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Nov 2016 · 466
A Cork In It
Third Eye Candy Nov 2016
My lungs ***** at the air
As i plunge from sleep into the upper dream of waking life.
I shed the formality of my shallow coma
For the desperate climes of my striving ,
And surge the beach of lonesome
Brigadoons... Combing the frothy litter
Languishing along a stretch of forbidden

I assume the sand castles are unassailable
And write letters for a bottle
In my mind.
And cork the
Nov 2016 · 407
Third Eye Candy Nov 2016
My symbols are fluid now
Here , where my days ahead are less than
The many days I've left behind.
Chains are broken and knit into my wrists
As i reach for the stars bespoke my Zodiac
I summon a swarm of loose ends
That begin with Me
And cherish everlasting, the long braids of Summer;
now derelict in the shadow fallen-
Coiled into mortal frames
Resting on fishhooks
Above the pantry of my feast
Of Hours.

I long for the turn of the *****
And the hothouse Orchids of my dim horizon.
The carnal hope, throbbing in my skull
As i awaken the giants i have slain
For their off wit and plain speech.

I return to the calm in my cliffnotes
That capture the purity of my bewilderment
And the honest scope of my Heart.
I go wherever the charm is broken
And mend the Angels there
That have fallen.
I choose to Live. And serve the Dust
A Cup of Sea.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2016
mending the snow
has now become knitting white
to frost
as lost kingdoms navigate
from their obscurity -
hosting the hours of our doom
to decades of joy and inertia ...
even as you really love someone
on purpose... you forget

and all
is come undone !
from a kernel of honey
as ever was.
barking madly at false gods, while -
nipping at the heel of
Unhealing wounds...

all  havoc and have at It
where the true wrong
believes You.

a sting of happiness
dashed against the stubborn
fuss of tossed rocks.
the milk of shadow....
clawing at the way you forget
a glowing medallion
of aching wisdom

And henpecked stars  Henpecked.

a clutch of hit squad horseshoes, lucky in the dark.

the blue navel of a certain monotony
that jibes with your Apologies...
and a long Pause

A Lost -
Founding the Church
of a Lost

and every Wednesday in a Box
of course.

hurrah !
Oct 2016 · 573
The Rumor Of You
Third Eye Candy Oct 2016
where the void has
it's puppets...
the cartilage
of dead suns,
and the rumor of you

all the peculiar Rhombi
bedazzle the Waste
as long shadows
fold into crashing
waves of
noise... and split seams
mend your reflection
as you gather to yourself
the whole of Creation
to microscope the dot
above your
Oct 2016 · 385
Surgery Is A Penny
Third Eye Candy Oct 2016
Surgery Is A Penny

Surgery is a penny that you spend on a far shore
with your coconuts in a vice but your sunsets like molasses
and magma... your begonias, black and burly -
swollen with the kind of life -
that could fell an Elephant
in a dark room.

Like a pin in a cricket.

you have questions, but the hole in your pocket
is the answer... swallowing the currency of your Soul
with Clarity.
the forceps are walls festooned with Ivy
ever marching over your gaping wound.
and all the Curiosity that fanned the flames
of your ardor; pulls the plug
as the ghost in the machine
draws a breath
with  zero

For One.
Sep 2016 · 312
Tumbolia On My Breath
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
even now the glorious juniper sprawls in the

damp new haze and shimmers in confusion of

beauty, entangled in the muted coil of

excellence, drowsy eruption of uncanny

perfection so early in the morning , more

brilliant than rapture of shark bite, blush

awakening flush with stars in terrible flights of

blundering awe jamming a kiss down your soul

at the speed of such mornings....capsized

again in the seeming and wonderflux, anointed

in the palm of a dim shard of what the **** ?

even now the glorious bloom of dizzy life is half

an hour's drive

from how we live.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
thing of beauty must
be deployed
In our blue we have our grey
and these days, we have our nights
we aspirate cyanide to untie the blight of our last glut of sharp knives
you choose cruel lugers from your armory. you leave
your lead in me,
we shoot from the hip or blast mad laughter in caverns of rotten.
I croak a **** of lungs you clot
and never do we charm a lot;
we’d rather our druthers be other words that ****
words that abandon blood troubles for ill will.
our love, hates still.

a thing of beauty must be deployed.

