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Dec 2016 · 149
thymos Dec 2016
i must come to learn
what is essential, that is
to say to learn to
much harder.
Dec 2016 · 172
thymos Dec 2016
in the event of love
or catastrophe:

take flight.
Dec 2016 · 524
stay safe
thymos Dec 2016
a fascist walks into a bar
that you're swinging into his face
like you're knocking it out of the park
with all of your might
because it is the only
appropriate course of action.
Dec 2016 · 209
thymos Dec 2016
yes, it is
so, that
the word
is the ******
of the thing—
but it
can happen

that a name
gives life.
it is so say it is
so. say it is. it
a trace.
at least
forever say forever as if forever
will never
have been
the same

will always
what may.
say come what may.
as if always would be always.
a wager.
if you can. if you can.
for you can.
Dec 2016 · 204
let there be two
thymos Dec 2016
the discovery
of others
is the greatest discovery
could ever make.
recovery is more than an empty sound.
if you
don't know
this truth, then know
you are close.
closer than you could ever know.
resume the struggle
and you shall be
in full.
between one and another
there is a pilgrimage without end.
a friend will save your life.
the body
is the location
of grace.
all the beauty of the world
can be witnessed
in a single caring face.
Dec 2016 · 251
smoke and moonlight
thymos Dec 2016
i must learn to stop staying up so late
as if my wakefulness could keep tomorrow
at bay. i never learn. perhaps i'm lonely.
but am i not here, in the milky way?

it is not enough to know the name. no.
he had told me, always will be enough.
i'm still to learn the meaning of these words.
there is nothing on the other side of

the word: this is the meaning of the earth.
it is not a tragedy, or at least
it does not have to be. it might be worth
our time, to enquire if we are free.
May 2016 · 292
the unexpected (connection)
thymos May 2016
i've lost what i didn't see coming
—i saw it go all too clearly.
i can only wait and hope to find
what i won't see coming again,
and again,
May 2016 · 218
thymos May 2016
loneliness is a love that cannot communicate
not even with itself.
the way out is the way home, and back again.
thymos May 2016
quit your search for the attention you so desperately want
and learn to find
and love the attention you're already getting.
this is not quitting while you're ahead,
this is not getting left behind.
thymos May 2016
do unto others as you would have done unto yourself
and do for yourself what you would do for others:
take care.
golden rules
May 2016 · 234
thymos May 2016
i came here by chance
i remained here by chance
and for the sake of chance
i decide
i will struggle on.

do not die for a definite nothing.
live for an uncertain something
to come, for it shall certainly come
so long as you bet your life on it.
May 2016 · 586
late never always
thymos May 2016

for the call
that isn't coming.
May 2016 · 253
a dream
thymos May 2016
i cannot let go
of what i cannot
hold on to.
May 2016 · 158
vanished inscriptions
thymos May 2016
what beauty there must be
in the lines
we forgot to write down,
for what beauty
is not forgotten anyway?

yours, yet, lest you forget.
May 2016 · 271
thymos May 2016
opening up,
them away.
opening up again,
the only way.
May 2016 · 1.1k
thymos May 2016
who could you be
if not metonymy
under another name?
May 2016 · 215
thymos May 2016
i am learning to love with my ears
for if there is such a wonder as love
beating hearts are too frail a vehicle.
a heart hears nothing, a voice is the all.
i could not want for more than a voice.
May 2016 · 347
thymos May 2016
so it was there in a one-way mirrored sea
like the symphonies of last nights missing
like dreams, tying together a raft of flotsam
and bottles with only their messages
keeping them afloat, the rocks at the bottom
of the glasses, delirium, the deserts
of time, trying to re-member the mind
dis-membered across a splitting headache
that will teach you as much as zen anecdotes
you tell other people, you only have
what was already running out before,
where someone left the idle shore to lose
and be lost to you who will miss the bliss
of whispers before that last kiss, like a grand mirage.
May 2016 · 997
thymos May 2016
the body of the name lying naked on the tongue

the touch of rust

the sunset at the change of the season

the sea coming home to a lonely shore

the lips asking for more, the ears the amorous organs

emptied of echoes, the cities built on bones

from scrambled noise emerges syntax

that conjugates attraction in parallax

and someone or not-one spoke a metonymy of solicitude

in the beginning in the end, in the garden in the ruins

events ever fragile, encounters that were almost nothing

the hounding difference between a thing and a word

between us and us

between the data, the predictions thereof

and the unexpected

that we have not yet learned to trust

the body unspoken, the touch untranslatable
May 2016 · 189
of far shores
thymos May 2016
infinity is easy to reach – woe to them who find infinity when they had sought for eternity,
and mistake the two

who saw them dancing beneath the streets, at the beach?

