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It was a challenge in thick and forested thoughts
I couldn’t see what lay ahead of me
The fog of bitter memories had blind folded my sight
To see the glory of tomorrow in the bright stars high
In my life you stand as a rainbow
The last green leaf that gave life to a drying tree
A calyptus of hope in my thirsty times
I eat not of your fresh but have strength to carryon
So am believed to be a survivor of your trapping looks
A glowing worm of inspiration.
Luck finds to favor
The Heights of purchase over less an edge
A sobbing class routes in glass in a glimpse of subtle
Peaches in rhymes and melodies
Concord in strike fuming over tendons of resilience
Come or my an affiliate to and rooted in and with greatness
if I werent
a real man
  I would
each time I
saw you.
No one is coming to assist you grow
It’s your personal endeavor
Sinobi my wanter
In her I am trippler
Over load and aboard
The serene enchantment averred

Hooks on beams
Ties of currency
Paid marathon of my racing head
Oh dubly double you
The weight of smile breaks my heart
Who saw the big boy cry for the luck of what he saw walk past him

My wanter wanted
The rose faded red to dark blue
Thick as a jelly
My swallow holds my gut
If she didn’t seek no doors could open
The affirmament in cross heads to bite a straw of reflection
A no go goner my fighter to the last drop
HELLO….how are you today?
I starved for lunch, but I won’t for supper
Let the bath water flow
And let nothing touch your body
The cows give good milk
Wash clean the scars you bare.
I will accompany the berries with the lily lips
For today I swallow my pride;
There won’t be bedrooms,
The kitchen trays shall service me
Wholly, shall I consume the package?
For I hate slicing (hours)
I won’t help if capillary takes place
There is no need to lubricate
Kisses of a smooth apple
With no decomposition
A vacation for my bed tonight
I will camp with the fridge
** For am on duty all night.
Come pick thy left pieces
For my brain still counts memories
Go behind my eyes
For thy shadow shines like flash light
Fetch my hanging appetite
The ulcers are feeding on your aroma
A glassful of your lip twists
For my thirst dines on flu
Take the slopping path
My heart waited longer than patience
Can i envy your smile
Its seen by many not me alone
I wish to color your dreams
With a range of roasted apples
If you tasted like wine
You could be the chained bottle to my wrist
i had it so sharp, with no where to pierce
i opted for the wall to cool its pressure
before i melted the fusion

i was lucky to be in water inside the pool
the deep end had a secret to keep.
as i cooled the temperature of the horn she swarm right over it and the water got a deflection of fire
the water was heated up as she moved closer to the projection point, it was a shame to be

my nerves were cold and my bottom was iced
she asked for help as she took my hand to the *******
i then surrendered drowning in dilemma. My serve cried out to me from the bottom, emergency man down
she dived forth leaving me with her legs and when her custom snapped, it was when i lost my authority and bullets pierced through the gun
My presence serves its purpose
Beyond all words of my exclamation.
with the experience from nature's pinches
Growing from calamity to thrones.

Countless survivals like winter fires
Melting snore fearlessly
Built on,  melted by blaze.
The animal from the book of history
stubborn to rear and hard to feed
How does it make it to be so sweet
Eats most dirt, never tidy
Doesn't chew cud and no hooves
Made different even the taste
Fatty from outside trimmed in the in
Isolated from the rest to the fine smell
The coiled tail and windowed nose
Evolution of what makes dirt sweet
I have an alarm
Rings in my head buzzing louder than a swarm of  bees
I am so hungry, hungry for success
Has anybody seen a door for I need access
I promise I won’t disappoint, I will destroy poverty with my hands
I really hate him, hate him or her
The hate is with passion for if I finish him the next generation will be happy
It will be glad with tidings.

That monster is heartless, it feeds on the less privileged and swindles their opportunities but I will crash him and rather strangle her.
**** you mr POV you are a lavish spender at the expense of the kind and hard work. So now see my fist, how I am going to twist your neck back and forth and you won’t believe when you see me succeed

I am in the rain in the middle of mud sawing my seeds of succeed
This time, not this time I have a roof for your scorching hurdles to but my seedling efforts
I have a canopy of water to rain the sun of your defeat
Yes I am an investor, investing in good friendship and and lending a helping hand
Investing in a selfless life for the next generation, teaching them not to surround themselves with disruptive friends like time wastage, rumors, conflict and bad decisions