In our blue
we have our days. and that grey, is parched
no matter the threat
of rain.
we last and fade, grasping at straw suns
with moon fingers
as we may.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
i may bleed for you, but you have too...
i mean, by that... we have wars spinning wounds within us
before we let another, havoc our tranquilities -
before the heat of glowing brands have risen from the hot coals
of your dove wet eyes... Yea, i may be stammering -
but my murmurations maroon the realities of lost conviction
and in my place stands my name on a hard target.
i may bleed for you, but you have too...
you're slow in the woods where briar lurks on rat feet.
and it always rains
you go
to the

i bleed,
when you go
to the
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
when the kettle shrieks, for soothing green tea -
and the autumnal hum of the orange-yellow leaves of a sycamore
skedaddle in rust sparks across brown lawns with pink flamingos
lobbing their profiles through the Iris of blank stares...
like a field of poppies screaming anthems to ******
down a drain pipe...

when the kettle snipes at the supremacy of an eventual Silence -
that comes after the snow has hushed the rabies of our hustling tribes.
when it barks in the glint before attention span is wide enough to grasp it... when it's lodged in your throat
way back, behind the winds of your vexation... There !
breathing-in the Last Thing to ever make sense
and squandering the calm before a storm
for the lightning strike of a fresh ****
of an old

be the very first to listen to your tea.
Sep 2016 · 493
The Logic of Delirium
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
dial back on the brain
when Whistling Heart
is flirting gobsmacked with actual flesh...
mute the raven bots
in your
Rorschach Blots -
and mop the stars with your blood, all through the Winter
of your Inferno; Lost in the Volume of your own Eye...
kindly stalking the unicorn in the mundane spots
where the Earth lay clod, and fossil amid the mysteries
surrounding it's God...

but never So Open minded.

so evenly
at Odds.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
we made love on grass with toes
dangling in rich cream
to better churn the milk
of human kindness.

then we stopped.
Sep 2016 · 490
Loving You In Spite Of You
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
morning came very early... like a graduate class.
it dispelled the notion of a snowflake's last Will and Testament
gilding the nettles, where the berries were plump and deep virility
nesting in the fearsome spines of an Urchin
of such Symmetry, that your medallions
become clay; and your Heart is restored
to fullest Rage... where a lark Once donned the Umbral Crown
of a yellow Sun.... Now morning came early in the dark
stealing your revisions from the very skull
of your Mind's Meme. from the skull you etch your herds
Of Bison... some figure with a spear
plunging deeply into the
'Side Joke.

You are Purchased
for a thimble of blood from a white Turnip !
and returned to the Parties, gargling rainbows and leprosy...
chafing the Beauty of a grog of distilled amnesias in a perfect Assumption... grooming our prayers for higher education
via fresh Hells and chipping away, always away, at the ****** Windows !
shards of a slightly opened view to a backyard
over a sink in your feelings, where you cup your hands
and splash a bracing revelation from a cool spring
Sprung from a pipe that runs Under the House, in the Dirt's dirt....
There in the gut of where
You call your Self
by Your

like a lamb in a lion's mouth
sharing the spoils of sacrifice
as well the lethality
of a Conviction's breach. you groom the best oblivions
running a comb through your Beached Whale.
all the blubber for your candles lit !
to better gloom the room's dark harmony, with all the Irony
Intact. but never the reason
you seldom
spat at Kites -
until the Wind bit your nose
in December...
because you never found a scarf
to match the disappointment in your
imagined eyes
as seen through the crease of your profile,
squinting at pixies
and marsh fires.... loving you in spite of you
is the every day horror of discrete epiphanies
that lead only to a grave of fireflies
and stray orphans from a clutch
of messenger pigeons... painted to look like wisps -
of no more than a grain of shadow...
with feathers so soft they perish
as you tremble your touch... groping the fragile wings
of a robot's grip on soaring metaphors... a frantic sort of hazy.
connections where the frost burns
your navel -
while basking in the

like a peach in a lightning bolt... fermenting in Plato's Cave
bargaining the Mahjong for the Google Map -
to your very next departure.
" Living the Glimpse " is what they call it,
back at Rocco's Bar.
you never drink for free but never pay for the miles you weep
with the tears you keep.
you make a Living Wage... and part with your loot.
and the bourbon back.
limestone heartaches merely caverns
where you least expect to see your Self
cavorting in the dark
with the

