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 Mar 2014 Christina
 Mar 2014 Christina
There are monsters in my closet
they cry my name
the cries they make are always the same,
"look at what you've done,
you narcissistic beast"

and in my closet they feast
on my guilt
while in the corner, I sit quite and still
 Mar 2014 Christina
These Hands,

These working hands.

The pain throbbing from them brings me joy,

The pain whistling through my skin,

nerves and nails brings me pleasure.

why does this searing pain feel so good you ask?

Because this pain put food in our families stomachs,

This pain pays the bills,

This pain gets them what they need

and most of all this pain is worth the smiles I see on their faces

and in their hearts.

The pain in these hands brings me peace.
oh!! These Working Hands
Christopher Nathaniel Cartwright
Copyright © 1983-Present
 Mar 2014 Christina
Now I Know
 Mar 2014 Christina
You always said
That you were a horrible person
And I never understood
What you meant
But now I do
20 words.

© Willa 2014
 Mar 2014 Christina
There's this girl sitting in the corner of her room,
With emptiness in her eyes and sorrow in her heart.
Not knowing what she's going to do
With her meaningless life.

There's this boy that loves her, but little did he know
She's in war with her mind,she's losing herself,
But she just smiles all day, making it seem all alright.

I'm sorry that you fell in love with someone as complicated as me
 Mar 2014 Christina
 Mar 2014 Christina
I wear your sin
Upon my skin
Laced around the words
That I breathe in.
 Mar 2014 Christina
Kate Deter
The whispers in the corners of the classroom
Rise up like the quiet hissing of serpents,
Swirling around in verisimilitudinous eddies,
Less quiet, less quiet, less quiet, less quiet,
Whispers becoming cacophonous.
The silence screams for quiet;
The silence screams for itself.
But it clings to the forgotten corners of the classroom.
 Mar 2014 Christina
 Mar 2014 Christina
I can hear the shouts of emptiness,
Brought by the whispers of the wind
Your loneliness is a snowflake,
Carried by the breeze of my embrace
Caught up in the scare of the darkness,
My hand in yours, leading you to comfort.

My love is infinite, like the blue skies
As you walk through the journey of life,
Let my words inspire you to visualize beauty,
The beauty which has been blinded by insecurities
I want to sink into your memories, like the warmth of a winter fire
When it burns out,
I want to be the ashes that last in your soul for eternity.

As you use the thoughts of tomorrow,
To escape the hell you’re experiencing today,
Let my kiss bring you the perfection of this very moment
As you feel the coldness of this world shiver on your gentle skin,
My touch will be the influence of warmth,
Burning slowly a place unknown
Known by you and I,
Today, tomorrow and forever won’t matter
Ignorance caused by the beauty of the love we’ll experience together.
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