a sea between, multiplicity, vectors in every direction, noise—

i can’t hear you
you’re too far away

the only difference between you and me and all the rest
is distance and intimacy and all the rest

speech is belief

an abstract navigation

a threshold unto itself

somewhere else, far off
Apr 2016 · 474
thymos Apr 2016
hell now. hell later. heaven lost.
earthbound. lost-bound. losing ground.
never cede the territory of desire.
ever hell. keep on. keep lost. on-bound.
dispossessed of a heaven at your feet.
your feet treaded heaven, your body enfleshed heaven
and can again. ever again. earth again.
hell now. hell later. ever on.
never lost. no-where to be found. now-here found.
now-here on. no-where lost. now-here bound.
no-where bound.
no-where = u-topos = utopia
Apr 2016 · 221
thymos Apr 2016
a voice is solitude,
somewhere else, among
thymos Apr 2016
and if rust
is not the template
of salvation
there could be no hope

and if rust
not template
of salvation
no hope

if rust
Apr 2016 · 261
thymos Apr 2016
the romanticisation
of despair"
Apr 2016 · 306
amante marine
thymos Apr 2016
a surface of water, still, no depth, no body,
surface only in name, water more than name,
a trans-finite plane; ripples out of nothingness,
still again, ripples again, a mirror again, disturbed again;
reflections clear as day, a void, a chaos, lost constellations,
new constellations, a cosmos,
a black sun, a radiant dark,
disturbed again, ripples again over the surface of pure experience:
who else but us?
experience only in name—us, only in name.
who dares becoming-ocean wins.
Apr 2016 · 391
thymos Apr 2016
rust is the template of our salvation.
we are all drug addicts and prostitutes,

                                                   ­                                except there are exiles.

we fixate on the mirror to escape

there are no real words, we vanish into
a misspelled being. sight imaginary; thought
symbolic; only touch is ever real.

it’s impossible to think your way out

                                                            ­                           of a refugee camp.

you can only struggle

or be privileged
enough to move like capital across borders

the other is injected into me:
it is the denial of the addiction
that is making me sick. *semper eadem.
Apr 2016 · 203
said yes
thymos Apr 2016
tempests out of breath.
better an experiment
gone horribly wrong
than a life left untested.
rest, repeat, difference.
Apr 2016 · 265
thymos Apr 2016
better to have slept and dreamed
and dreamed and dreamed and dreamed.
staying up all night
where you are far away dreaming.
thymos Apr 2016
i have hit rock bottom, and now i am
pestled into it. my body has been
forgotten, my metal appendages
are becoming independent. o man
you beast, you insult to beasts, you maker
of beasts please i beseech you unburden
yourself of yourself and me now learning
i have squandered my learning and learning
of my eyes and teeth, lips and tongue and wonder(s)
unclean, torn, horror, rot set in where hoarded.
lexicographers of injustice all
bribed to omit that which was done to you.
Apr 2016 · 935
in the absence of apricity
thymos Apr 2016
by that time every body ventured
had been a surrogate. a gateless gate
left completely unopened wide
so too was i. pretending pretending.
they emerged out of nothingness like
heart valves. metaphysics could not hold them
shut or otherwise. the step-ins force me
down and out like the street hands ignored.
i am just a shadow in the dream of a ghost
of these flows of light that are lost on you
like so many endless turning maelstroms
at a molecular level, i too
not noticing through all the commotion
i am in the orbit of a black sun.
thymos Mar 2016
my life is either empty

or too full to appreciate what’s there.
i must set off from the middle
and get lost
if only i wasn't so obsessed with figuring out where i am.

the poet in me is shorthand for everything i dislike thereof
his clumsy wrist smudges what there is of worth amid his average words.

the soul is in the noon shadow of the very profoundest rock bottom
and the receptacle fills with sorrow still
joy erupts subterranean and bursts high enough to stain the heavens
no matter where they fall
for they must fall if we’re all to eat.