You Beam Down to Look Up.

most of your amulets are barnacles
but you Sea just fine.

roving the volume of an Emptiness
with flint and a raincloud
by design.

preaching to a Flame about
an Iceberg god
that never Fell a Tree
to set ablaze.

you are never seen again if you catch the bus...

and nothing else happens
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
As the sky is removed from my feet
Be Good. And notice how the world remains unoccupied
however you manifest your Destiny... at best you get
Colonized by a Hoard of pure nonsense, with your own petard
hoisting the very Circus Tent of your Memoirs
and the footnotes we are actually
Plus the stars crossed and lost teeth...
a brute force merigold in a plucked grief
chiseled from the Bedrock of god's blunders
as we torment the perpetual Enigma
How we insist upon the faculty
without Divine consent ! we plunder the lumbering atoms
of our daily bread... salting the rim of sleep
couched in the misery of our very little Joys
while cursing Angels that fall on swordplay
and The Play is the very thing
your Father warned you
an uttering to con you from your bliss -
to best entangle the witchcraft of your sundered Love
and the shriveled thing your heart craved
when it was Good Night.
But nothing left
to **** a mocking  

the martial art of winding up somewhere
you mastered long before you noticed
and you were


just before you arrived to get the shivers
thinking this had just ( recurred )

Just Now.
Sep 2016 · 293
Third Eye Candy Sep 2016
the moon-baked meadows
of our
extravagant loss
are fraught with tatters
and ambulant moss; they *****
where the grooves loose the krakens that bark
at buffoons -
and old dust bins that teeter in the
undulant dark -
cul-de-sacs and withered hearts; departed from
some hell, too -
for wicker men with eggs
and rain
that barter when to keep

give what
ought be

at bay

as any errant
that may

may well be kept
a placid

in a pool of night
for days... and days
and days.
Third Eye Candy May 2016
i put you in a box
and never laugh. i just sing
your wet tongue to the heavens
as I ***** for the right
to kiss
a mystery
that has refused
my box.

i cling to stars that have
your name....
like a man that has no wolf
in his veins
save the desperation
of my ***
sinking into oblivion
as i mark

as i pass
for Human

i come undone,
but stitch the tatters
to the realm of gone things
like a kite
on the moon
waiting for a breeze
to define the world
that has no sea
to justify
a shipwreck.

i go where
my lungs are not breathing
to atone for my breathing
and squander all my lovely things
upon the gaping maw
of my empty dreams.
I pour myself into another
like a happy fool
but emerge
from shadows
I keep from my longing heart
to have at

and that will do.
Third Eye Candy May 2016
i cannot see
so far as you, with your eyes closed
but I can see deeper.
for all the puddles in a puff of smoke
i can divine a wisp
of change.

we keep our keepsakes unkempt.
but the joy of having nothing to declare
wanes against the majesty
of having something to love...
and woe
to the one
that has two hearts at war within them.
for they are the King's Fool

that suicides
for a falsehood
of an empty
of a real

to be dead
'cause all is


we began in a park of ducks and overgreen water.
clutching the other with our sweaty palms
and clunky charms.
masters of shy novas...
we were swept away into the furnace of our
distant proximities.
burning next to the other, like burning things
burning things
for all reasons.

we were lovely at that.


i would trade a lifetime of a day
to have a night with you again.
to parade the yonder reaches
of our infantile
to comb the distant hemispheres
of our reckless.

i would die to
be breathless again
in the hollow we have perched
so many moons in,
I would have your small hands
forgive me
for all my
May 2016 · 967
Third Eye Candy May 2016
The scent of you on my hand and lips
lingers in my dream and limps
through my every day,
I am consumed as I resume my dull way
through the heart of an indifferent

it was like mars had lips to speak of us....
last we met wetly and the Earth moved
from the hole I'd chosen to die in.
we were both of Us
tying to come about
from a dim luck... as we ******
at each other's rust
where our steel was frost and numb
but our towers gleamed young
and less ridiculous
than a close shave
in a black room

too beautiful
to refuse a sun
too small to be a star
and yet too huge
to be


It was a Wednesday
when our Tuesday asked
for Tomorrow

We lacked the skill to atone
for our fumbling
but conjured our errant will.
you had smoke in your dark brown eyes
and I had both eyes
on your wanton thighs...
we clamored toward Utopia
clutching no heavenly thing
save our fire
in Ice.


