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Oct 2017 · 274
Timothy hill Oct 2017
I've seen a cloth in the form of an spirt.
And it was near and around an ancient old kitchens.
There where bubble's floating and the cloud's where made of sand witches.
So, I packed my belonging's and headed for some mountain's.
There's were I met a giant stallion his hair was silky and smooth.
He could speak so he told me what to do!
Grasp for my hair we shall set our focus too the moon.
And then wait till half past noon
For the apples and oranges to taste like .festoon.
And, now what's to be done with these flowers also bloom.
He said in a ramp style attune please only speak when holding some balloons.
Oct 2017 · 321
Timothy hill Oct 2017
Halloween time, oh how savvy it is to treat.

Eating candy for sport there no chance for a lose.

Tooth fairy's rumble threw cloud's of sugary fame.

And witches hold brooms and ritual there names.

Carvers came from mountain's a little thing in praise.

Now the moons dimed for a new start of a dawn day.
Halloween, food, candy fun,
Oct 2017 · 250
Timothy hill Oct 2017
Her beauty is in her eyes.
Shake away the flight.
Difussion of angery chirps in a cage.
Sep 2017 · 244
Timothy hill Sep 2017
Hands in a light color tone.
Brilliant and not low.
Shimmers of stone stock.

And now we are heaven.
Aug 2017 · 294
Word ryhme
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Regenerate, the ways in which you might abbreviate.

Always made up here's the rebate.

Did you understand the preference.

It's my main  look toward my own direction.

Generation's of boards fall when the plains river and fail.
Aug 2017 · 261
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Your like a wave, full of waves in your hair.

Like a high way full of spares.

Always ask people full of there shares.

To be clever, and learn a new fare.
Aug 2017 · 219
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Hinge, your self a destiny and only door's will open.

The mouth of a carpet dancers fool.

O how did he love his roar.

With what menace the dice of rice also soup.

My Hungary often play's violin with purple and a trouters fan.
Your thought on a destiny lol.
Aug 2017 · 240
Word flotation
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Flotation was seen at sea with hydration.

Will you feel the bonds with inflation.

Because the streets are busy with frustrations.

Are the pickels in the mood for medcations.

Laughing peers pressure the piers.

And loud clanks awaken the stir.

Flutter, they hum threw the sky with nails and some thing nifty inside.

A young boy and his rubber band gun decide.

Too take aim and save grace.

For the path, of good shall have its rain.

And no more evil should proclam it's array.

It should become stale and fade away.

Will you agree with the statement here.
I'll pass the note and continue its will.

And rocks stones and nails shall become liquid.

Then a restrum takes place.
Aug 2017 · 208
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Expression a world spun clear of cosmo scabs.
The scar tissue mends fastens and clean again.

All of the best completion reword and wrote down to scabblers contentment.
My lens falls too fog sir wait i see it again.

The creation of matter, from noting is it possible how does a God, self creation of other self or his self.

He then stands in a happy way.
Aug 2017 · 179
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Eye lids attached by a wizard two where about too be kisses.

Flames grew higher as wind make's hurricane.

It's strength yields only destruction, how would  they prepare.

That would have to be ask in a questionnaire!

Tree's play ******* in the "change of color" in the sky wickedly now pink.

All the best weather, men broad cast it and sync.

Their environment has changes occurring at an alarming rate the static the waves produce was ******.
Please your thoughts on this written.
Aug 2017 · 194
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Hands scab over with noon.

Drops of morning dew with cob Web and drew's face.
Aug 2017 · 266
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Her and his hands cake for noon.
They love the chalk taste of spoils.
From, when did he ask for a tree.
Aug 2017 · 207
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Frames of sky fell with tempers rise.
Is it the heat that is reside.
Or a plant, of sheet of paper.

Tether holes too a pole of height.

The women with a new car walked into a mall.

She is to buy a dress her new boy friend is a victory fan.

So as prepared steps move across a wood floor.

Cracks begin to form on all walls beckon your here at least for now lilly.

She looks as bashful as a giggle girl.