i am learning i cannot deal with silence
because for too long it has sharpened my inner ear
and it is cutting into something unpleasantly.
Mar 2016 · 173
thymos Mar 2016
you set free in me
that which would live fully.
Mar 2016 · 274
of fragments of occasions
thymos Mar 2016
by that time it was the second worst time of my life
by now it was the third

unless you’re a mathematician
is a dream
but this set-up is not-all
keep your trans-finites, we'll keep our dreams

if Nietzsche teaches us anything it’s that we had to invent laughter
if only to live with our tears
but he teaches us many other things, useless and wonderful things
like dancing

and Seneca asked why cry over parts of life
while the whole of it calls for tears
and well
perhaps because its parts come too few
or too many at a time

all we lack are general and special theories of error

against decisions

it’s true you have to repeat the same to reach something new
but it only happens through that final repetition
that infinite fold
where you’re told

you’re untold




your wisdom will get old before you do

your unrest will outlive you and i know it’s no comfort but resistance is never futile
just look at the ant slaves stolen at birth with no future who revolt against the empire of their oppressors to spare their former homes where their same blood struggles on again nameless
and drop the drugs if they impede your work and stop you from being the animal at your limit
if they cut off your body from what it can do
there’s even less than no future for you

‘my dear sea up in arms at the wrong shore’
i was a beached whale
but yes Don Paterson can **** the time like no other before it kills me

and as for the tests to come, sum(s) will have cheated you all out of two or three centuries at best

Mar 2016 · 228
thymos Mar 2016
living for predictions
will ruin your life.
Mar 2016 · 293
thymos Mar 2016
bathed in these colours like petals falling

from the fragile mosaic of hazard

finding you far off shingles and caverns

far from me that is:

fragments, multiples, deserted islands


stellar puzzle pieces of no design.

the passions rising the tides of asking.
in the grapples of night quenching thirsting

there is for lack of want no lack of want
of want, nor time lost in the direction
       of origins

of endings

of one unfinished.
Mar 2016 · 274
thymos Mar 2016
before you know it you have set up a world
of selves and others
where one of you – more often more – is bound to get hurt.

the stories telling themselves
the whole remaining inconsequential.

the body will not be accepted
as easily as day
gives itself up.

treading the shifting waypoints
the choices waysides of occasions
of partials.
Mar 2016 · 490
thymos Mar 2016
i set out like a madman
into the streets of alibis
looking for a word
as incongruous as love.
before i knew it, all the lights
were switched off.
Mar 2016 · 262
of fragments of opening up
thymos Mar 2016
it’s not a light story.

i just think before knowing you won’t know that it’s something you don’t want to know
so if you take this road
know i will be running ahead
and i may fall for all my looking back.
turtles all the way down.

i’m like the world, i’m in permanent crisis
but like the world i am vast
i hide serene places, and lonely places full of factories
and deserts populated by those sharing triumph
and defeats and misery and not the means for us all
and by all means let the flowers bloom in the ruins
but worker bees will be needed and the right dance to boot.

this pen writes out the end, my walking stick,
my staff for parting seas on this planet
that’s personal and purely arid.
this spells out the end, this called here and now:
new beginnings
tides summoned
sails set
ends of the earth reached and leaped across.

waiting for someone to have been waiting.
Mar 2016 · 745
thymos Mar 2016
the empires that seep into the marrow
of the bones breaking under the weight of
ghosts from every time period leaden
with unrevolted tools – unreal futures
exchange on tomorrow collaterals
echoes of empty homes unheard amid
the jeering of parliament and bomb drops
racket media revolving doors all’s
for the taking when it comes to foreign
resources or big business building walls
and the means to defend them and to send
people fleeing as if turning treadmills
of off-shore profit in hoards and stomped on
for state’s sake or fossil fuels which are like
investment banking and nuclear subs:

we do not need them, they will **** us all.
Mar 2016 · 345
thymos Mar 2016
i am just a shadow in the dream of a ghost
of these flows of light that are lost on you
like so many endless turning maelstroms
at a molecular level, i too
not noticing through all the commotion
i am in the orbit of a black sun.
your woman, your woman does not exist.
a man is made of insecurity
and all the history of violence.
the symbolic universe is not
big enough for freedom. it will not be
expanded by words: detention centres
must collapse – yarl’s wood, its whole idea, a start
to end systematic sub-contracted
sexist racist subsidised violence.

