequences are yours

Got yourself here
Made the choice
Picked the path

Other times
Someone else chooses
You are just an aftershock
A casualty

Maybe unintended
Maybe not

And you
The consequences
All the same

But without the comfort
That it was you that choose
Because someone else put you here

Do they
Even know?
Feb 2020 · 124
Ren Crostini Feb 2020
I admitted
A young age
That I..

Well, hold


My uncle (yes this is going semi


It will)...

Sold me to his neighbor.

I remember the hair.
And the nails.
And hiding

The recliner.

I remember the desperation.

I remember
“I can dress myself”

But someone else
dressed me anyway.

I remember
My parents not believing

My aunt

“I was only gone



When he went to jail





I knew

it happened.

I admitted
A young age
That I could

I had my choice
It would be
Feb 2019 · 176
To love again
Ren Crostini Feb 2019
For a brief while
I did not believe in “love.”
Looking back I thought
oh what a cynical child....

But today I remembered
I never
Wanted anyone
To have the power
To make me
Jun 2017 · 758
Alone together
Ren Crostini Jun 2017
I remember....
When there was no one
To disappoint me.

I long for those days.
I long to be alone

I would say lonely,
But I already am
May 2017 · 310
My love for you...
Ren Crostini May 2017
You were the only thing
Holding my world together.
Truly the only one left,
The only one who had ever stayed.

I used to think
Was the hardest thing to get people to do.
But now I think that maybe staying is just like love....

Not enough.

I do not know which words to say
Because you say you love me
But how can that be?
I can't believe it,
Not with the way you treat me.  

How do I stay?
How do I leave?
I am suspended
Between my love for
And my love for

I say I love you
But with each jab,
Every harsh word,
It is dimming...
Apr 2017 · 217
One Crime
Ren Crostini Apr 2017
what is love?
I can tell you what its not...
it does not shove
it is not bought
one "no" shouldn't get me shot

I don't do drugs,
don't hang out with thugs,
don't drink too much,
and if its not mine, I don't touch
so why is it my people so often die?

only one crime
are we guilty of in this lifetime
and that's being a woman
aka doing what you couldn't
or more accurately, wouldn't

any that don't meet your standards
you call a *****
a *****
wait all of these things mean WOMAN
so lets not meander
to you its an insult
you do not see how every woman
does enough that they could consult for superman

but let me get to the point.
It takes all of my self restraint not to scream
this should be one big team

We make the world spin,
it not our fault you're stupid enough to take the credit.
while you try to suppress us, you grin
cause you think you'll win

But in the end
its you who gave us the victory
the horrors you subject us to, that we ourselves mend
though it may seem contradictory,
you make us realize our own strength
and at length, that just means

We don't need you

**And we're changing things
Feb 2017 · 307
to walk down a city street.
Ren Crostini Feb 2017
i am a girl
and i am afraid...

to walk down a city street.
my friend and I huddled together
not just because of wind
and she whispers to me,
"i forgot the first rule. don't make eye contact."
that's what my mother had taught me too
and we walked a little faster past the stranger
nervous that the split second of acknowledging merely that he exists
in his mind, was permission

i am a girl
and i am afraid...

to go to work.
i'm always there later than everyone else
sitting at the front door,
workers come in and out
i don't know one by name
but i remember when i interviewed
"dress professionally, because you're young and you're pretty
and you'll work with a lot of men"
i know how to redirect unwanted attention
but i didn't realize i'd be here alone...
so i buy myself a taser
and listen to my coworker say "there's cameras"
anytime i voice my concern
and i pray
that i am not the one in five

i am a girl
and i am afraid...