What," what just is it that makes him glee in passion.

Her heart then shifts gears for him and his sports.

Aim, well when you dance your toes never should turn away.

She looks in a pause menu way.

In what''s your meaning epic being of space.

Im saying look at your goals with honor you shall become successful make all become relized.

When you throw a sheet over a mess you then notice the bump in your few.

So choose the best course for your year need's better flow.

You are my prime model I made in details.

Well of fortune will become sticks of gold.

So cut the lesh and let him go because your a prize of ten fold better than even gold coal or molds.
Abstraction on a mall subjection you  decide meaning .
Aug 2017 · 220
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Shine in your mood let it become your shrine.

The crows hop across the tops of the pines.

They look for there master of design.

He two was much full of devine.

There where too be pristine guidelines.
Your thought on this written.
Aug 2017 · 202
Ancient times
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Looming castle above a red huge fog.
So many besought the frogs onto bay land.
Foilage pursuits new land for beauty.
Aug 2017 · 231
Words complexion
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Complexion are her direction they are full of perfection.

You might think differently mind your selection.

For she is art made of prime definition.

You need a handful of commissions too get in and see her convextion.
Aug 2017 · 177
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Wood grew frogs and fish see all the time.

There air is clean for now.

Void when chicks slumber the crowd of wow.
Forest beyond seeing look.
Aug 2017 · 154
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Words flake off his shirt.

As the people watch they became advert and also alert not that it made them seem hurt.
Aug 2017 · 197
Good fortune
Timothy hill Aug 2017
A man once said as other near him look in emerald envy.

To not try and climb a hill with out first having the wheels on board.

His fortune was near as the sky became clear.

Buy me a castle his sons ask of him he look at them in a wind mill turn glee.

Shall it be made of gold or ruby even  iron for your home should be strong.

They  look at him in honor for his accomplishments.
Aug 2017 · 291
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Artificial they stain the scene with power of mind they beyond even there reach.
Unity buckled in and moved along side millions of spirals.

Even with the mesh you blush at a test.

Love beings creation is a map so terrain your self with height and ridge
Auel abc style poem.
Aug 2017 · 201
Timothy hill Aug 2017
A decision was spun from a Web of eight.

In alleys ways and even old age.
When the rain fills the hole of the road.
Insects and toads life and it's page-less.
Two many smokey ways when will they degrade from the current same.
Aug 2017 · 180
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Exude the rain did its conclude.
Her mood was the same slow yet doth of fire.
Tower of hair bestow me here your length.

So I mayest find my lady of wow.
Aug 2017 · 176
Timothy hill Aug 2017
He kept plastic bags of all his patients molds and colored teeth.

Makes you wonder what lies under neat his sink.
Morning came in a mint taste great.
Gargling his own brands with a side step too his help.
Aug 2017 · 216
Auel abc
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Artificial they stain the scene with power of mind they beyond even there reach.

Unity buckled in and moved along side millions of spirals.

Even with the mesh you blush at a test.

Love beings creation is a map so terrain your self with height and ridge
Aug 2017 · 234
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Shards of prisms fill the sky with a prime teriyaki taste.

Chirps sing threw the huge cloudy toothpaste.

Grin at the regional food we are happy with your rebate.

Did you get the memo or the new locate.

Your eye brows are grass colored and thick with out a slow pace.

Is your sandy hair ready too swim to the new island today
Jul 2017 · 179
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Is there really other number's other than one ***.

Because if there is it is silly.

As we are 50/50 two in a one half.
So as you do the math I have won the master plain.
Seeing from a new lens my eyes see all   versions  and development  of progression.
Jul 2017 · 207
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Fonts and letters fill the sky a hundred mph thats sure too see.

The moon paper or a sheet.

Miss spelled words get cast too a new sheet.
Jul 2017 · 204
Timothy hill Jul 2017
A forest bed where grass shines towards mushrooms.

A owl bestowed on too a branch.

Watching the creature below his Hungary feet.
Jul 2017 · 189
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Knowledge is a answer.

It need''s no hamper it stirs away from all obstacles and talons.