and man should rather perish than take and steer
and twice rather perish than make himself
hated and feared. he said from on high
paraphrasing a misogynist.
britain: two women a week are murdered
at home, by a partner or ex-partner;
one third turned from refuge for lack of space;
austerity closes thirty-two refuges
and counting.
Mar 2016 · 302
thymos Mar 2016
by that time every body ventured
had been a surrogate. a gateless gate
left completely unopened wide
so too was i. pretending pretending.
they emerged out of nothingness like
heart valves. metaphysics could not hold them
shut or otherwise. these step-ins wear me
down and out like the street hands ignored
the talk of the place of the door replaced
on its hinge other not left unswung yet
yet, another could not find their way in
for lack of my trying, for lack of want
wanted, of a whole ark’s tender madness
where like palestine every olive branch
burns to cinders of grief
on no tv.

here no messages to be drawn, or else: struggle.
'my peace is there in the receding mist
when I may cease from treading these long shifting thresholds
and live the space of a door
that opens and shuts'
—Samuel Beckett
thymos Jan 2016
other than something or nothing
caught up in the scrambling of being and non-being
only where we can catch glimpses
of the joyous multitudes of a life
like fireflies in the dark.
Jan 2016 · 216
here again
thymos Jan 2016
here again
thinking of what could have been
and what will never be
again, never
Jan 2016 · 300
dark consuming thoughts
thymos Jan 2016
dark consuming thoughts:
secreting themselves.
(out of the nothing, no longer,
that was the voice of truth.)
Jan 2016 · 251
thymos Jan 2016
today is a miraculous disaster, like the same before but repeated: something new and undialectical. now i hear footsteps in the corridor of the sanatorium skull sanctuary. thoughts of the proto-symbolic muse have crept in like winter mists over the empty fields as the sun sets again. turning over in bed. deferred, all around me, the dead ones, the days, the exiles. teach me to speak
a language to-come
for the waves of love have long been forbidden from this one. aftermath of machine makers: beautiful, too feeble a word. the notions of self and hatred have become too antiquated and too childish for self-hatred to be of effect. wastelands too have their day. the way is non-lineal, wrapped in complex points. seeking to saturate the atoms of a life: immanence. seeking to witness the vistas of a soul’s minimum of two multiplicities. it’s too easy to spend too long counting your obsessions. the sovereign says nothing again, it’s nothing new, it’s not nothing either; it’s not something to stay silent about. the day is gone; but stay a painting with me a while longer. the day is gone; how many of us are forgotten? i don’t remember
when i stopped counting.
Oct 2015 · 330
Eve contingency
thymos Oct 2015
from the body of paradise,
i seek for knowledge.
experimenting, transgressing:
the ethical act—
all the while in search of brick-like concepts
and comrades to throw them with
and build with,
whether it be barricades for the many
or shelters for all.
we'll look back, and say that our salvation was in fact the Fall
or we shall not be:
praise be to Eve, teacher of freedom,
the courage to stand, be counted, and refuse,
and love too;
praise be to Eve, breaker of the neurotic's dream,
my Venus and pioneer of the mind.
thymos Oct 2015
the sharp sting of shame, barbed, serrated and twisting,
will be dulled by the long passing of time i will soon forget...
but this is no comfort or consolation for me tonight,
as i am reminded of other days i would rather not have lived.
Oct 2015 · 234
someThing in you
thymos Oct 2015
why do i hate this person so, to whom i have been
so little exposed,
of whom i know no more than a meaningless name?
because they express traits i repress in myself.
traces of hatred remain,
with all their searing weight and strain,
for as long as i, myself, the world's flows-and-structures,
stay the same, in torrid stasis, code, and axiom.
Oct 2015 · 223
familiar visitor
thymos Oct 2015
just when things were starting to look up,
the whole sky
fell like a tonne of bricks.
if i live,
i guess i'll have something to build with.
life is difficult: a sign
it's worth doing.
demand infinitely of yourself,
give generously to those who deserve
(whether it be of time or fire),
experiment, leave always a space free, diagnose
the source of problems, become problems,
struggle, breakdown,
Oct 2015 · 236
thymos Oct 2015
a world for us all
or no world at all:
it's not a motto,
but a question, yes, solemnly,
and a call.
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