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Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
Keep your keeping where i can see it.
i will let you know i've had enough charlatan
when my eyes break from trying you.
I retreat and advance.
but that is the pattern of unspoken people.
the web of your truth is the ladder
that ascends to the bottom
of all glorious

but me.

I am the duke of dead blocks.
i live here, chaffing windmills and knots.
i slum the cheerful. go where the going
is more gone....
If nothing happens, I can't be here.
but if you do
i must love

I plot my course
through -
like a whale with no song.
just a hunting party
dismissed for the weather
and the wrong
Mar 2016 · 574
Love's Lethal Holiday
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
Loves lethal holiday begins as a warp in the sun
and cavitates into an awkward bloom
of shameful spikes and encrusted heirlooms.
it bores into the center of not being a man
and sings the abattoir
of such cattle
as a loving


forgive me if I cannot hate myself today.
been too long entrenched in the marvel
of loving too much
the very thing
to ****


it goes without saying
and is thusly said.

we have our hour to be Beautiful
and our Eternity
to dread*.
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
The Myth Of Mangoes
Third Eye Candy Mar 2016
Like a pin on a spike
the dim light creaks dull bright
and fungus glums in the 'tween
as it might... and a yearling takes a day
to bring about the long, wrong night
as amber drools
from the lungs
of a stunted

wind is an idiot
pruning the sun
from a

how we talk in the interim
is nuts, but the lust
it grooms the pollution, and yes
it threatens the fresh blood
of our last regrets.

but... yes

fathom the windmills
of our mangoes
as a fruit -

some other joy that -
has a boy gone
more less

crease the wrinkle
in your starlight
to moon  

if not to
Feb 2016 · 707
The Damnation Game
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
beneath the weight. the waiting and the ever churning grief.
however changed in my human skin
still too human for a civil tongue, too unforgiven to go a day
without persecution.
cloaked in new love's grace, with an ardent heart

and yet unclean... i embark to scale the impossible wall.

and what burns me down
is what i love.
it holds no water in the riverbed
that leads to the Truth
of Me.


this weary soul crawls on hands and knees
until it stands and screams, " i have not done thee harm this very day ! "
splayed beneath the grim shadow of a mutilated intention
driven out and whipped like an unrepentant fool
to the slaughterhouse of your constant doubt
and haste to take offense.

there is no safety to love freely and at ease.
only the vigilance of a paranoid -
love-sick as a sick dog
choking on a crust of

never allowed to rise from the dust i have forsaken
for true love to love thee more.
never allowed the grace of a lapse in my perfection
for perfection is the prerequisite for true forgiveness
in a war with a wounded angel.

so I remain
too human for love.
too human
to not be condemned

ever the man on his knees
praying to a spiteful thorn
in his side.

never worthy.  never saved*.
Dedicated to a collision of souls, in a vacuum...
Feb 2016 · 479
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
i seek it everywhere. i go long nights into high noon
with my pruning shears and my audacity, to snip blooms
from the moon's fist and shadows from my chafe heel...
clamoring over sharp stones and soft clods of moss sod
unwavering. unassailable and unmatched.
i grasp the happy dream by the mane of it's night-mare
and ride her through the marsh and bog.
i greet the day with a handful of blue lemons
and toss them into the wishing well
along with last year's eyes that saw you leave me
for the spit of a camel on an iceberg*.

and ennui go.
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
The Vertical Carousel
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
my house shoes shuffle my gait across linoleum earth
and a thin layer of bisquick and dander. last night's raid
on the larder and this morning's coffee quest, collide
in the long slant shadows of a slow moving star, on the rise
like a yellow souffle with a nuclear heart.
i imagine a vertical carousel, grinding 'round the house
of my muffins and octane. dragging pin lights and globes
over the horizon... marching an infinite parade of other worlds
above my crust of stone and blue oceans, crashing a thousand miles
from my domain... i envision the void on a string of pearls
and deep sea horses galloping 'cross the gap...
i toss sugar into a ceramic misadventure from the state fair
and sip remarkable from the lip
of space. and consume*.
Feb 2016 · 376
that rain in your skull
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
soup thin the wind and the telescope now.
you have no discernible soul. just a parlor trick -
and a moon gone fishing.