And now that I am an investor
My seeds and germinating through my blood, my children fear not raises for it’s a path to winning poverty
They dance even when they are sad for you are a temporary memory POV
You disguise amongst believers and later disappoint them
I have found a pill to success
I kneel before the maker every little time I get and I throw my hands to every passion
My love is priced
Overly and above
I fell for it with possibilities now i cant afford it

Were there signs i didnt read
When she smiled and i tumbled
I must have fallen so hard
Never to get up

It has cost me friends and money that have no price
And i am cast out of my dream to love
And so i can go for less the dream at the price i can afford
Seems she made her own order, Perfectly imported.
Hers and hers alone.
  For this should be awarded at Oscars and written in the Guinness book v records.
All heads down no competitors aboard
A blessing only comes from above
Though your deeds gladly play a roll
How much more can you ask than he
has provided.
Through all invisibilities
Gathering ash for moulding
And breaking giants to ash
The only one who shares no status of insolvency
His power stands not opposed
Gravity and heights all bow for him
One who causes seeds to sprout out of cement
All wealth is just a coin to him
It’s fun to meet people like you
Then you manage to get space on my mind
Not only that through the vein you have settled.

Me already a victim of what I couldn’t see coming
Though i am aware you have space in me, the imbalance is I have none in you
So am I wrong to run from my fears and smile or battle the pain of my desire.

As I might not be of resonance to you make shine on me that I May voyage through my worries.
The mountains they worry of is the valley I overcame
The chances they lost is the grace I got
The grip is tight in wonder if you can hold back or drop me off
Look upon the trust
Am scared of my shoulders
Left or right
Which to lean on.
I sweat of coldness
In coughless hunger
My friend is my own spy
I taste thee from my tongue
The  see the shadow weaponed
Bright smiles that stumb
As they navigate my hopes in words.
See you have shared my cross
But you awarded me more weight
Like to accompany me to the grave,
Will i turn back or pace up
Am filled with pity and you in anger
I wish to draw a line to see ends meet
Though you unclothed my sensitivity
I walk blind amidst my wishes
I recall not thd sound of my whistle
I cant teach you to be lucky
I can be an admiration in your desert
The thorn in your bleeding arm to quench your thirst.
My biggest desire was to grow
More in looks, in money and brain
To have lots of assets and live a happy decorated life

It goes beyond being smarter in brain
Looking executive or owning resources

It’s the price so high without a tag, a safe journey too and fro
A float of ideas with free will

Now that age is not a determinant
Neither the achievements at hand
I have learned enough and still learning to have all is not the target 🎯

To have peace of mind is all

Letting God make space in you and fill it with grace to over shine all inequalities, fears and inabilities

Though all matters, being free in mind gives a breather and defines hope of every dream in you and chances of bridging to impossibilities
And so if you are chanced to be let out of your prison, gladly rise over it and make merry to fruits you’re yet to bare
Out of dimension I got a position
Went through a siege
Acccompanied by blending
A time that got born for luck

Soon denying all past
Clothed with progress
That the sky couldn't hold me back
I quickled to far heights
And lived quickled ever after.
How was rain made
Something that falls free from the sky
Carrying weight when dropping yet fast and sweat
The liquid that runs through air
Gathering water by formation of drops

The drops from the clouds
The fear neither lightening nor thunder
Strives with anger and splashes into disappearance
The food to the soil quenching thirst of the plants
Leaves the sky dry and makes the land wet

We hunger over it when it shines and cry when it floods
It's always wet when it arrives making the surrounding dark and cold yet its absentia drips shinning with massive light
Could he be the king of darkness
As he makes day turn to night in a blink of an eye
Rain is a mother as it quickens growth of things it comes to touch with
Living As Raised
It wasn’t born there but soon turned out as home and place of work
Coming from miles away to settle there in comfort with no single dream
of ever returning home.
The sun finds it there and so does the darkness
A friend to nature and a stranger to people
Early In the morning it stretches its arms to whoever will see the hand
And drop in a coin or paper, it minds not.

The man who loved the woman ran away from the woman’s big belly
He sought for it but couldn’t maintain it; she carried it for years but later
Escaped after dropping a being of a kind, She run away to find a better life
Yet she left another behind.
It has no tears that even the smile is innocent Just like its unseen parents,
Hopes for a future, and stands as a master of the streets.
Soon graduating and aging in theft as Tenure of a daily routine for the fittest
Like the parents run away, it takes its lifetime running from authority for survival
And standing no fear or risk of life baked the hard way in order to benefit
Living at a percentage of 0% morals
Caring for none; because none cared too.
follow me to the sky
if you don't fear to fly
run with me this long race
if you have got no heart attacks
swim with me across
if you fear not to cold up and drown
To non she was made
Exclusively unpredictable
beauty named of an apple
An eye roller with need of no penny
a circle within another

Men worship her body
Her tongue cut across men's hearts
She offered no resistance
since she called for no attraction
Yes she swindled young and old
Vapourised their minds with illusions.

