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Cathyy Feb 2014
Now this is for all the people,
who didn't get a rose,
didn't receive a card
and didn't even get a simple message today

Just think of my poetry as a garden of roses,
and each single poem, every relate-able line
is a rose picked out especially for you

Think of each space between my words right now,
as the spaces between your fingers,
and imagine my hand holding yours,
telling you it's all okay, and that I'll never leave you

'Cause who really needs a card, a plastic rose
and 'Happy Valentine's Day' sent from someone's phone
Who really needs that when we could have;
Ice cream, movies and poems ;]
Heyhey guise!
thank you SO much for reading my previous poem, I'm so happy it trended.. and therefore,
I'm setting myself a Valentine's Challenge where I write a poem on the spot every hour!

~ From 5pm to 8pm :)
So here's my first <3
Cathyy Feb 2014
I'm not brilliant, I'm just winging it'
'Cause life is a song with black and white notes,
So I'll write you my song without singing it

I'm not beautiful,
though I'm flattered you think that,
And though the feeling could be mutual,
I'm not sure I could say the same back..

It's not that I don't think you're beautiful..
I've never really called a guy that before?
But your poetry helps me get through it all,
and for that I know one thing for sure,

You're a risk taker,
not a ****
nor a heartbreaking piece of work

You're a poet finding his muse,
but unfortunately this muse is bad news

I'm a mess of a dreamer,
a heartbroken fool
and my mentality could drive you to the brink of insanity,
and though you say I can't drive you there 'cause you're pretty mad yourself,
Maybe we just need time to learn how to love ourselves..
Love Always,
~ Cathyy ♥
Cathyy Feb 2014
Have you ever noticed all the superheroes in your school?
That kid who's strong enough to lift things and throw them
at the other kid who's strong enough to actually take it.

Those popular girls, the cheerleaders
who always find the positive in everything
and have super cool elastic flexibility!

And those super cool independent chicks with their headphones in,
hoods up, shutting out the rest of the world.

Oh and of course those 'Clark Kent's who are so intellectual
leaving you puzzled and curious every time.
Those are the best kind of heroes because they're the underdogs.
You wouldn't think any of these guys would ever
be capable of being your Superman at Prom.
But you take away the glasses and then you'll really feel dumb.

There's all those cool superheroes hanging in the canteen,
spreading around like a bad cough in the playground
and then.. and then there's me.

Hi there.
I have the tendency to fade into the shadows of the ground,
My weakness is focal point.
The spotlight would burn against my sensitive skin like how
a sunrise would burn the skin of a vampire.
The attention of a million little lights
would be the cause of my own fire.

And if you look into my eyes..
If I let you,
You'll see my life flash right before yours,
you'll suddenly feel scared to know me..
but you'll care enough to try.

I guess you could call me Invisi-Girl!
'Cause I don't even wear a cloak,
I don't even need a cloak,
to be seen as the most invisible girl
in the world.
Cathyy Feb 2014
Just think about it..
Right now, someone you love
thinks they're not good enough..

For someone who they love.
When to you, they're perfect.
In fact they're more than perfect
Because of their small imperfections combined.

Someone right now, doesn't like their hair.
Doesn't like their size, hates their own laugh.
Someone right now thinks perfect means Barbie
But Barbie is plastic and perfect is real.
... Well, you're real.

Well, you're my perfect.
Cathyy Jan 2014
I get it,
I really do.
It was 'our little secret' too

I was scared,
and confused
threatened in the comfort of my own bedroom

..But what more could I do?
What can anyone do?
The insensitive tell you to move on from it,
your best friend is scared to heal your heart in case she stomps on it
therapists and teachers will never have a clue
and the girls who don't know you will even judge you

... So why make it harder for yourself?
I know you can't forget, but try to forgive.
I know you wonder why it happened to you but try to understand
you're much stronger than this.

Well you must be,
why else would God give you a battle like this?
If you speak up you'll be safe
you'll be the fighter who lives'

So be a little stronger.
Be a little braver.
No one's gonna hurt you
We're all gonna save you.

Be a little vulnerable,
its a gift that none of the popular girls have
because to me you're still innocent,
still wonderful even through the bad,
still beautiful even when you're sad.

..You thought no one would understand if they knew,
But I lived it, so believe me I do.
Cathyy Jan 2014
Free falling into the pits of Wonderland,
I wanna fly to
                            nowhere with Peter Pan

We're slowly fitting into place
So let your hand slip into mine
And let my fingers trace your disney character face

We're gently stirring up trouble in
These coffee cups of limited love
So can i get a refill?
Maybe if i rub this teapot like a lamp
I could make your wishes come true
If the world allowed me this chance

I may not have much to offer
I'm a writer, not a doctor
I might look like a furry beast
Even on my good days
But you'd be my beauty, my Belle,
And this I mean, always.

I don't believe in fairy tale endings,
Not anymore
I'm that loser who dreams of disney beginnings
And if i had you even as a rose, something i could walk past and just adore
I know i'd go through life winning,
I wouldn't want to fall through the crust
Of this 'Wonderland' anymore.
Cathyy Jan 2014
I'm gonna wait for a new love,
to scribble out the pain

the pain you left, inside my chest
here, where the ink from my heart pours
out your name.

My paper heart has lost it's beating
and I can't re write my past
so please just write the next few lines for me.
Please let our last moment last..


'Cause if love is communication,
and hearts are made of paper..
then let our mouths do the listening
and save the goodbyes 'til much, much later.
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