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Tianna Jacquez Apr 2018
At four a.m., I picked up a broken jar. I wanted to repair the damages, I tried to place the pieces back as they were before, I attempted to fit the puzzle back together, but I failed. As I did so, my skin was embedded with four pieces of glass; I never noticed our blood runs in various hues of red.
I individually plucked the pieces from my skin.  The first one had a word inscribed on it: “Love”. It was written with a careful hand, cursive letters, in light pink; a reminder of roses. A tiny picture was just below the word, a heart painted in a beautiful, silky gold, so bright, it glowed.
The second piece was in the form of a triangle. Another word written in a beautiful calligraphic font, a violet-red color, so pure I could feel the velvet beneath my skin; “Lust” . Again, I discovered a picture underneath, a hand painted in the same golden hue as the previous one, so mesmerizing and appealing to the eyes; the stars could compare.
The next piece was a heavy one, the edges were rigid and could easily pierce through anyones skin. Once again, a word: scribbled so sharply onto the glass, “Anger.” I could feel a heat sensation, the burning of emotions; this one came with flames. The ink was vermillion, so dark, it could be black. Infuriated eyes were carved onto it, bled from golden ink. So rich in depth, it made the piece cry for sympathy.
The last one was a cold piece of glass; resembling the shape of a knife , so much so it could be used as one. “Hate” was the only thing on it, in a red so vibrant, it stood alone on the color spectrum. The handwriting for this one was… “peculiar". It was almost as if the word didn’t want to be there, like it was attempting to jump from the glass and disappear into the meaningless void of non-existence; it hated itself.
I was able to stain these pieces with the emotions tangled up inside. They released themselves before I could combust. I never noticed how much a person could keep in. How much water could have filled up the jar before it overflows? When it does, what are we left with? Puddles spilled from lack of control. We must clean up a mess that could have been prevented; if we just would have stopped the water before it was too much.
Tianna Jacquez Apr 2018
When I was five, I wanted to become an artist
When I was seven, a veterinarian
When I was eight, a doctor
When I was ten, an author
When I was eleven. I wanted to be dead
I wanted to face death
I wanted to dig a hole six feet underneath your footsteps
When I was twelve, I found a voice without the use of my voice
When I was thirteen, I wanted to become a poet
When I was fourteen, I shared my silent voice with others
I am now fifteen, almost sixteen. and I am anything I want to become
I am everything I want to be
I wrote this over a year ago and came back and edited it a little bit. I used to be a disaster and such a mess. I am proud of where I am now.
Tianna Jacquez Nov 2017
you give me life.
you make me understand the deep deep purpose
as to why i should connect my soul to the universe.
as to why anything even matters.
as the days pass,
as the sun rises in the east
and as it sets in the west.
the more i come to acceptance
with my inner most self,
the one that will continue to thrive
long after my heart has stopped beating
once my lungs give up
and i am again
a part of you, mother earth,
a piece of something
that i always was.
the creation of something
That i will always be.
Tianna Jacquez Nov 2017
i have built large mountains
from the fallen dirt
of the pyramids i once was.

i have created oceans from the tears
that have poured from my eyes.

i have molded the mushy part of my feelings
into sculptures built to last a lifetime.
  Oct 2017 Tianna Jacquez
you are not a star nor the sun,
for your light isn't far away,
lost in the distance,
or blindingly bright,
from dusk till dawn,
but rather a source of comfort
in the pitch black darkness,
fading and fragile,
vulnerable to the softest sigh,
like a candle on its way to burning out

but you make it work,
you fight through the threatening wind,
you stare at the abyss with calmness in your heart

you are the moon,
the guiding light i hold on to
each and every night
Tianna Jacquez Oct 2017
I could without a doubt retrace the steps of day.
The ones that led me to the path,
where my future indicates it shall be engraved.
Of the time borrowed from today,
I can recollect the memories right away.
The ones I see clear as I reminisce thoughts,
the ones that can indicate that I am no longer lost.

But see, as many moons pass
the more I think of you
the more I have become
loving of what is believed to be untrue.
However I can not hold my doubt against you.
From you, there has been nothing but truth.
I have found a piece of me inside of you.

May the stars be your guide
and the sun remain the guardian
of solar system.
So that you will never feel alone
Know you will always be with them.
A destiny is your desire
to know what lies ahead is what you sought,
do not leave behind the building blocks,
the ones that make you, you must have not forgot.

Again I ask myself of what it is I think is best
whether that be for the good of me
or rather leave me be of this mess.
But you
You shall witness
a never ending, everlasting soul
who seeks you when she is distressed.
oct 7 2017
  Oct 2017 Tianna Jacquez
Trevor Lee
I had a love that wouldn’t love me.
She told me she wanted to,
But wouldn’t allow her heart to fall or be free.
She wouldn’t let me break down any of her walls.
No matter how hard I tried never did they fall.
So I made my way up, in search of her heart.
I stumbled and I tripped, every step of the way I fell.
I fell deeper into the love that is her.
And there at the top is where I stay, standing, searching, for her.
Her, who is so perfect, so beautiful and true.
She is the light that illuminates my world into view.
She is the fire that burns warm inside of my soul, where once was nothing but emptiness and an unbearable cold.
In her eyes I see my whole universe reflected back through Crystal blue pools, clear and so very deep, she hides from me there.
I’ve searched tirelessly across the vast depths, never finding the faintest glimmer of the stars I once thought I knew so well, the stars that every day I saw as deeper I fell.
Her stars were my guide when all seemed lost. I tried to hold on to their light at every cost.
All I needed was a look into those beautiful blue eyes, I would be home. Home, seems now, like a distant memory from another life. Home is where one day I had hoped she’d become my wife.
Home was her laughter and the beat of her heart.
The smell of her hair as I lay holding her in the dark.
The color of her skin, as through the open windows the moon dances it sliver light upon her face. Never again will I know this place. Never again will my home be in her space.
I long to return there but I fear the journey has been lost.
For all my efforts and my little triumphs, seems now, it was all for naught. Whats the point of love when still all of it is not enough?
Now all alone im drifting, aimlessly in the void.
Endlessly black with no hope in sight, no signs of life or stars to guide. I drift and listen, tryin in the dark to find her voice. Here I will drift forever as I hope and I pray, that I will find her again and that she will Love me one day.
Just looking for feedback not sure if its very good or not? It seems elementary to me? Any help or suggestions are much welcome. Mahalo!
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