the withering is how we contain the accident
the cold front is massive and we have no gears
to run the fables -
that our stars

keep to the wisp in your spleen,
sink teeth only in starlight
and red snow.

that rain in your skull
is the aftermath
of a private

and there is no telling
laughter, why it
I Love you, Dark Ice...
Feb 2016 · 634
You And You
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
new days come one at a time
tumbling over so many ruins
and the polished stones gleam
underfoot now, where once lay
terrible weapons to sling.
now gone, every sting.

the clouds part daily and the moon slips through heaven
on a wave of your plump lips, as they kiss me.
i dream again, of You and You...
and only You
as the Sun.
Feb 2016 · 451
A Crush On Everything
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
At Depth
Only Love can breathe
and make more

Any word that
says it all

Made you...

Made You
Out of Echoes
when the Universe
had no walls
and no
idea who
was always tossing stars
over the Fence
and never asking
for them

but that
was when the Universe
was young
And believing in Fences
was nuts

You were -
made from Echoes
that Understood the Mind
Of The First

from echoes
happy to discover
where all the stars
had landed.

Stars thought

Stars, the neighbor's only child -
From an Unimaginable

over our Precocious

into my
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
our tongues will regret yet, the very things we really mean.
before breakfast. rough tongues of the young, too thick to stick a pin
in sorrows with subtext, are not our tongues. we are not, not gone.
we are less than really here; right now. you live out of clouds
around the bend. if you intend to sleep as deep as that, then keep
the keys to the chariot, but lose this address.
i know butterflies that hate you.
these are butterflies
you have never met...
and yet
a fret of miles gain an inch in hell. our tongues tell best, of very ordinary means
by which we end, less. we drone. our own pun; a neat trick we keep.
with love, borrowed. a mock debt; a storm-front of rain-checks
feather our deranged nest. akin to soft sins;
if not wrong, not quite right yet. small crimes.
we will do no time well spent,
any favours.
our clocks are dark.
why mark day one ? and do tell, how so ?
as you know, our sunset
is infinite.
i know stars that hate the night. these stars are deep, so by 'night', meant, 'the night
of our eyes' that by design, no star has ever been -
that did not flee for fear of it.
our night is unkind.
love tortured it. love built stars, painted black. never lit.
decoys, hell-bent in heaven's grip to ******* a flock
of lost angels, locked
in free-fall. our night the basement floor
of all descent.
what stars call ' the bottom of the bottomless'.
we call 'a great place to paint stars black'

since when, do we not live, and not live to regret ?
our sharp minds are unkempt, but the truth did this.
our lies were tailored, so **** fit. smokescreen jacket, 100% smoke.
double stitched.
that camouflage camisole  ? pure silk.
somewhere, a web of deceit
is telling a fly
about a hot librarian
with black wings.

with your face.

good with scissors.

she wove a façade with her heart in her left hand, behind her back. this heart wept.
these lies found god. when their faith increased their number...
god was family.

i knew    that would make you laugh.

i didn't know laughter could ask for asylum.

this will be dealt with. our games are serious spirals.

our vendettas our enigmas.
our humor; inscrutable.
our telepathy
is disarmed

but never harmless.

when people like us shoot from the lip ? it's a massacre. hollow points, custom made -
black powder ? an unnatural understanding of love. and dry wit, unhinged...
our bullets ?  Bullies Of the Highest Caliber and fluent in 5 languages; doubtless,
The Envy of Contempt !

when people like us shoot from the lip ? with our tongues, armed to the teeth ?
our teeth; a full set of white knives. with our vanity...
bleaching carnivorous
stalactites by day.
stalagmites by night ?

do worlds burn ?
does Sigmund Freud ?
I do not know.

I am certain only, of the following -

" when two persimmons make a pair... lethal persimmons."
" when two pears make one false move... persimmons are like '**** pears !'"
" when persimmons are paramours... and we too, make a pair...?"

