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Sep 2015 · 376
thulvni Sep 2015
Gold teeth with fake smiles
Sold beings with snake tounges
Dig gold in mines than in lings
World sees no value in beings
But seeks value in things

Assets driven soul
Casket risen goals
May the sunset unfold
Before the riots roar
#sea #lost #world #
Sep 2015 · 304
thulvni Sep 2015
I'm a Breathing  brown  connecting fruits and roots
The cross I am
the gross I am
The meristem I am I married the stem to bring forth branches of life
Through brown I received my crown
From brown I receive
From brown was I concieved
And through brown shall I succeed
#brown #life #roots
Sep 2015 · 501
thulvni Sep 2015
Laid in the casket dreaming of sunset hoping in the ghetto sumday we will experience gun rest

Brother stubbed to earth starred by angels trying to see the assets found in innocence but that lead him to one conclusion casket

The air I breathe makes me a victim fighting for a territory in eviction in the ghetto you find death in vaccine

Maybe I'm not the only one who loves the smell of gasoline
To grasp a win I have to kneel
#ghetto #life
Aug 2015 · 324
thulvni Aug 2015
I believed I was a star till .....
Just in the midst of love I met dust beautiful , with eyes that take you to horizons of sunset passion islands

She said my starship will never fly if it didn't start in the ground , she said she loved me I couldn't believe becasue whe was in another form of dirt

I asked her on a date in my mind I'm thinking what would she feel if she ate mana from heaven she said no why don't you try earth because you've never been there

There I was thinking I was meant for the ground
There I was thinking I belong  in dirt
There I was thinking I belong in dept

I'm better than that I was meant to fly , I was meant to shine in the sun I'm a starling trying to show my X I can prove her wrongs of saying I'm nothing

#starling #be #born_being
Jul 2015 · 696
call or recieve
thulvni Jul 2015
I had to call and concieve inter
Or I had to receive and be a intern
To concern about my contacts
Let me call and join the concerts
Stand for something or fall for anything
Feb 2015 · 454
life and death
thulvni Feb 2015
Life and death breathe in my state of immunity death brings fate to calamity wisdom is outstandind it makes you stand our from the crowd exceedingly , I forbid but the dark still proceed I just wana dwell in the ark and suceed am a seed rooted beside the see of greatness and recrouted prosperity

My heart pumps twice for winter and summer for ****** and osama B or martin luther choose what you wana breath detect and eject any pathogen that might bring a disease

What does your heart concieve as it proceeds to pump use both eyes to see but if one misleads you its better to receive life in one view than to swallow a nife and never go trough
#life #death
Feb 2015 · 647
I me and myself
thulvni Feb 2015
I live to embrace i
but myself always introdes
Whenever me gets into the race
I chase green but but myself wants to be chained by yellow

I hate selfies coz they make me try to look good to myself till wins the drag race to the central shelf

I was and always will be before introduction , before before I am , me follows then myself oppose
Don't allow your cloths  to close your I coz you might loose insight