Knowledge is a falcon it's grip is talented.

Knowledge is the one in a 100,000 that delivers a stallion.

Rules are creation and flaws are weakness.

Bound by the sight of black space heart's will restart with new love.
Knowledge is a owl that is wise.
Jul 2017 · 214
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Stir threw your emotions because there sticky.

A street of flaws and pitty.

Am just joking it is only a forbidden city.
You or him even them.
Jul 2017 · 333
What is it
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Circle in facts can and do.

With a number spin a weave.
Break a tab split it's whole.

Replenished body too prime successful     self.
Jul 2017 · 201
Words from this site.
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Tingling lava spills from words in bold black print news paper.

Maps crinklyed from setting on them for week in a now hot car.

Creases form in your face are you old or a saint.
Blend me your best ideas we shall bass the seas.
Jul 2017 · 282
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Sir, I'm not sure if your ego is up to par.
Its seems it is never near always at a far.
When's the last time you've drank in a bar.
Lady of the Ocean, give me your peace of devotion.

So I can make my daily promotion.

Whisper fly into a sail of my boat's tallest emotion.
Find your saddle and prepare too ride because my scripture, is in the hide of the Mountain.

And if you can find don't come back a crying for my words are power and source.

Lion's set at the peak of my tides and thunder grasp the tree's that should have divorced.
Ego flood my Ocean, not yet ready too under stand the master code, that I have harvested to sand.

When the sky flirts with space you then may comment because of the emotional state in which you are located.

Never get stove mad when ego''s cascade.
And vilagers place there new hand to complete a warrior such fan.

It's a rhyme in time, that makes a correction with a discussion on matters of conduction.

Level your smile and drift not at sea.
For we float above the world mad of grief.

And disolve the section also corn feet.
Doth a man, is ruby atired he make money from wind and his towers.
This too a awareness of  us.
Jul 2017 · 205
Air plane
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Forge the words from your sides.

Give them rivers and lakes pond and stakes.

Because you live with a vampire that can never age.

She was born from a page and drizzled with sage.

And her creator, is a man of fire and stone.

His power''s are vast and un scoped.

Because he doesn't smoke the dope.

Terrain's fill your plane with glass and rage.

She and him, also them play with the sand coaster.

It is of sand sculpted from thought.

Where''s that from that they bought what was brought.

And now we change the shot.
Too yield a new spot.
Hickory, "flirt" her purse made from bone.

She set with her mild limestone throne.

She before carved before leaving from home.

And it's said she was miles from the catacomb.

Cigar smoke roam's the other sections.

Are those seats in-compass of imperfections.

Never the man of pen and pencil.
They are here for sure purpose.
Do not belive perfection is real.

Because an atom doesn't align to form you us them.

It was arranged beside me my lady an all.
A fiction peace of an ancient realm.
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Age has wings flew to again.
Old with nature and feathers.
White meets black dirt
Jul 2017 · 243
Mountain smile
Timothy hill Jul 2017
A mountain lion then walk in with a gold smile.

And then looked and tryed a new compile.

While I was in the other 4 by 4 room did you hear what you couldnt view.

Because I was mad we could not buy any more barbecue.
Jul 2017 · 195
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Yes and silver, flakes purged the ciling to fall.

Your eager to maybe leave!

When loud walls cant mute, just being too scream.

Sure it may help when lungs strengthen from the dual.
Jul 2017 · 236
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Seeing you walk away from me leaves also the sky.

A flood of tears hugs never remain for you have lost your peers.

She and him, were near and dear.
Now, lost from you after knowing them for years.

Eye"'s flicker when the red turns too green and you see life past you by on the street.

Cars stream my tears for you.

Hoping you"ll come back to me.
The moon passes you a note as it floats slowly.
Down you look and sneeze for love has only one bench.
This was written to epic prompt of a man walking away.
With umbrella and tears.
Jul 2017 · 235
Timothy hill Jul 2017
The day a chimney smokes a cigar.

It was because it was at par.

From a weather man chair and hair that he pulls.

