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Dec 2016 · 309
don't leave (please)
you've packed everything
youve left me alone

you printed your plane ticket today
it's one way

stop asking me if im alright
you should know the answer to that

i said goodbye to you today
as you walked onto the plane

im not okay
im crying every single day

im sorry i made you leave
im sorry i couldnt be a better me
Dec 2016 · 292
side of my bed
i always sleep on the side of my bed
because i imagine you being right next to me.
Dec 2016 · 224
lake james
you're in the cabin
i'm by the fire
i'm alone
and you're not

i punched a tree
my knuckles are bleeding
you didn't, yours are not
im sorry i forgot to call you back
i swear to god i didnt mean to

where are you?
i heard you're gone now

i tried to believe it but i cant i cant
i just cant

i wish i could talk to you
so i could tell you i cried in the back of the bus
today because of the news

i was numb and i felt myself getting worse

i wish you never left

i wish i could have saved you

i miss you i miss you i miss you
Dec 2016 · 318
i like you
your eyes cross my mind like many other things do
if I had a top ten list of things that cross my mind
everything about you would fill it up

when I think of you my smile comes out and it won't go away
because you can't frown at the thought of you
Dec 2016 · 415
show and tell
i used to be friends with a bunch of kids in kindergarten

i forget his name, or her name, but for show and tell they brought an ash ketchum figure and another kid brought that pda from kim possible

remember? the one she always called wade on and said whats the sitch? ****

and i forgot to bring something for show and tell

i've seen those people around; whether in school or around town

we haven't talked since elementary school

i remember when it was easy

everything was easy

it was easy to make friends, we weren't awkward or antisocial or sick yet

when high school comes around you don't focus on friends because you don't have time anymore

we're taught our education is more important than mental health

i dont go to school with my friends anymore

they made it out alive
idek if i should call this is a poem its just me rambling on
Dec 2016 · 192
august 30, 2016
it's our final hours together
until you fly back to a place you call home

we spent all night on my laptop
until we both passed out

i'm sorry no one else stuck around
but it's been almost three years since i decided to

i hope this helps you find peace
i stared out the window while i laid in my bed and you slept, it was artistic in a way

we woke up and jammed out to the 1975 until we had to shower

hey kat, thank you for hanging out with us today

we stopped by your house and played with your cat, oh she is sooo cute

and all my friends stopped by tonight and we all went to dennys

we all laughed at our table until we had to leave

thank you guys for not giving up, for staying alive through this whole life, i know its hard but it will be worth it
for my friends
Dec 2016 · 529
love marks
you left your love marks
on my chest

i left mine in your heart

i still find your hair ties
in my room

i dont know what to do with them

i'd mail them back
but i need to know you were here

— The End —