that i’ll never be good enough.
on our way to the airport my mom asked about work
and after a brief explanation of the weight loss competition that had started
and my 20-pound goal
she made a mom face and said
“but honey don’t you think you could aim higher than that?”
“what?’ i ask because i literally have no idea what she’s saying
“well i bet you could shoot to loose 30 to 40-pounds if you want!”
“do you really think i’m that fat…?”
“well honey i’ve just been a little concerned since high school.”
i’ve never felt more crushed
to be a size 6

i am a girl
and i am afraid…

that things wont change
and that my daughters will live on
the same
**** schedule
i have always lived on
those people that refuse to admit there's a problem make me the saddest. this is my life. this is your life. lets change it.
Nov 2016 · 306
Must have been blind...
Ren Crostini Nov 2016
It's not his fault.
He doesn't really understand what he's saying.
He couldn't have meant it the way it seemed.
He just doesn't know.
It's not on purpose...

These phrases
These excuses
prevented me from seeing
my abuse.

**Don't let them blind you
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Just me, Cleopatra
Ren Crostini Nov 2016
i dyed my hair black.
(well purple.
on accident
of course,
and then black to cover that)
but i love it.
but i was nervous to go home
because my parents choose to worry the most
when i am the happiest.
(my happy just must be different then theirs.)


my hair is black
(potentially so is my soul
but who really knows)
and i saw an old frenimie
and do you know what that ******* said?
(quick. a little background:
this man loves to be feared,
will be the first to tell you he's an *******
and will never to admit to being your friend
but deep down is almost nice.)

"You look like Cleopatra!'
i mean,
i know what you mean
but what are you saying?

but then,
looking back,
i just laugh because
my dear, sweet, ugly former manager/friend,
Cleopatra is known for her beauty.
You gave me SUCH
a nice compliment!
Like that's in the
Top Five Compliments I Have Ever Received.
so i think i'll leave it black for a while
but i can already see
some purple showing through...
seriously idk if he was trying to compliment me, but i thought it was sooooo nice! ps i think this poem is actually about loving yourself no matter how you change, even if there are some people in your life who wont accept you anymore)
Nov 2016 · 291
Stepping Stone
Ren Crostini Nov 2016
there's no way I'd be here today if it weren't for you
thank you so much*

I know what you think you're thanking me for:
a shoulder to cry on
the movie nights
endless lunches
the family we made out of spoons at work one day
helping you move

Here's what I remember:
sleepless nights waiting for you to come home
hiding your blades
reassuring your mom you were "just fine"
you walking away with no thought
of what would happen to me

"No please, there's no need to thank me"
I didn't have to help lift you at all
because you just
stepped on me
with no thought at all
the only person you can ever truly save is you
Oct 2016 · 258
Ren Crostini Oct 2016
some one said
"love is not just cuddling before bed and making dinner together,
its yelling and fighting
and getting sick of each other"
and I disagree completely.

Falling in love with you was so easy

I didn't even know it had happened until I
was already there
and I looked around.
I'd been there for a while,
one of my blankets left on your couch
and some of my socks mixed with yours.
And every day we just mix a little more.

Now all the plates and bowls and glasses
are ours
You do the laundry and I fold it when its done.
We only play fight and the only response to
"Have I done something?"
is "oh baby i love you no no no"
and it comes with a warm body wrapped around yours.

I've picked you for life and I didn't really mean to
but it was so easy
and it still is
I love you more every day
(every second really)
I know it won't always be this easy
but working things out will always be easier
than walking away from you.
Sep 2016 · 443
I Need Thicker Bones
Ren Crostini Sep 2016
I am often surpised
by how deeply
I can be hurt.
Often I forget
that not all of me
is skeleton.
Your pain is greater than mine?
Make sure
to stab me
at least one more time.
Or at least
til we're even.
My mom asked for my house key back. Don't worry, that's not my home anymore.
Jul 2016 · 233
Ren Crostini Jul 2016
I am not sure what this is
Yes I'm talking about this poem
But I'm talking about this life too
And this.... Love?
I am not sure what this is

I have been in love before
But this is soooo different
We are so different
We are together
But neither wishes to define it
I am not sure what this is