Preachers took her for an abomination
women wished her dead
for their men had lost the way  
Her body was a temple of justice
judged men's feelings
to the men whose pockets had paper
She wore beyond dollars
Living in a coloured world of blacks
They all rated her next
For impatiently booked
Her legacy dailed no number
Numbers dailed in her favour
for she was next to non in....
My heart got sabotage
I knew I loved to least of contemplation
I couldn't ride in reverse as an option
To that I naped for courage of jealuosness. Nonetheless, I was ready to marry a safe future without burying the hatchet of the past.
I started by refraction of oneself
Soon i escalated a default amnesiac stature
Alas the fainting mayhem
Brought forth the due cause of contagiousness
Then to waves of flames, I breeze away
you're as poisonous as a cobra
That causes pain and reflects happiness

you're like a nightmare of a solid rock
Down my throat but leaving no scares

you're like a pain in the *** hard to scratch
but can still bare to live with it

you're a naked weapon harmful and
though defensive in nature

you're a Lion so good looking
but very unfriendly to live with

you're like age enjoyable while young
vexatious and miserable as life goes by.
You’re much than the more you’re
Much many more than the thoughts you think
The definite infinity of astride in the future
Which future stands today the tomorrow we waited for
I sat back with a high chest from my desk to the chair, there i swagg from a wheels to the unfolder.
My immediate dream was to down my great bottle of this Royal Circle
There i pondered about our country sorry "our beloved Pearl of Africa" then i saw it run from its citizens claiming they are not fair. It said; who looketh for peace among the starving with guns and powder of injur, who massageth my thirsty throat with aclub of salt.
I nay in dislussion, my heart went hopping and skipping while my country narrated, i have lived before them and so shall i when they are gone, i fed their ancestors though worried to feed the future.
Then i interrupted in dismay, why cant you do something in laughter my country chuckled with hiccups, you are learnt but naive i offer you nature you offer me plastic and plant landminds as i carry guilt to murdering than my ability in shelter and food providence, the more you love the paper i count my days to live stronger in the name of investment you slaughter me especially you who knows but delights to do nothing.....
Then my eyes went pale and eemembered "people in my country make history by destruction"
It said to me; your thoughts are right as i gazed to a thirc party when i discussed with Mr Uganda.
You are all lazy carrying crosses but heading the wrong way. You are treated as bustards in your own homes by scavengers that get plenty of paper from you and reward you peanuts.
One minute i felt i could cry,for i knew the victims and thought would share but Mr Ug sang...#Bagala alina - genda okole. When your there you will learn more third party spoke through but we are in irony; worry not for selves he said for you live but how about those to come- i possed after asking a bunch of questions then he answered me well. Just like you i got more questions than you owe your country or it owes you

#Watch out for what my country answered next
I waited anxiously
For she was to come
And her promise stood.

I was in times of worry
Thinking in bits
Wondering only and only
If she didn't change her mind
I will await
She isn't my sweetheart
But she lives as a favorite
You were the problem
The black sheep
From your hood
Blame no one else
But seek repentance
With your heart.

You stabbed your self
After backbitting the
Whole eternity
you robbed yourself
Of all you had
And planted seeds
Of a melting future
one you have sought
There after and now
Chasing the air around you

Spill your words wisely
For you set a fire
On your own coat
and thus created a
Distance of darkness
Dancing on  sharp
Stripes of a panga
and yet expecting
a safe and happy stay
I can teach you everything
But I can't teach you how to be you.
so battles are not worth our strength
Once I reached her place
It all came to be a new venture
I took the warmest hug
As a friend
And settled there in
To have a tale of stories

Drinks and eats
Went flying by my lips
The care of a Lady
Having fed well I relaxed
In the counch

There came the shock of my life
uncooked dessert
That took me time to
This was an encounter
Of the brave.
Wholesale consumption
Tasting both roasted and boiled
By the end
I had quaffed the
Barbeque in personum
I lay stranded peaceless
But filled with joy
It wasn't foreseen
Though left a landmark
Night Rises from 6 like
it lit at 6, and awakes for duty.
A daily practice of rise and fall
It was day so it shined
Now that its light
let the stars color the sky
For then the darkness
Is needed  to express the beauty
Of the stars in the sky.

