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Bee Nov 2017
You know you're well in over your head in love with him

When it's 2 am and he's all you think about.
Bee Nov 2017
Honestly, I rather have you
not any other boy on the planet
just because you know how to put a smile on my face
when others take it away.

I don't love you as anything more that a friend,
It'd be scary and I would get lost.
It would **** what we built,
And I'd die with it.

So would you.
You'd lose your purpose,
You would have nobody.
I am all you got just as you are all I have,
That's why when I say I love you I mean it,
You helped me over come my fears
And drive away my demons.
this isn't a love poem, it's about friendship
Bee Nov 2017
I have been warned about drugs and their addiction,
I've been told that drugs are bad for you.
What I was never warned about was that
Drugs are not always the literal things but people.

They got one thing right though.
Drugs are bad for you,
He is bad for me.
I cannot venture to put it into words ;
How I lose my breath, how my knees go weak,
How I cannot think straight and lose my track of mind.

Because of him I have discovered a piece of myself
I never thought existed.
More than that,
Because of him I cannot seem to focus
On anything.
He's the reason I can't sleep nor eat,
Nor put myself back together.
Bee Nov 2017
The beauty of a person comes from within,
Their character is what truly matters not whether they're tick or thin.
You can be a sweetheart or a drama queen,
You're beautiful in whichever way you choose to be.
Having long or short hair doesn't matter, how you wear it is what describes ya.
You can think you're worthless and that you're nothing at all,
Or that you're the best and on top of the world.
All the make-up in the world won't make you less insecure,
It's how you wear yourself that people adore.
The clothes you wear have no certain prescription,
You wear what you like as long as it's an original description.
There's no definition of perfection,
We're all unique with no duplication.
Be confident, be yourself, don't fake it,
Because you can't be anybody else, they're all taken.
Don't change yourself because someone wants you to,
Love yourself, you're perfect, just dare to be you.

— The End —