Lately,you seem one with the gone swans.
and I know how they forage thru unforgivable

but the scent of you lingers on my fingertips
Like a long dawn.

A sunset, upset...
where the light keeps
every dark

and all the rest
Third Eye Candy May 2016
After several days, the boys stopped laughing
at the girls with spoken words and pondered
the words... the silences in between caught up
with them -
and strangled their preconceived notions
It broke
their Lincoln Logs into peaches
and wet noodles. they were flummoxed...
and amusing
to brick walls made of dull

and mermaids.

the scorpions did not sting
that day.

but rather...
they paused in midair
with their sharp tails flicking
with random poison pooling at the tip
of a billion sharp swabs
of sleep.
their dreams were filled with anchors
and mud suns... They bore into the weevils
of their own minds
and resurfaced as male
but clumped together in a heap
of shuddering.

but less stupid.

Like egg in my pond and a shell
for my skin
i gather where the yolk is laughing best
because the joke is known as a jewel
not a prank. I swim to shore...
not for fear of the deep, but for the lack of women
in my whirlpool, telling me everything
is Life.

for They live on the Beach.

Between the mainland
and the Void
like shepherds with *******.
They've already guessed
Our fears
and whistle gold from brass clouds
like snow.
We long for the eulogy of our relentless
stones... and long to succumb
to what is seen
with a Heart.

Not what is known
with a Lie.
May 2016 · 495
Silver Bullets For Mud
Third Eye Candy May 2016
My America is slipping from my heresy.
It has no bluejay and blunders 'tween the hook in the sky
and the rod in my hand
jiggling for dumb stars
that have it all
but the fish
I don't believe in.

I have silver bullets for a beast in me
but can;t seem to love something'
while I'm suspended
in moonshine.
like mud punching
through a solid heart
and what means more
cannot be a curse
in my palm.

Only forever has a price
that consumes the merchant
and only the famished
feast upon the dust
of a soft
May 2016 · 344
Boys Are Slow Beasts
Third Eye Candy May 2016
There's a stone around my leg.

It was like the summer had no road that lead to a lesser sun.
we strolled through the birth of the world
murdering calm with our chat
and slept beneath pecan trees with lazy gnats
for clouds... summoning snow
for our deep reveries... while holding hands
like pirates that love better now
than then... but I'm remembering how we were.
thick in my head
like a slow beast
whose harp is enchanted
and whose days
are the minutes
i confused.
May 2016 · 373
Hit, Hit, Hit
Third Eye Candy May 2016
We come to blows
but never come
Even when we ***
we dissolve
and thanks for asking...
we die at the end
but live too long
to not be

is how we arrive
and the coin of the realm
is maybe.

and Maybe You Love me
but Nothing
has thorns
like Something has
a Reason

that makes no **** sense
at all.
May 2016 · 437
Splinter In A Star
Third Eye Candy May 2016
now and be done
with awful things
that love not
enough .
rain that falls
for the first drought
that it slept

and be the
unwounded wound
with me !
your stitch in a clot
of lost blood and skin
selves  -
brooding  enchantment

an almighty
A fruit fly winking in
a black nectar
Holiday... of Loving Another
Come what

We're like a splinter in a Star !
an undone knot of unraveled harm !
We are mostly lovely and haunted
where our plasma bluffs in our veins...
We can't explain the cruelty
of gentle goodbyes
but  forgive the mercy of Hells
as a last resort
to a first

we barely dreamt
Third Eye Candy May 2016
the jewels on your ruby lips are pale
and the sundering of all earthly pleasures
wane as I wax into impotence and null frames...
I join the ghosts of our habit
and clown around the Maypole
like a  Fool.... Nothing deters me from being
broken and unrequited and self abused.
your skin is lovely.
And yes... I remember the solemn vows
of Our intimate embrace.... But am I the only one
who would return to our hurricane
without preaching the Fifth.
I am ready and able to unload a Jupiter
of raw Lust and Kismet.
Are you ready to consume me ?
as I walk fire ?