You grew up in a different world than mine
My mom avoids "unnatural hair colors"
And when you run out of drugs you just
Ask your mom to use some of hers
See what I mean about different worlds?
I am not sure what this is

The second time I got drunk
Like flat out
Fall down
Cry for no reason
Only remember flashes the next morning
You held me up and put me in bed
But right before
You held me tight
And tears spilled from your eyes
As you told me I was different
As you said you were so afraid you would ****
Everything up
I didn't think we would ever be anything serious
I am not sure what this is

My cousins think you look
Like a gangster
Not even gonna lie
You definitely do
I wear ******* diamond earrings
Real ones
I still go to church with my family
When I'm not busy
With you
I am not sure what the **** this is

I know this poem is super long
And it's more a jumble of thoughts
I am not sure
You could even call it a poem
I am not sure what this is
And I am not sure who to ask
I am not sure what to do
And I am not sure what to think of you
I am not sure what this is
Guys help me out cause I really don't know
Jun 2016 · 312
Ren Crostini Jun 2016
I am reminded
On a
Of why I have
Trust issues
Thank you to some of the worlds ******* friends
Apr 2016 · 699
Permanent fixtures
Ren Crostini Apr 2016
I have never needed people

I am more than fine on my own

Occasionally I find people
Like me
That I understand
And that understand me

I understand that
People are not
Permanent fixtures

But I do think they are like trees

The wind blows and they put down roots
They can go but it takes a lot
For the most part
They are
Almost permanent
I try to be a tree

But everyone else
At least all of the people
That I care enough
To give a piece of me
They are not trees

I don't know what the **** they are
But I just want them to
I don't give a ****
If you go
Or stay


If you care for me at all
Just pick
******* pick
And I assure you
I can handle your decision

But I am a tree
And I am always here
And you will always come and go
With no regards for me
Apr 2016 · 241
Ren Crostini Apr 2016
I was never on the honor roll
I never got a 4.0
I wasn't in the top 100 of my class
I didn't get a scholarship
I didn't play any sports
I gave up on all my musical instruments
I can't draw

I brought all this up to my best friend
In tears
Because my life was nothing special
I have quite literally accomplished nothing
Nothing to be proud of
Nothing to show

"Shut up," she said.
"You're an amazing friend.
You listen and you help, with no judgment.
You're a hard worker.
People count on you."

A few years later and I'm a college drop out
Who works two jobs
With parents that sing praise to anyone who listens
About my little brother

But I'm proud of myself
Because I am one of the best employees
Because I'm a good daughter and a kind sister
Because I'm there for the friends that never hesitate to walk away from me
Because I have aspirations

There is so much hurt in this world
I have felt some of it
And so have you

The greatest thing I will ever accomplish
Is sharing
In other people's pain
And I don't need a college degree
To do that
Mar 2016 · 347
Ren Crostini Mar 2016
There are things I'll never have.
No patience for rude people
No thigh gap
No one to pay for my college education
       Except me
No back dimples
No good high school experience
No growing above 5 foot 2
These are things I didn't pick.
Things I really can't change.
But it sounds too cliché
To ask for acceptance
Nov 2015 · 360
Five years
Ren Crostini Nov 2015
It's been five years
And we stayed friends
But it was hard
Because I never stopped loving you.
You stopped telling me what was going on
And then something changed.
You started talking to me again.
I mean like really talking.
But then....
You texted me while you were totally drunk
And you said a lot of things
Mostly how you'd never stopped loving me.
But then....
You wouldn't admit it when you were sober and got mad when I used the phrase
"Under the influence"
But that's what you were because
Your filter won't let you love me
You need something that uninhibits your brain,
Something that temporarily alters your brain chemistry,
To love me.
And then you got mad when I said
"That's not okay"
Here's to another five years
Nov 2015 · 965
The Golden Rule
Ren Crostini Nov 2015
I'm a nice person.
Until I have to deal with other people.
And then I have a hard time not screaming.
Because what the **** makes you better than me?