Rosemary's, baby persimmons ?

i can tell you there is no such thing as 'collateral damage' at our level of expertise
and nothing bleeds without a permit.
to attain said permit, a wound, from the future -
must send a genuine moment of weakness to the past. after analysis...we verify.
from here, our methods diverge.
but our dis-ordinance
is acquired.

when our gauntlets demand satisfaction, our custom is to trade barbs.
at this, we excel. we trade without deficit.
our accounts are immune to frenzy.
our balance:  pathology.... then

it's 'tongues at twenty paces'
and someone
gets hurt.

by rote we joust... by now, your flank is.... exposed.
so, my dread rose... my blanch thorn... know -

Twenty paces will always be nineteen paces from a kiss.
but it will never be
'only nineteen'.

if you laugh - this has always been true.
if you don't - this has never been a lie**.
Feb 2016 · 435
The Armor Of Quiet Fire
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
the seasons are one season. winter is spring.
i have no books to tell me so, but my wings glisten regardless.
i have no barter to gain a farthing for now...
but i wait patiently.
and nothing has my heart as much -
as Nothing has my heart.

the armor of quiet fire is not absurd.
it's a bold thing, tramping the woods of frost
and fecundity.
it broods as if
i move through the quagmire
of our dystopia... constantly -
raving at the heavens
for the price
of a now.

i have no choice but the choice i've chosen
and random is the language of poets
who know it.


but now
is the window
that breaks a silent truce.
a rude plume of anguish
stunning the forest
of your precious
for stale

we are a
glorious wrong
righting itself
in the face of a faceless

we are how
we love nothing
and that is our

Feb 2016 · 917
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
in my dream, we have no eyes for blind mice
and that's nice, if you ain't got three, and a grand clock
but we lived in the pendulum of an arc in a long box
laid to rest in a deep room of rich soil, and dumb rocks.
the dream bent, where i stepped aside from my suspicions
that you had eyes in your pockets. while i had only holes...
and paper cranes.
i keep the moss on my fingertips, when i dig into the sky -
to find your face.
and that's nice, if you ain't been grounded; stuck in a fugly glut
of gravity's finest hits. pinned to the wings of a butterfly, pinned-
to an anvil... strapped to a georgia peach.
you always have the shark fin soup, as i graze the pit.
as the pit gazed into me. you sip a bit, n'swell your cheeks.
we are nothing like our waking lives
while sleeping so truthfully.

somehow we're on the beach. where it never started. but deja vu
as if remembering the beach. and forget how we have not the eyes
for blind mice save the eyes in your pocket
while i have all the holes
that you need.

and paper cranes.


the bleeding has stopped, where a spear kissed an artery too violently
and shook loose my red roving rivers of rebellious reveries. stopped - and now it's a knot's petty game. it extends my life just to mock complete
Happiness. but i peep the same. i know the moon is the only sister that has my back.
where i have slept
beneath her...
dreaming on earth
dreaming on earth

dreaming, alas*....
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
down by a rough choke of cattails and locusts
black toads tumble from the cobwebs, croakin'...
a lost dog laps at a stale pool of rain
full of stars he can't catch
and clouds he
can't chase.

there used to be a church back off in those trees
but the road never came
and now the ghosts
never leave*.
Feb 2016 · 420
Living Proof
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
climbing out of bed and into my spirits' handsome remove
as the windows breach my solitude with all sunshine and an early mist
reclines like a cat made of jewels; i join the **** of my room with new feet
planted in yesterday's disarray, and a multitude of undone things.
i seek the fumes of my coffee. I scoff at the tattered robe i can't get off me-
for it's comfort is old and friendly, draped over my sleepy flesh...
adorned in lethargy and no small muse, i ***** at the giants that taught me just how the ocean is one tear
wept from a loving dream
that borrowed the eye of a storm
to cry havoc
over truth.