As I approach you
to appease so many stupidities ?

God knows nothing but sharp sticks
and Halos.... As -
Human love knows nothing
But The One We Love....

and the yellow
in Midnight
May 2016 · 941
Born Where The Echoes Stop
Third Eye Candy May 2016
True North plummets into my Southpaw
and I swing and miss the gum locked teeth of my Grendel
I waste a day, heaving toward my monster
to gain a moment.
The numb rest...
plucking strategies from a tablet
of fisticuffs and Dragons
of my own resort...
soaring over Hells
as I succumb to the likes
Of You.

Born where the Echoes Stop...
I start a new song
where deaf birds
recite my longing

and as blind
I have the
May 2016 · 336
This House Is On Fire
Third Eye Candy May 2016
You cannot drink my stones.
you can only hate me the way you do.
your loud flowers
have their steam and bees
as my glum trumpets bark fog


This house is on fire.
This house is on stilts of clay
and brick mist.
This house is in flames
that have no devils to accuse
only hell's breath at rest
in our mouths
and the joke

This house
in on fire, my love... so -
long live the thing that expires
for no reason
save weakness and bald

This house is truant
and too mean -
to sustain a lush
It barters no

for the one
that pleads abandon
but rather
comes undone
where our knees
from unanswered
prayers -
that our gardens
with sheer beauty

and Nothing.
Apr 2016 · 323
Love Is The Long Night
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
Love is the long night
of alabaster charms in flint spark and aspic.
the tool of the swarm
that is the mind. and a virtue dark
in aspect.
love is the long night
of a windswept stillness. a dull fang in a blood trench.
the tool of a harm done.
that is the ' why ', and dumb luck -
of it all...
a small lurch from a daisy tomb
with bells on.
a chorus of humble giants
shrieking whispers
where the wind is swept away
into the void
As all voice is bluntly mute
on the stone tongues
of our golem
of joy -


we'd have more Love
but for the

having bruised
the perfect,


but nothing kills like giving All
and regretting
Apr 2016 · 278
Not Another Word
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
Not another word
keeps time so deep.
how another joy
fails, love speaks...
gone into the wound
the healing murk
of sleep
drives a nail into
the navel of
a long


another star for your own
before you bleed.
set the fires you must keep
where you camp
in dust.
draw the hard spun truth
from your bow.
nock the arrow for your cupid
and just let
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
I know
how you work
even as you keep it to yourself.
I have no fantasies
only a train of well thought
and pure reality.
Much unlike your feverish  
doubts, regarding my sincerity
I have never kept another
at my backdoor
to retrieve when you lost your ****
to numb the gap between Us
all the more,
I certainly lied about my ghosts
but haunted as I am
You are haunted

And I  have nothing
more to claim
As a man in love
with you
but not even a You, at your best.
but, the You I found
failing to

Your self preservation
is remarkable, regardless !
It tells you it's ok to make
me gone,
And fall back to an undone lover
to patch your groin from
a hollow patch.

However less good he may have  been
all is forgiven
but no forgiveness  for me....
you exalt him, after i have truly
bent my world
to serve you...
and your offspring.

even though
I chose to abandon
my nature for your sake
He lays claim
to your bed and plush thighs
because it suits you
to have him -
and now he
mounts you, now and again
because he's the devil
you know

even though
he vanished
when it really
like summer

but i was there,

with my problems
that your
had a problem

and i don't have a car
for a ****.
just a heart
to trick.
Apr 2016 · 523
Astrology Trouble
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
Cassiopeia trumps
a lump in the
The story of how a Chinese Princess
warped a hound
into a toy
wrinkles your porcelain; it drowns
in sunshine.


tomorrow comes like a lost fiend.
but up above, all the reasons for calamity
gather and drum.
long slits in the noose record the rope
*that short-sheets the bedlam.
but nothing is as gorgeous
as an ugly

and I'm a Scorpio.