When did society start saying that people don't have to be kind to other people?
What the **** happened to the golden rule?
It's tarnished and dusty,
Thrown in the mud.
And I'm so ******* mad.

Because I want to love people.
I want to be nice.
I want to go out of my way to help someone.
But, people, you are **** near impossible to love
Because your always looking down on me, and it's not just cause I'm short.
Always looking down on your fellow humans.

Because they don't have a nice car or house?
Because I shop at Target and you shop at Nordstrom?
Because you're the customer and by wearing a hat and apron and name tag, I've labeled myself as a doormat?
Because I'm a woman?

I just want to understand.
I am a very ******* nice person.
And I hate that I let you change me.
So.... What the **** makes you better than me?
Sep 2015 · 391
Break ups
Ren Crostini Sep 2015
I keep finding
All these peices of you
Wrapped up in me.
And they surprise me
Everytime I see one.
Everyone asks
"Are you okay?"
But do I even have a choice.
Are you noticing peices of me
Stowed away in the strangest places?
Like your sunglasses that were accidentally
Tucked under the passenger side seat?
It's different and strangely new
To be without you.
Aug 2015 · 294
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
I do not know what to do.
You definitely have hooked yourself to me
but I'm just not sure I'm ready to be hooked to you.
I love you and I know you love me
but .....
there's no where for us to go.
In church they say that you never stand still
you move forward or slide back
you don't just stay in one spot.
If we go any further forward
we'll fall off a cliff
(yeah, marriage.
Not ready for that!)
But we're sliding baby
and you're ignoring it
but I can't.
Not anymore.
I want to stay but
I know you're going soon.
I don't know what to do.
And maybe my reasons are totally selfish
but I do love you
and anything I do is for you too.
So if I say goodbye,
its a good thing I believe in eternity
because I hope
you end up back at my side
Aug 2015 · 645
wool socks
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
It was here
And then it was gone
And suddenly we had both moved on
And it happened so fast
Sometimes I still can't believe
We haven't spoken in months
And there are still pieces of me
That belong to you

I am in love with someone else
My dreams is eternity with them
But there are thing he doesn't understand
That  I didn't even have to tell you

I just don't get it
And I want to let go
But every time we spoke
It was like poetry

It was always about deepest thoughts
And biggest secrets
And failings
And winnings
And parrots
And  maple syrup tattoos

I miss you
As my friend
And I'm always sad
When things like us come to an end
Goodbye to the happy birthday poems
And discussing strange art
Goodbye to hand made buttons
And mini rose plants
Goodbye to my wool sock of a friend
One of my greatest sadnesses in life is watching people come and go. I tend to want to hold on to them forever. And to my dear friend, I hope you see this because I'm still here for you
Aug 2015 · 255
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
oh i didn't know you were here

oh i didn't know you left

oh i didn't know, i'm sorry

oh i didn't know it mattered

oh i didn't know

no matter how much i learn
how much time goes by
how many subjects i study
how careful i try to be

i just

i don't know
Aug 2015 · 363
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
i was so used to it being
just me.
but you offered to appear…
now i chase thoughts of you
i am very aware
that i find myself on a ledge
and so very close
to falling
in love with you.
something i vowed never to do.
i wonder if you can tell.
laughter erupts
from my breathless lungs
whenever you’re near.
my feet slip and slide
as you state,
as though it’s a fact,
“i wish i was there
right now
so I could kiss you.”
kiss me kiss me kiss me
is all i hear.
an echo,
that will probably always haunt me.
it was so used to it being
just me.
but now….
i don’t ever plan on being lonely.
Aug 2015 · 410
Strangle You
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
things you can’t redo
twist and tangle
strangle you

you can’t get out
but can’t let go
you just get pulled
to and fro

what will you do?
to untangle this mess
you feel like you’re
up to your neck

you reach out for help
but they’re in this too
you think
what in the world
did I do?