every wave, living proof

Of You.
Feb 2016 · 899
a tommy gun named tina
Third Eye Candy Feb 2016
faint odor of soup cans
and well water wafted through the pumice stone
of recycled air and a faint hum. you thumb through the turbulence of your heart's bone
as it fractures. you catch birds to mock turtles.
with no alice.
the sun adds this...  true moons and canopies
soft shouldered earth and dead moths. we're taught
but more lost. the sea chops
so the horizon is a great wave
on a seahorse.

cozy stars applaud. a wisp of pure force.

you're uncontained.
you might be immortal;
but how could you live
with that ?
Jan 2016 · 636
A Ghost Running Down
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
the snow is only time clinging to your boot
trudging through the havens of your grave mute lips
plump in the weather 'round these parts
where the hearts bloom like troubled bees, and naive art.
while on farms, a dozen lambs
can't spell " slaughter "
with a " Baaa ".

but we have only so much snow.
red or white.
glistening on either side of the narrow mush
weaving through woods that remain nameless
but keep their twilight blushed.
we rush through the trivial adornments of the everyday
like heathens huffing ether,
but keep our scarecrows petrified of blackbirds
having heard the caw of wise raptors
in the fields of all flesh
and unnatural

but a friend...

a friend
is a ghost running down
with you.

running... where your rivers have blood enough
to ***** the sun -
but never a

a ghost with the mind of a moon.

it wanders the shadow fields
of your distress
with your hand in a kissed

you blunder together
so what comfort comes from sharing
doom or bliss -
comes without harm or hell.
a ghost running down,
comes up to you
and you both emerge
from low.

and Love never doubts
you do.
Jan 2016 · 705
Idle and Arriving
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
the wind was swinging from the trees
and mute gulls overhead, slipped in the blue above
swarming the beachfront... gulping salt and silver glints
flapping in their gullets with black eyes
and no dreams.
i walked the causeway and the off road
juggling the change in my pocket with an absent mind.
i turned corners that were never there
and came to a halt as the sun bleached the horizon.
I thought that Beauty was a thing.
and simply forgot to move,

and the world forgave me.
Jan 2016 · 529
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
your songs are like dead weight
and living weight. a heavy truancy
that is always late
but never on time for completely gone.
you're always here. belonging to me
and never there.
a curl in the straight line
that leads to soft stones
and marsh.

you test my honest bravery.
you have lungs enough for jubilation
but your theories wane
as I wander... and we suffer the airless bliss
of a toy in the hands of a maker.
we break our spines to build
false houses on mole hills.
and there we manage
the serpentine
to crush the very dreams
we haven't.
Jan 2016 · 477
Now Is The Only Future Plan
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
the most dim sun is in my hand, and
nothing swells. just the recalcitrant narrows
of a plump romp thru the plebeian joys
of a man's misadventures....

is the only future plan
with it's clocks ticking clamorous.
all diamonds more amorous
than a dog.

today is the future
you haven't put your mind too.
a wisp of required in the miasma of maybe.
a nail in the often...

we are driven out
from our inward inventions
to carry the waste of so much pluck
our chickens roost
in hemispheres.

gone, gone... are the old days

Now is the
only future plan
that has Never
had a

we can only assume God has ears.
but the years wither
as our questions

And the Present must be dreamt
to console Us.
for we are us... strapped to the oblivion
we love so
Jan 2016 · 411
Too Frail To Lack Strength
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
the peat moss clings to the invisible effervescence
of the night... and strange jewels
dangle from common tombs.
the soil erupts much, after the day has spent a day
and by the moon's reason
the night is not the sun's

love is too frail to lack strength.
a soft cobra it be
all jewelled teeth and long, long  -
venom, and sweet sweet.
it coils around the knuckle of dreams
as does a playful serious
drowning in the curious
but breathing heavily
the Here-
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
the unnatural
drunk of a random breeze
clings to the broken chimes in busted windows
and sings no yes among the grunge swollen -
dandelions, however the candor yodels
or the pools swoon bleakly
beneath our mutual

penalty has no flowers in the lips of the moon
like a matador. Only the bull grievance of a bout of ravens
and a blood red cape of herrings.
a juke and box and a square to circle...
and nothing so much as a peep
from a fog.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
walking into me
as I leave in blind
pride fury.