So now you
Apr 2016 · 913
I Moved To Africa
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
I moved to Africa... and

now i have my ghost swahili
discretely... my skin, too white to be
a lion's grunt. But I serve no wildebeest
on two legs.

I love the broken yurts and the falls of Victoria.

I come from where we all come from.

And having arrived
I love best the world
from where I've
Apr 2016 · 351
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
and allow me to escort you
to the books i have not burned
and the brass knobs
that grace the doors to rooms
disavowed but unpurged.
Deign to follow me
up the winding stairs...
into the pale blue,
where a lesser god has yearned
for the last spawn
of our displaced doom...
where the clouds merge
with every stone
the eye seeks.

but the river

and allow me to conjure
Love as a feast and a Season.
grant me your Faith
and believe that all leaving
is a way to return
Brave the hallmarks
of our awkward way, and go
along the path i tread.
i will keep you steady... adorned
in peace...
and draped in early

Apr 2016 · 658
Summer Has No Star
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
The rude clip of Spring and it's gaggle of chirping frogs
gloat in the amiable parish of poesies and greening lawns.
Yawning daylight; scrapes away at the bleak -
features of Evening ... and coursing through the veins -
of every swan... a Ballet.
At night, the fog is lifted ironically. by two numb hands.
as two eyes peer into the heavenly
to hear it speak it's astronomy... down

Down where we crawl
for stars of our own... dredging hope
from dead wellsprings.
and plundering

All Day.
Apr 2016 · 1.8k
A Cluster Of Diaspora
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
Leaving the windows open
and the miles the same
as black waters curl
between our southern toes.
The long way to you
is engorged with short speech
and our blathering tongues
well versed in ******

We are not without design.
but we assume the worst, regardless...
farm our beetles to the sticking place
and etch firebrands in orchids
lording over under-frost
and deplorable

we grieve as we ****** shame
from the wick of burning candles...
at both Ends.
our every scandal, more luscious
than desolation would have
Us both.
we choke on the plumes
of our disconnect
and close our

And leave again
Love's Ghost.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
our bed devours
is only Ours
and the night
sinks -

into our
hot skin, cooling moonbeams
that glaze your thighs
as our limbs
fetch the
from our last drab

moisten the burl
of our Life's
as we lay planted

I see
the furthest world
from the
depths between...

Betwixt  -
Haunting of Ourselves
and a wet
Apr 2016 · 512
Angels At Rest In Tired Fun
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
the glib torrents of genuine mockeries
parade and diffuse.
i hang my hat on dull knobs and soldier on
to an empty room, with my bells numb
and my prayers mute.
we are the joyous noise, risen from a grave tune.
but we have our hours locked in minutes
that expire to amuse a few.
perhaps the angels know the jest of it
but remain removed.
having seen it all before, at rest in tired fun
they muse.
Apr 2016 · 1.5k
Confessions Of A Hope Fiend
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
If Love is shorthand
for Fool...
I have no
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
As the world ends, your little feet greet me twitching.
They curl and unfurl like kite strings and piglets.
So soft... where the pads fall... but so sharp
where the nails grip
for dear life.... And -
I just lay there and let you.
I take what your dreams flinch
against my skin
and bear the wait for your awakening
so that we may make
love again.

I watch.

I watch you whimper in deep gone...
As You break waves
against me, As I imagine I -
Must do
when your eyes
cannot close
and the night ticks cumbersome...
and shallow -

the promise of somnolence
after a long day's toil
Long gone...

Anxiety for Breakfast

Or my helplessness
For Love.

But Our Song.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
Sleeping with a full head
i get to wake-up down, and just drone.
The harmonies that gather my teeth
to the bit... are wild melodies that insist
you never loved me enough
to see Us through It.

Down where it counts
It amounts to nothing but a negative wish.
A sublime rendition of a fresh Hell
and a golden carp to haggle with.
The Herrings are red
but the sutures are no ordinary surgeon's hook.
we lace our wings to the bleak grief
of impending kisses
and have our way
with the phantoms
of gross

Long Live The Thing !

