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 May 2013 Thomas F
Taigu Ryokan
Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days' worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.
 May 2013 Thomas F
Aric Wheeler
Our eco-friendly toothbrushes sit together in the cup on the counter but today I didn’t brush my teeth. The snow is great. Want to know why, because the snow doesn’t give a **** how anybody else feels and it doesn’t ***** its feelings all over twitter. The snow knows that nobody cares.

The snow never says “anyways” or “whatever” or “oh god”  and the snow doesn’t undermine what I have to say. The snow is cold and it *****, but at least it doesn’t question me. It doesn’t ask me if I need space. Nope. It just keeps snowing.

The snow and I are on good terms. It isn’t polite and it doesn’t try to be anything that it is not. It doesn’t cook barley with kale and it definitely doesn’t pretend to like it.
 May 2013 Thomas F
D.H. Lawrence
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
 May 2013 Thomas F
Daniel Kenneth
So often in this life
Love is spent in the wrong places
Hearts offered in tribute to those who do not deserve
The trust and compassion you bestow upon them
Judging the character of a man is difficult
But I beg of you, do your best my dear
For my heart breaks more and more each day
When I'm reminded of the fact that you are in love
With the wrong man
 Apr 2013 Thomas F
Life's a Beach
So they say I have to move on,
let go,
and get on with my life.

And I will.

I guess that's easy to say.
but let this be known:
it's heart wrenching to do.

For you are entwined with me,
a puzzle which I have yet to solve.
my soul cries:
"I'm not finished with this yet!"

But, to save my sanity,
I must place you back where
I found you.

But I shall never forget.

You are, and always
will be
my first.

Not in a crude sense,
you never plucked this
no matter how sweet
it may have looked.
Instead you tended to it.
and so I felt your love.

Not a disney love,
with songs and dances
nor a first love,
for that scar's been faded
long with time now.
Not even

kind love.

You were never cruel.
But I cannot say you never pained me.
You gave me what you would,
I could not ask for any more
than that
With you, I was safe.
And for that, I am
eternally grateful.

So, good bye my laughter,
my song,
my evolutionary fellow ;)
I pray we can meet again,
as travellers,
on the path of friendship.

When you look back,
if you look back,
please think of me well.
I shall always cherish our memories,
and if we can never again be entwined
in heartbeats,
or body
Let us be entwined here.

For me,
time will never age this.

ps. Purple forever.
From the feline to the monkey: Thank you for your companionship...much love. ***
 Apr 2013 Thomas F
its crazy to think that you could be so perfect in ones eyes. but to yourself you notice all the flaws that you contain. your flaws could be someones perfection making it easy for that person to maintain. never worry about not finding someone. there is always that one person who is perfect for you. all it takes it patience. until you find that person or that person finds you enjoy the life you have now. lifes to short. live it while you can. Love the life you live, live the life you love.
 Mar 2013 Thomas F
Why am i diagnosed with such a horrible disease?
waking up everyday
feeling as if drowning in a world where everyone else can breathe
slipping in and out of reality and dreams
watching people laugh and enjoy their day
while you sit and stay
thinking of the what ifs and why nots
realizing that in the end its useless
so heres your choice
which one will you choose
to live or to die?
to win or to lose?
i grab the knife and slit my wrists
the end is near
its almost here
now close your eyes
theres nothing to fear.

— The End —