The night a sight was of great delight.

It is a 10 thirty and a party coaster.

Line the cabinet bay and liquor poured.
Jul 2017 · 285
River or pond even lake
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Her soul poured to learn from the jolts.

And flow from the stone she skipped across its sheet.

She was sand, dirt, grass, bare feet.

Wonder into the glass poured tears.

Her mother came from thunder of years.

The city of stain, and foliage rearranged.
Jul 2017 · 194
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Borrow the throne, and borrow some gold.

Because your less than average.

That's fact not lie so as too it try get ahead.

Because you been in a bear kind of slumber.

Not rain nor even thunder.

Could wake your sleep because you are a leech sucker of a different breed.

From a new type, of terrain mile's and distant's away.
Jul 2017 · 424
Pure Imagnation
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Color of the view, only seen by a few.

Music a shard, of though proclaim the clear color is not mask.

That you maybe drank from a flask.

And now, what is the new task.

Hand's play tango, on a white red line bingo.

I think, I've won the oval's turn in bravo's

I leave my head, high not touching the "tallest of trees" for birds have nasty old flea's.

All, the structures are extruding color that the "Sun is baking it a Cake" in black sea.
Jul 2017 · 236
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Angel fly in the sky with your kitchen saying I do.
Slice with your previous attention and win.
For example of bad sins.
Will never get the best.

Until they have won the test at side!
This us, your test win or reality, get''s noting.

Creation fill threw the sight of eyes.
Jul 2017 · 230
Timothy hill Jul 2017
Reconstruction of the Plains and money will come from the deductible deduction.

Crowd fund the subjects for ideal matrix forming and cool the calm level of productions.

Island of green meadows sea full of elk.

Taste the sun's breeze and walk the ran sprint.
Jul 2017 · 393
what's the title
Timothy hill Jul 2017
It is but words that shake our feet and tours that seep the fleet.
So as two it wonder, wild sheep in a texture of seasoned streets.
Our mind is our version of reality based conduction.
So too keep with the witty words and thought''s too production.
We should keep in mind our Instruction.
Do white hats come with there cool deductions.
Puzzle and moves from a flavor of cos play.
Her words cover the pixel with arrays of love.
Jul 2017 · 218
Timothy hill Jul 2017
A bird, we are now that we smoked the DMT, we see as other life so much appealing.

Flapping our wings we see a city, of damp wet in the early fifty's.
A scene below, is what we behold, and see a man and a white afro.
He was writing on the walls with red, blue, neon green, then a blue flicker came into view.

Now, what is it you think you're doing dripping graffiti from your clothes.

Drips of graffiti drop from your pants in a drizzled wet city.
Blue pants heavy in cold stares repeat this way ago walked.
It has not my stain that space of empty garbage the street is ours.
Where's all the rows once filled in with cars.

Sir, I'm not sure if your ego is up to par.
Its seems it is never near always at a far.
When's the last times you've drank in a bar.
I've wrote this from birds point of view as the Teens.
Jun 2017 · 201
Timothy hill Jun 2017
Zero too a million in fifity two.
Thats the number I choose for you.
When we carve the night what's next dude.

Car maxed out with heavy medal's when we press ******* the pedal.
Jun 2017 · 241
Wood Resdient
Timothy hill Jun 2017
Textures warm splinter rail way.
Medal, cob webs white.
Medal slug's in-bedded calmly.

Next day boot's stomp the Earth in near attempts.

Two pull us from our resident, at peace of carved wood.

His angary, rage was seen by many he mutter's a word not sure his meaning.

He said in a grunge manner displaying his hate for his art was wrongly designed.

I made you for a lady I met at the Zoo, her name you'll ask is Lilly.
About nail is the focal point.
Jun 2017 · 235
Timothy hill Jun 2017
I was born with creativity, that's my mission in motion.
Too show my vast devotion, ill make the world the most epic of potion's.
Once made it shall crust the evil that's settled at its feet.
Shards of Ocean, make the sky heal from all the cast and fillers that's spilled.
Of ideas
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