We recoup our loss by estranging
the legacy of our near miss
from the intimate lull of our unbehaved
we join the hunt but rest in fell trees
as our foxes run.... and gather what moss
may lay upon such cold

We are the first among equals
that divest from a whole sum.

we are the last to be anointed happy
in the sad .

and enjoy none.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
the grass, leaning in the south wind , seeming
as if emeralds,   had sent tendrils up
to suckle at the yellow breast, now,   high above     inflamed...
over soft new grass  
strands of green gemstone,
as delicate as humming-bird tongues
teasing nectar
from a titan,
in the sky
triumphant in the void,
a golden bead in the baffling blue !
cattails, curling in sway...and two brown eyes bob upon the surface
of a myriad fertilities.
as if
nature itself had known, one day
a poet would come ~
to roam the rambling renascence of these remote ramparts
in awesome humility ~ and so prepared
a path afflux
that ambled near

and yes !

an anonymous nomad
with nicotine skin and a scabbard of scandalous quills
would indeed
stumble in    as if returning home
to a mansion restored to glory
and seraphic randomness....
a place
              that in youth, sustained a quiet, soulful troubadour
              by gospels of granite and grain,  grass finch
              and faun - ennobling an oracle ... but now
              enticed a scholar  from his cot
              to jot ephemera
              of outlasting spark
              before dark-fall

and so... there
amid all allurement   and soft machines

              a word-smith gathered
              poesy and prose.
              this one served
              an invisible

              of unsurpassed virility
              who charms       kaleidoscopes
              with  offhand sketches    
              a landfill
              a basket weaver,  
              that unravels to
              achieve pure
              a wineskin was decanted in dianthus and hollies -
              as ampules of anagrams
              were sold unscrambled, to dyslexics
              without hope
              a falcon   frolicked above the lowborn lilies...  
              with eyes  
              too keen
              to see a
              as the hand
              of god
              or a vole
              as a lifeline
              on his
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
I'd like to be buried in a pearl.... Before Time -
Had marched  my tongue to it's grave stillness
and the whole of the air gave way
to the hole in the Sky... a more private light
giving way to a secret speech
that all withering cannot halt, for all the horses
of such darkness... just always a shrill peep
in the empty nest.

Eggshells and null.

If I had my way, I would find it
amongst the wayward
and the dizzy.
go familiar toward the Unknown Heart
of the Most Broken, but dream oblivions
no other aching wound could mutter.
My eyes swollen with night-shine
as a billion oracles
fumble in the clutter of daylight
where your name is the last sermon
to dupe a true fool
of Paradise.
I would be the one thing that loved
well enough to come undone
when the hearth fell away from the flue
and left unchristened our remorsals
for a crust of lightning and just a pinch
of rue.
I would be more than that and them some.
But never less than innocent...
having sinned too much
to understand it
to not love

If Nothing were Nothing at all
I would stand at the center of two poles...
Incandescent....  the spent jewels
of true love and contempt
suspended in the murk of Time
polished to absentia !
There would be Gone and more Gone
and then there would be
all affection waned.
And the waxing of a Void
that has a place
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
killing the sting is like killing me.
but the true love of a long gone is a near miss
weeping... and a truant mystery.
how late are the bells ? for whom do you ring ?
are you asking for God to forgive you
or telling yourself absolutely nothing ?

your skin is the wrong place to have your soul in.
it doesn't matter if you breathe -
it only matters that you leave room for a casket.

have a question ?
then ask it; but never choose a god
that has answers.

they have antlers.
you won't like

it is common to be undone and so we whittle reeds
to form totems. we join hip bones to wrists
and resist the fathoms of our reach.
but love has done a trick
that can't be named, and the swirl of our constant yearning
has no peace.

there's only one one way to remember to forget
and that way is less
than free.

be the one that has a joy
that love cannot
Apr 2016 · 969
Love Mummies
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
we have our tongues wrapped
around things
we cannot
we have but to open a door.
but that's lost
all meaning.

you keep your secrets.
but keep them very loudly...
you're always choking on
whatever it is
you really think about
Third Eye Candy Apr 2016
so you have a wolf inside
and you've never had a toothache in your life
but you keep tomorrow's sun at bay, moon fiendish in the twilight of a lack of grace.
you harbor hope. you pool blood in the atmosphere like shards of glass
that never forgets.
i know you by the star in your hand, but you never look me in the eye
when you deny it.