The Sun gone to sleep
The moon takes over
Not giving much light
Though brightening hearts
Everything goes to rest
Plants and the moving
But they never stop breathing;
Only enemies at equinox.

Darkness has copyright over the night
As it takes care of the it.
The time we get to rest
From problems
Much as they practically
Don't leave the mind.
Sleep in peace
But don't be taken
By the night.
sleeping late and waking up early,
when its night all noise turns calm
everything moderate
without a touch of a switch.
The natural habits say I love you
But here I am that  can’t afford the word
It’s high like the chief priests in the days of the synagogue
What can I have than less of tantrums of thy forbidden nature

Can a man not love no more - the preconditions let I never settle, thy heart roams

I have groomed my heart for the worst to be on the left when things are right
To laugh when I have to cry
So see me run for I am the beast love made

I like mayhems and taste of roaming in the gazette of me striding through what failed me
The once beaten twice shy worked not on me
the buster in me fled the castle of thinkers and soon reunited my ambitions to tip dance over what I hold as dreams
I am not a fighter but I scavenge anything in line of my progress worse than a Vulture on a hyena. Breathe in, you can’t take me on - loose the grip the world wickedness roams
whether hungry or satisfied
The face isn't tamed by a smile
Better to distinguish between
scary and ugly.
Being ugly isn't by choice
Being scary is personal

Those who prefer to roar than to talk
Their faces display their ages
And foreheads wrapped with wrinkles
soaked in sadness with pleasure
A true definition of misery.

A chemical addict
one who enjoys jik as juice.
pale faces with purple stretch marks
Good enough to keep enemies away
A face with a perfect answer "No"
swollen with grief though entitled
To no pension
The die hard of scenarios and
a culprit of death.
Inside I sat and sailed
Sat and swarm across
I made it to the far end
Through the deep end waves
As they moved front and back
I completed the mission.
I didn't need the wood across
The float of the sail I swarm
From shallow-deep to shallow
I wasn't a star, it was
Over the waves I sat
The wind and the moisture blew my eyes
No engine or floater
My hands alone to save.
They lived without honour
Courage was their guide
Spoke words that we speak
But theirs made a difference.
Buried with blood for their charisma
As a sacrifice for us to live.

A call for hero's and herein
For they portrayed efforts.
If their ghosts would return
Much than what is done would
Be achieved.
With little knowledge and resources
They served with wisdom
Their sweat declared freedom to us
For the development we have is the
Price of their life.

Death robbed them unawares
Washing their faces off the sun of the earth
Their absence is reflected with legacies
"Great efforts last forever" through what
You left soon to follow you.
Your journeys made before us, our destiny awaits
We pray you a happy reach
For what you left is the
Dance of the present
I wondered in the world
Lived by it's pleasure's
Drunk and Ate from it's finest offers
All were bitter than ignorance.
When I received you
I got a new life
With lifetime of treasures
With hope beyond despair
And complete love
I still wonder what
You loved about me
That you even died for me
My troubles made me breathless
Your glory restored my joy
I am saved by your righteousness
No longer of the earth
A blessed son of the Heavens
#salvation #Jesus
Dear Lord
I give you my hope and hopelessness
Turn my worries into a-joyous melody so I can dance away my pain and illusions
Pick me from my falls back to glorious walks of breathe amidst me in your band of praise
Teach me how to win with your unfailing Grace
Make me a chapter of blessings to everyone who opens a page in my life
Be my need away from all my wants
Make me float within your blessings eternity
Soak me in your precious blood so I may smell olives of your victorious resurrection
Abide in me and I in you
The sun shines bright even in the rain just like i want to shine with you in thin and thick.
The rain has no time but falls when it wishes like my love for you knows no time or place.
The clouds change colour but still give rain just like i may disappoint you but still will be there with and for you.
I maynt count thoughts & kisses but you can count on my love.
Maynt see you always but you run in my blood
As day gives light, so do i wish to in your life.
You're the flower I never had
Precious like the blood that bought my salvation
My heart is painted with your love
And your absence makes you more beautiful
For you who made me abstain from all habits
And i aborted all my fears and disbeliefs