You're stepping on my spine
like a demon that
loves the

as I exercise
my right to be blind.
But you attend all my funerals
with your children, and club me over the head
with my foolishness
with all the love
you have

I'm awake too, because sleep is for the happy.

I brood
as if content
to face the crowd
of my failures as a father
and a man.

i croak like an owl
with a rat in its' throat
staring at the moon like a lover undone
that remembers she said
" I told you so...."

but a beautiful
full moon

just the same.

but not the one
I know.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
tell me how the earth
shakes when my lips clinch.
the blunt quake of my evasive disassembly.
how the world is less ours, as long as
our hours pass
unrecounted, in the annals of my unimpending
tell me how nothing is right till my wrong is voiced
and how my shivering frozen tongue
is to a beating heart, where a love
has done a great work to demand
a spoken word
from a stiff

paint me
as a mute with an affliction.
i say things that cannot save you from wasting your time
but my effort is the slumber we dream riots about.
and the nothing i say fills the volume
of a ruse.

let that be our epitaph
on a tombstone
of ribbons

let that be me telling you
something for

then love will be a beacon
for shy boys  in bold

with girls that have sense enough
to love enough
to hurt too.

but at least, let it be said...

I Never Meant
To Hurt
Jan 2016 · 589
If Anything Mattered
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
with no room
to breathe, we wreathe the shanks
of our slow breach, with retreat from our null ranks.
we are going to burn for the very thing the water sparked..
the undarked sun of our unwashed medallions; marched
from sea wreck, to the bottom
of unmarked

clarity bleats -
and howls. but the chaos engines purr
like kittens in a bin of catnip and gypsy porridge, as it were.
and however docile the violence of our retrospect, we wander.
but never turn again to the nuisance of what two hearts
may ponder.
and yet
so it is... we kink the smooth blithering of gnats and hatters.
but only have ourselves to blame
for what if ?

if anything mattered.
Jan 2016 · 486
Life Drinks Love
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
Life drinks Love
like a hound
at a bowl of brackish water,
it soars more deeply
than the common wings
that a bird takes for granted
and a bee believes

Life drinks Love like a hailstorm
knows a rose.
It pummels the best of Us
for a season
and forgets how we

after all.

Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
green is more grass than a garden's fecundity.
the sun... more moon than a woman's breast.
the eternal resolves like a crime scene.
and we weep for no one but the god
we loved least.

and Love is the few of Us.
a plank on a pirate ship
where we no more enjoy the piracy.
we ride where the wave dangles
and succumbs...

nothing is as pure as believing in nothing
because you can.

like a strong wind in a soft heart.
the wrong thing breathes
like the  right love.

so what do you think I'm doing without You ?

Is it something that has a name
and doesn't drink ?
how dare you propose that the world has a yes
when no is so much of me now
like a yes.

we consume the trivial and glorify the gone.
but i am attuned to the never
like a black swan.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
these days are like fake days and cumbersome suns.
moons that have no poets to mock
and the thousand and one idiots
who believe something is real.
the plum from an apple tree is another verse
from a silent thing.... a true gift
from a blind Spring
that devastates the Peace of any youth
as broad as a thin

having been there is precisely where you're at.
you cannot advance save a reason to repeat it.
life is the cruel awesome of the mundane.
and the miraculous
is nothing but an
often facade

that you mean
Jan 2016 · 291
I Can Fall Apart Like You
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
even sleep
now, in the demon of
last week.
keep your precious love
that made you sleep
and be lovely...
Ain't got no dream
the real thing can't be
so so real with.
but nothing cures a disease
like a doctor that kills

I can fall apart
like you
and give the world

to the point
that I , perhaps
have a rumor
that tells the

But you
could be good
and absolutely ...
that would be

nothing forgets
like knowing exactly
how you

I can fall
apart like
and now I have

I could be
but all my Devils sing
right at

I could be gone
as gone
is the One place
That I had

love is a rut
that betrays the love
that made me
Love you.

let the world
be one
more thing
that just doesn't
whole ****
be what you want...
but cannot

cool your
demented leaving
and come to the lust
that chasms.

give me nothing but
your best returns
and have Us.