In  begins the bible , amen closes it .. In amen I begin ,neither me nor myself are mention so never put first the colour not needed in the picture
#i will reign before rain
#I #life #be_g_in #i_ntroduction
Feb 2015 · 348
thulvni Feb 2015
They  use it to drag another into each others orbits .. I sea green resisting I forfeit . Music they use it to make me feel at home and belonging while I'm longing for where am going . Music they use it to make dirt sound beautiful , **** looks incredeble , music they use it till I sea those in death invincible , music they use it me on my headsets laying watching the son set listening to music contemplating on bracelets that are diging a place for my cusket .music they use it for you to loose the son orbit to the cubic orbit.
#music #way #melodies #perodies
Jan 2015 · 373
thulvni Jan 2015
The was the future before past started to over grow the present .the was human before dust placed hand coughs in our existence we were before we are we bear before we ask and he fell before the task so I am before you ask
Up came from down clouds came from seas doubts came from seeing droughts came from being closer to the sun I choose to be mercury coz ill need it to rise
I. Was before I am
Jan 2015 · 892
thulvni Jan 2015
Human is phone in desguise .. We all call and reject .. Try not to call on what will get your network dead.. Call . Call . Reject reject reject.. Red is reject . Green is call . Green is go . Don't reject too much you might be rejected
Jan 2015 · 698
thulvni Jan 2015
I didn't wake up like this ..its the mirror I stared myself at while asleep it given me a different view of who I come through . I saw durt . I bacame dirt. I acted dirt. But its when I learnt a mirror shows you a reflection of who it wants you to be , by showing the image it has planned for you
Look in clean mirrors
Look in green mirrors
Jan 2015 · 434
dreams drowned
thulvni Jan 2015
Dreams drowned.. The dreams that were drowned in alcahol , tears of the sounds unheard drowned in the vision not mentored. Dreams that were drowned in sees that lost sight of the rainy days to come and impragnate their fishes to species that don't want riches but to enriche the un'nourished dry drowned dreams.
#dreams #visions #goals #green
Jan 2015 · 482
thulvni Jan 2015
I am delivered but am delivered from slavery to free-captivity ,from egypt to the desert wind blows vividly in my eyes that I can't even notice am where the de's at
They call us born frees while they can't cut the amblical cord .the is nothing new under the sun God used the see to cut the cord so the blooded see was a transfer fee for me to be called mercury

I claim to be free while running around with umblical cords telling biblical songs from the deceiver ,confusing being delivered and being D's liver. I had to understand that being a liver takes more than being alive you have to believe that I am and always will be the leave in the true vine I feel the truth and with it I stand because I fight to have the true spine

I do exist but not delivered yet I just found a way of living under dust
Let me leave the star senses to the sun senses ,dying before time was the rythm lost my vission because clearly am not watching vission obscured by dusty mirror thought I was heading to the sun while facing the dust
Jan 2015 · 451
thulvni Jan 2015
They choose to be paranoid so they become parallel to the void and be annoyed at the end stars will also fall they why I choose to be flock to life needers am live stock I give wings to my siblings for them to fly high and reach the heavens curtins

They partner with the east as they co-cain , stars fell and I saw pain I am no earthling am heavenling I speak in tongues then it fall rains to earth am foreign before rain I reign above earths fears like jesus is us at birth
Through steve's glasses I see the fine line between abel and seth , adam and birth you could add them and find earth
Hight is sight
Jan 2015 · 366
thulvni Jan 2015
Being in jdi it was like I took the j and let it defuse in these eyes so I saw futher than sight where I saw the mudere in desgise I feel the blue in these skys
I ddnt have a clue who were these guyz but they became part of my worst nights

They use karma as they amour so nobody would understand what love , they all expose dust to the sun like its summer  

I remain green .. Under my darkes roots I remain green
Jan 2015 · 290
I am
thulvni Jan 2015
We where before we are
We bear before we ask
He fell before the task
So I am before you ask
#i am
Dec 2014 · 367
two reasons (part 1)
thulvni Dec 2014
We all indeed live for two reasons

seeds actually came first before trees why you starring at branches and leaves why don't you dig deep maybe you could see Its seeds
Its easy for looks and fruits to recruit don't be decieved because you might eat a desease and become so obese that you no longer see your feet and you be walking in a path way defeat till eventually you decay half way in a pit
Know the root
Dec 2014 · 350
heart as house
thulvni Dec 2014
This piece of art I wrote is really close to my heart because u don't how it feels when your house is teard apart by those who are inside.
Everytime I stare at my house I shoe smiles while inside am thinking I wish I was many miles away from sinking
I captured that picture when you promised me new furniture you said if I let you in my house will have a shiny floor and lovely and dovely features but I never knew I was opening a door to a vulture that is about to rapture all my lovely and dovely features

I choose to sattle than to be in a car with a person presing the paddle to a battle I will never win and so forth bring scars I choose to settle than to be locked behind these bars
Be careful who you give space

— The End —