just learn to
let go
put all of it down
pick yourself up
off the ground

Move on and leave it
No one ever said
“you have to look
Aug 2015 · 376
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
I do not have a hard time
with sadness
or hurt
or anger,
well occasionally anger,
but I don’t have a problem
with laughter
or being annoyed,
with anything really….
Except Disappointment.
Disappointment is my dark cloud.
It’s everywhere
in every person
even me
every place
(California wasn’t as warm as I believed it would be)
every food
(Any good salad dressing is high in calories)
See? I meant everything.
Maybe I expect too much
but I already thought I had cut my standards
down low.
I don’t have a hard time with understanding,
or listening to others
or lifting burdens that aren’t mine
but I just cannot get on the same page
as Disappointment.
I don’t know what to do
or where to go
or what to say.
I haven’t found
a place
or a thing
that hasn’t Disappointed me.
The biggest thing,
the largest problem,
is that
so often
I find myself Disappointed
with me.
Mostly for being Disappointed
by other things.
And thus I found
the never ending cycle
of Disappointment.
thank you to my coworker and also my best friend for stealing my tips. What people will do for money never ceases to amaze me.
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
Thanks for your faith in me.
Thanks for trusting me.
Thanks for realizing I know
what I'm doing.
Thanks for giving me space
and not interrogating me.
Thanks for keeping your loud
opinions to yourself.
(I know that this one is particularly hard for you.)
Thanks for not making me cry.
Thanks for letting go
so I can grow.
Thanks for letting me tell you
the "whole story"
and not freaking out
and not judging.
pretty much
I love my parents. But they make me crazy.
Aug 2015 · 312
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
i look down.
i see myself.
i see my emotions
collecting dust
on a shelf.
i seem untouched
and "so distant."
i feel a glassy sheen
hover above my skin.
i know that's what
people think.
i understand
that they only get
almost me.
i wish
for someone
to break the glass.
i won't believe in love
i find someone
to find
Aug 2015 · 418
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
let me step in front of you.
there is nothing to see.
forget the rest of the world,
it's just you and me.
I'll take the responsibility of being a shield.
you don't need to hear what they say.
it doesn't matter
because none of it is true.
don't think of them.
focus on me
if given the chance
you would succeed
and they would see.
as it so happens to be
chances are unreliable
unlike me.
a protector I will be
and though I will always be there for you...
I just hope I can protect me too
Aug 2015 · 289
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
i sit & watch
the beautiful
aspen tree.
it is covered
in wonderful
brown and yellow
they lazily
open & close
their wings.
the whole tree seems to be
swaying & dancing.
i wouldn't be
surprised if it
up-rooted itself
& pranced away.
i take a step closer
& the magical illusion
falls away.
there are no butterflies.
nothing but leafs
that bend
& sway.
Aug 2015 · 644
no cookies
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
As a child
this Word drove me
No cookies.
No movies.
"No. Go play outside."
I often wondered,
is that all they can say?
Now I am older
and I have fallen in love
with the Word
No, I won't change.
No, that's not me.
"No. If you don't like my
decision, you can leave."
It's one Word
I'm not afraid to use.
Aug 2015 · 306
Ren Crostini Aug 2015
dark shadows reach for me
tears ***** my eyes and scorch my throat.
i push
it all
i look up
and see myself.
A mirror.
i glare.
i shoot daggers into my own skin.
but there's no real pain/
it eats me
from the inside out
so no one can see.
i lift the mirror.
i walk out,
down the hall,
stomp down the stairs,
push open the front door
and step onto cool cement.
i lift the mirror
above my head
and slam it down.
no sound has EVER brought me
in the broken pieces, i see myself.
i want to swear
and rant
and rave
but nothing will change.
because sometimes
i really hate myself
and when i look in the mirror
i see it reflected
over and over

— The End —