I can
fall apart like you
And I do it .
and do it

I map the surface
of removed
and live dead, mainly.
i got those stupid little things
that mean nothing.
and something else that God
is wrong....
Jan 2016 · 446
the eerie brick of the eye
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
the eerie brick of the eye
smarts at the sun, blasting a bank of fog
and sour dross from the furnace
of insight, keeps the weather pale
as thin blood on a dreaming knife.
no greed is fair or sweet.
we may only crave what a soul may purchase.
and the hours wane and swell and nod
where we swing our hammers best
before we plot to build
cold houses.

none of us are the other
but we flock in ale and clouds, together.
we tuck our wings into our coats
and endure the clap of thunder
from some dark.... dark

and the honey from the salt
is a stone.
Jan 2016 · 546
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
Let us feed the rabbits.
then go to bright shores
that a garden is what we make of it.
let us pretend to know
something about the earth
but care enough
to squirrel away our
moon dust
for kisses.

let us join the vast star fields
of our small pavilions...
and perhaps go where nothing
has ever been so

let us join where our bodies sing.
and make love out of wet fears
that sweat the salt of too deep oceans
that know Us
for how lonely

let us pray, but not to a god that has no mercy
but to a parasite that
loves the Host

Jan 2016 · 480
You Are So Beautiful
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
you are so beautiful it burns
like a fat cat in my lap.
engorged on primal steam
like an extinct whale.
you are the only thing
that matters as much
as this.
And This is a seed
I cannot

But you...

you are so beautiful
i fail to be plain.
i dress my work
in unkempt seizures
of unrequited love.
but i know one thing
that makes no sense....

but perfect sense to me.

it tells me nothing
is as beautiful
as telling you

and meaning it.
Jan 2016 · 474
Trees And Eggs
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
There's a house where the world
has stopped dialing...
But a rotary phone, that
has my number.
and plunders my unavailable

We blink like opening a mystery.
But we never  brush the canvas
of any inspiration.
we gather in the fields of our golden jokes
and each the other are about
how nothing is the same that now
we see what eyes deny
and cotton

but there's trees and eggs.
it's nothing how we remember
love and hate.
slow things are voices to recall.
but the matter of their wisdom
is bleach and peaches.
and perhaps a flightless


to endure is to be a living thing.
and to love is to die more

but nothing procures the reality
like a dream.... and we cluster
precisely where we diffuse


Let us walk where the treasures march
in impoverished enmity. but know
the different things that sanity
conspires to reveal.
we can be madcap and foreign
to our native selves -
but never once be alien
to what it means
in hell.


heaven is a kind of grace that forgets you.
and trees and eggs
are something else

despite you.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
what  troubles me,
i cannot say... and by that
i mean
i cannot say
but never rest assured,
for assuredly
sleep is far
from my tongue.
further than the ineffable.
and what i cannot say well
must at least be poetry
you cannot


it's all i've got.

like a nest of cream-filled ice cubes
melting in Antarctica.
or your fingerprints on an oar...
but an oar made of
dead boats.

you are not a dream
i'm having.
i am having a fit
that we
are dreaming apart.
we are as rare
to each other
as glass
and not one of us knows
how to strike
such a fire.
Jan 2016 · 583
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
i must not be what I'm into.
i go where the wrong things
know you.
i dream till it hurts
but that's always.
and i'm always the one dead
that says things.
don't be where you are
as much as nowhere.
don't live your defeat
as much as live there.
don't know who
you are
if you're
and cancel reservations
if you're gone. gone
Jan 2016 · 611
I'm A Scrap Yard Magnified
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
i'm a scrap yard magnified.
some sort of throat you choke
but not now.
we are plenty weak but we
love it.
we come from a last place
that has no reason,
we go from the last last place
that had any reason to be real.
and some some folks
wanna live forever
but not you and I....
wanna die for good
and that's the "Whatever"
however we love Us
Jan 2016 · 377
Just To Tremble Is Belief
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
After the ghost is gone
and the house has no more you
i am something else that sees you there.
I am nothing save my memory
and you are nothing
if you're truly gone.

