Now this is for all the people,
who didn't get a rose,
didn't receive a card
and didn't even get a simple message today
Just think of my poetry as a garden of roses,
and each single poem, every relate-able line
is a rose picked out especially for you
Think of each space between my words right now,
as the spaces between your fingers,
and imagine my hand holding yours,
telling you it's all okay, and that I'll never leave you
'Cause who really needs a card, a plastic rose
and 'Happy Valentine's Day' sent from someone's phone
Who really needs that when we could have;
Ice cream, movies and poems ;]
Heyhey guise!
thank you SO much for reading my previous poem, I'm so happy it trended.. and therefore,
I'm setting myself a Valentine's Challenge where I write a poem on the spot every hour!
~ From 5pm to 8pm :)
So here's my first <3