were just moving furniture.
Dedicated to my Love.... Rene
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
i took the time to make a sandwich.

frail mastodons were creaking through the heather of our mattress
every one, an actress phoning in the last line of a mass migration
a herd of disingenuous rats, cackled slovenly
over hillocks of your dale.... on occasion -

pale thunder comes, speaking drivel in the weather of your hapless
scary nuns, in mad habits, draconian; rabid blasts in stasis
disturbed. fiendish hats, ****** almondine
over black walnuts; rather roam the hells... like an alien
than love someone
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
my love,
you have nothing to fear
save the fear you
and the beast behind you
with your name
on it's tongue
like a thumb
in a ****.

you have me
at my very worst of late
as well as my conjuring of a better man
than I.
the sorceries of introspection
and my lucid inner

your pigeon holes are raven squares
storming a brilliant darkness
that has but one pair
of lost souls.
and nothing else to

you fit where
the war has a peace
as our worlds collapse in
and the narrow luxury to mourn the death
of such a wish
from such a
heart... with it's own

we roost in the empty caverns
of our needless fight
and humble none the shadows there
that troglodyte.

i love you more than all of this
and pray the same
you might.

i wish upon a star that fell
and found it
in your

and yes I know
I know, I know.... I know
it fell from
Dedicated to Onwona Rene. Forever.
Mar 2016 · 455
how unkind are we ?
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
how unkind are we ? now that the meteors are in hand
and the grinding gears of the rain
have chiseled a new sun
from our rib cage ?
how do we proceed with our atoms ?
gritting our teeth against the migraines of sand
in our dark eyes... lumbering toward
some awful truth that spells love
in blood

on a splinter.
Mar 2016 · 398
Vircapio Gale
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
to trouble you with the miniscule trite and frisk your pockets for lint is to be not a one of mine. to clink through the fetid grub of dull seizures of myopic introspection to surface upon the surface with a fist full of tears and mockery, i am not the one. to find you at your post; a rarefied glint of true steel and reed... swinging from the rafters of no heaven imagined; rejoicing in the brisk sting of too much life, i must find you. a fellow acrobat. happy must i be to close the open circle of our revolution. to orbit closer to the voidling that matters more than smoke. my friend.
Mar 2016 · 579
Devastation In English
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
cool flames
on the flower darken the bloom
where the impending hallelujahs
are merely a whoop in the
we castigate the vigor of evils
as they prosper  from our flight,
and misread the graffito
on the holy wall
of Night.

your phantoms like you -
choose your friends... but never love
a wonderment. be calm in all
the doings there
that hang your head
in constant

be kind
to all the angels
in your gallery of
rusted prayers.
and dabble just a bit
in much deeper
than Poetry.


is the form you take
from a ghost,
a complete fiend
half empty, on the cusp
of a raw deal. a blue blight
that has it's engines
revving the clutch
of every plight.

new eden
for the hell we're in
to accomplish
less than

to keep it all suspended
in the miracle
Mar 2016 · 316
Stars Are Like Guess
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
there's always more. but to neutralize the green tea
you must have the cup half empty
where the full stop goes on
and on.
where the worst things gather moss
and you trace the heel of a boot
to your skull
back to the kick
of a mule.

the stars are like guess
and the space between questions
like now.

the very very thing that conjured you
is a motive candle
with no crime.

just a scene in a black room

and a numb

Mar 2016 · 367
Outlasting The Everlasting
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
it's a cheap trick
to build our castles
where the kissing bugs sleep with the enemy...
with the victim's eyes
as the long odds short the till
and purchase the promise
of dead

grow up, so fast
those tiny gods, that have no clergy
save the possessed bludgeons
that hammer the youth
of our long dead
it's not how we sit here
and lose our minds
as much as we sing fear to the sun
of our midnight
as much as we cloy in the murk
of our undone song...

simpletons all

in the complication
of the Truth.


three cheers
for nearly loving enough.
outlasting the everlasting-

deployed tangents of our

cool rigor of judgement
stripping the stars from our mantle
like a knife steals a perfect skin
from a hostage.
a blot on the

where the revelations
are breathless
but your bible, an unclean wicked.
a spotless god
of grief
a hammer
you fell for

And a Love
You Loved

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