I put my lips on your lips
and I'll be ****** if that didn't fix me.
just to tremble is belief
and nothing is wonderful
as knowing nothing
for sure.
Jan 2016 · 441
Three Charms In This House
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
I'm Cuckoo for you
and you know this.
i slip through the stream
and you notice,
I love you because
you know this.
I'm weak in the knees
'cause I'm focused.
you got the juice
that i'm used too.
more than the spot
that I'm into.
you go where no one
comes from.
and i get you back
'cause zero
is one.

Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
Shouldn't I have
loved you
more ?
you seem less dreamy
and the night is fast
like a bird
But i've been numb.
Remote is a form
of music
but fragile.

it's not cheap
to be real
but slavery has a way of sexing the fool
and no one knows
how much
you hate
till you look
at You.
Jan 2016 · 397
Pluto People
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
that helps is not perfect.
it merely names the dementia
it coils as mortal as the disease.
it's more ice than sun.
it's any wonder and obscene.
the pluto people are Us
but we are not too far
from bleak.

we are There.
Jan 2016 · 411
How The Mirror Is Hideous
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
i keep nothing in my keepsakes,
how wonky the uncool love we have for nothing.
we are unjoined and the peace of it is
at war.
we are no other than ourselves
and yet we lack the spine to amoeba from the sumptuous opinion
of a silent evolution.

love is rude and brilliant.
it curls it's toes and slumbers in the roost
of Oblivion.
it's more real than your declarations
but has no rain
that a desert hasn't scoffed.

Memories are dust with flesh.
we fudge the true glum of our footage
but edit the puke of our uneven perspective
to see better the void of our relentless
For Thine is The Kingdom
of some Reflection
and Mine is The Word
of a Mute

and no
Joy .
Jan 2016 · 307
Time Is A Box Of Fire
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
time is a box of fire.
you can't remember the solitude
of your first word
but your last one is just as forgettable,
it gives me pause to expand.
to drum the skin of our neutered womb.
it brings 'round the impeachable sun
that desperately needs to set
and clings to features in the landscape
that have no idea who you are.

time is a box of fire.... where we burn our poppies.
we leap to pavilions of lost history
and gorge ourselves on brevity
with thick tongues fluent in stuttering.
everything. Everything burns.
and the sum of any choice is a beautiful girl
that can't understand why your flames are frozen
nor how icebergs insist you won't
be missed
Jan 2016 · 426
Bull Sugar
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
i never got the hang
of a million stings
all the bees and not to bees... their honey venom
churling the rut of my hive-mind
the smoke of my tremulous eye
coursing through tomorrow's detention
like a world of hurt
that's just a place to lose
my precious things.

then you said me.

you said
my hands were not grenades..
you swore fealty to my blunders
and stripped the dark
from my stars... to better shine.
you  brought me kismet
and blue lemons...
and i never dared
to love so much
but never had a chance
to not believe

from here i know your name.
and your ******* are like the moon in my pocket.
a jewel of medication
that bites the hand of a jealous god
to favor the mundane heavens of a boy
in complete love
with You.
Jan 2016 · 351
The False Fires
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
dreams are the fish in god's pond
on a hook... we reel in whatever we want
and we look
at the sky
like a blue open palm
at the end of night's wrist...
there's a nail for a Sun
and it shines like a cold yellow love
that perhaps
has a reason to love you as much
as it can
but leaves you the moon
to shed a light
where your last dark fell
and a kiss to remind you
how sweet
this hell...

there's an empty peach in stone fruit
and then there's You.
a bespoke onion in a pearl....
it has no ill that a shell understands
but bleeds through it's terrible clench
on the things that might mean

like the pearl.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
it looks
like rain.
but it might
be you.