Did I ever tell you you're raised in the
Billboard of my mind
As I see you in every single
Thing I do
I have buried my spects
To see no other and focus on a treasure
I bought when my heart was hunted by
I can't see the future but i feel your closeness
like the branches to the tree
Am planting a garden of Faith
Hope to stand over all calamities
Now that I found you
My thoughts were flooded to my body
My appetite went on vacation
And I act in Airplane mode
Infections have evaded my blood
Your name itches through my bones
My life is clotting,
The wind blew away my fears
Am soaking deep in you
That I even admire your  shadow .
My nights are longer than a week
As am possessed with you smiles
That sound like camera flashes.
Run after them for I need them back
They bare no clothes and walk lame
Injured by accidents 'my thoughts with bruses'
Trying to get to a train across the brain boarder
Soon jamming
They are pleased with us for we have won. And the story they know is a one paged letter over a theory of a hustler

What they see has captured them. Gossiping over drops of goals and blind to the liters of fortune

But we won right from ages. The toddlers that cried and drunk their pain to smile

The battles we have fought only the scars can tell. Each carry’s a book of tales in a soak of sweetened vinegar

Now the glow on my face gives them goose bumps

It wasn’t an overnight battle

My blood boils for success I haven’t touched yet many admire the grip of what’s at hand

I am a lame ***** with a straight mind, wrinkled wrists with a focused look

Ahem to like less for I am made of a future tamed by my bloodline of hustle, it’s so deep to be estimated so lucky to fail

Burry thy dynamite, the world blew me up at a young age. So no blasts tease my stand to win

I am made of more, much more that many in the a lot
straight from the looks you blaze
Your smiles speak Better than your inside
The clothes make my eyes jealousy,
No need for lingerie to amuse me
you're a spark of progress in my thoughts

I would fail an exam to design you
for your appearance is like a painted portrait
Equipped with a figure of life
All mountains and valleys on you
contours and all nature reserves

Each time I see am induced
For an action.
keep your distance for I may bladder
in thinking, not ready to stammer
Jumble lee
She wants me and in her heart dies for me

Nay her ego will last longer than she can look into my eyes

Her jealous speaks loudest when she eyes me smile to her own gender

So I let her know of what I feel though she kicked me away with her eyes.

I am now a free bird off to hunt for new catch for my catch has wings on her heart that can’t afford her to fly to me
Then whom shall we blame for the travelled journey that bore no fruits
These are borrowed words
That my tongue didn't have
I love them because they are sweet
They dig across the beauty of my intelligence
Am worn if I fail to say it kindly
Mamacita, wrap your hands around my waist
And make me your golden belt
In walking side by side
The world will approve

I forgive for being too beautiful
But not for robbing my senses
I whistle in Spanish
For am sentenced by your ways
It only functions as stated
Rarely does it give exergyoration
Serving the purpose of its formation
when you wish it cold, you have it
More active with hot temperatures
Not like a man who uses force
afraid of reasoning.
Shall we go to hide of the front and make love to light in darkness

Shall we crave to drink the water out of beer and turn drunkardness into dancing

Shall we sip of memories in every minute over your top and under your bottom

Shall our bodies rope up to the exclusion of coldness and delight in the merger

Shall sing mamcita my senorita and gamble over winning a lottery in getherness

Shall we puff to the air the smoke of the rich as we turn hustles into glamour

Shall Christmas bells find us with ding **** merrily kids and hence belows

Shall the stars outside darkness over the star inside of you
We shall’t neither shall we
Nor bow to the in tender cause of affliction
Nay side with you amidst a kowtow
We shall only watch but not see
Hear but not listen
Smile but not laugh
So we shall not nor note a knot of naughts
She wants too but doesn't know how?
She wishes too but knows not when?
She was desperate but lashes at wishes!
She meant to but fears for another choice*
She longs but the latter is better than the former;
She can but the future is blind in gesture than action
She will if Grace permits but her thoughts holds her capture
If she doesn't rush she'll capture
I didn’t choose to love you
Because I was lonely.
But I love you because I need you.
Even though I have worries,
Your cute smile washes all
Of them into laughter.
Despite my imperfect nature,
You chose to walk with me
Through all this.
It’s now our journey and
Not mine alone anymore.
My being with you was simplify because
my heart left me with No other option
Apart from being drowned in your love.
My stay with you is like having
A dream you never want to loose.
I have only planted grapes by the
Roadside because love is
A depot that spares no one.
What we started is like a coconut
Hard to crack but sweet in the inside.
I stay longer in hope, for am sure
Patience will put a crown
On our heads
Tell me what color emotions look like,
oh tell me the the taste of sound.
Tell me what idea smells like and
fore tell me  if the wind will shine my laughter #herdsmanofprogress
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