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 Nov 2014 Thomas Sloan
 Nov 2014 Thomas Sloan
Your eyelashes
are dark and thick,
and when you're happy
they flutter like freakin' butterflies.

Which fly to my stomach,
and flutter around,  
and I can't think straight.
So I turn away,
each time-
without fail,
I turn away.
 Nov 2014 Thomas Sloan
Dusk sets and moon brightens,
Under the dark sky,
Lets make the best,
Of what's left.

Let me hear,
Your beating heart tonight,
One last time,
Before daybreak,
For my destiny calls,
To a place beyond the seen,
But I know now,
I have a place in this world.

And when I am gone,
Keep on lifting me up,
Up in the sky,
Know that I am shining bright,
In sparkling blue light,
Forever love we enthralled,
Somewhere in the space,
Where distance is found.

— The End —