i'll have
you know
how that

so kiss me
and that'll be

closer to the next  kiss

what's not to like ?

loving you is effortless
with training wheels.

laughing with your eyes
my blind love
can focus

on real life

when your headlights caress
the walls
i know
all about
this very moment
you come home  and the lights...
and something...
i.... forget
every time

your keys to the house make music

then as
always, you
startle me
even when i know
you're there

even when
you're there
so gently

there to lend me
your eyes
to laugh

you're there
to fix me  

as always... your lips say

" ok. now... just turn around..."

then you
do the zipper
in the back
of my

how long has
that thing

been there ?
Third Eye Candy Jan 2016
Is that your unbelievable ?
Are you saying -
you really can't believe that ?
It's just
my love for you
in a thimble...
curling into a wave.
and you can't even
sew a button
on a thumb.

or keep an idjit from a windmill.


this is the end... so let's begin...
a coma is a form of happiness
that sings numb - but loud -
.... loud; not so much.
like how we whimper in the face
of our own face....
but refuse to face the music
of our own silence.
how we give each other, the Other
but never the One we are...
and simply the Yes
of a thousand dead clocks
that lack the Time to wait
for the both of
to be the
both of
Third Eye Candy Dec 2015
a joy seeps in. but not the joy you wanted.
you had no vision save the stains on your eye
from seeing  so much otherness.
it feels good. precisely where you felt nothing.
and night is an afternoon... for no reason.

what love does to an ugly heart
is well known, but not as real as the wish.
it surpasses the aspirations of a lonesome
and breathes where thin air is syrup
and a kiss.

it is a constant
in the void like a void.
where no hate can stay
and no gold can be
a fool.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2015
the bees are eating the sun
but something clings to the shoe.
not the usual something,
but the black iron fruit.
seems the long way 'round the sunshine
is straight thru.
i chum the waters of my desiccation to bribe sharks
as i clench my teeth on the grit.
you... well you are somewhere
being awesome
as i shrink to fit.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2015
moist eyes  fall upon the limp figurine
of a jewel encrusted snowman with a corncob knife.
i dream walk through the ether of our dislocated soul.
i comb the beach of our lost island
and build a raft from our bones
and a lock of your eyelashes,
flashing in the wink above -
your high cheeks
in the moon glamour of your perfect skin.
we smile untethering the harness
from our rogue star
we sally forth across the empty streets of Hell's burg. on the outskirts
of an astral cataract...
a laughing gloom with night's teeth tearing at the hem
of your lace robes and my nakedness.
with moist eyes drooling saltine gems
like dewdrops dripping from the lip of a cracked goblet of frozen fire.
our eyes that fall upon the void, weeping from the answer to a foolish prayer,
answered by a jealous god. our testament is dust and deep Love.
we have no other sky above, as is the custom of deep space...
we drift with our horses, across the nether bridge of our uncertainties....
and there
we part ways.
you go where the sun
has slain the moon.

i go where the moon's never been. and sleep in droves.

holding your hand like a grain of hope
and your heart like a golden
too heavy to lift
from the

Third Eye Candy Dec 2015
Whatever you do... you are there.

We conjoin the impossible with the Mundane
And clip the wings of our Ignorance
with a Question... as befits a mortal
in the Eternal Brevity.

Philosophy is the kingdom of mindful spirits.
And Spirits are the dross of Reality's furnace,
We blow glass where Truth bends.
We come undone
where we make
Dec 2015 · 443
The Tin Man
Third Eye Candy Dec 2015
i come across as a blue vein in a lost arm.
or a red vein in a stump.
an orchid with black lungs. or a summer's day
that knows why you love me
but has no idea why
you left me.

i cling to the gone
like an enjoined hermit.
i fuss with the ridicule of you
and resign the feckless mirth
of our misadventures
to the blight
of our quaint

I am the Tin Man
but no longer a rough hewn hooligan.
i have become the smallest sun
above a vast atom.

So Thank you, Madame.
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