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Cathyy Jan 2014
Oh I'm always gonna need you darling,
even when I'm old and scarring

And even when my thoughts get darker
you draw a smile on my face with a permanent marker
I can't erase all the troubles I have raised
But I can't deny that it's better this way,

Oh I'm always gonna love you darling,
even when we're far apart and
hating each others guts,
deep down you know,
'hate' has nothing on us

I'm sorry for the times I've been sad
but surely everybody feels like that
I'm sorry that I get this way,
Maybe tomorrow I'll decide to stay..

Oh but if I'm lost or I'm scared,
would you find me?
If I rot would you care?
Or just slightly?
Does it hurt when I'm crushed, when I'm broken
Am I worth any of your time,
can I keep on going?

'Cause I'm always gonna miss you darling
even if you're still right there beside me
Maybe you'll miss me too, or just slightly
.. Maybe I'm just needy
so guide me.
I'm so happy this poem trended, the words have a lot of sentimental meaning to me,
thank you for reading, thank you for your time <3
Cathyy Jan 2014
All this time,
I've been using the fault in our stars as a compass,
looking for Alaska and ending up in all the wrong paper towns

.. trying to write poems to impress people,
who don't even give a ****.

Well now, I've found a friend,
a few to say the least.
And Alaska may just as well be the 8th wonder in the world,
for her words and poetry never fail to amaze me.

Alas, I've found Alaska!
We're somewhat distant but under the same sky
Two different stories, two difference souls,
but hey, great minds, all think alike ;]
The words in bold are John Green book titles! ;]
Cathyy Jan 2014
Mirror mirror, on the wall
Who's the most insecure of them all?*


I don't even know why I try,
I can't even look you in the eye.
Oh mirror just tell me one more lie,
Tell me I am the most confident,
Most beautiful star in the sky..

Or better yet,
Show the world the me I am,
How confident and beautiful
I am when I don't care about
My 'outside'
Cathyy Jan 2014
Don't change yourself just to fit into a world,
that's constantly changing
Cathyy Jan 2014
So what?
If I'm not 'so hot'

Why do you care
If I never change my hair?

Okay maybe my videos won't go viral
But the aim is to make at least one person smile

Honestly, I shouldn't worry
About being ignored
Or being 'totally!' unpopular..
It's gonna make a great story someday.

.. The day I become a somebody.

                    SO, before you trade your                              glasses in for a pair of contacts,
Before you chop your mop, and throw on the make up, before you chug down that *****
Which makes you talk crazy when you snooze,
Ask yourself; 'What do I have to lose?'

.... The rep you don't have,
Or the pride that you do.

Popularity is down to you.
Cathyy Jan 2014
Here's to the girls,
With flowers in their hair

And to the guys who write poetry
To show that they care

Here's to a new page
Of a new book..
Of a new adventure..

Here's to being touched
By the kindness of a stranger

Here's to anyone who thinks
They're not 'one in a million'
You're the one who's worth a million
You're a star that lights up billions

Here's to you,
You light up everything
Cathyy Jan 2014
How can you ever find the right words to write
the last song
the last letter
the last poem

... for a first love?

How can you ever learn to trust again
when all your promises were broken,
all your future plans were crushed..

... by a first love.

How can you ever think that you deserve any better
once you let the best thing ever,
slip away from your fingers..

..The bar's set pretty high,
for the next girl or guy
and though my first love,
will never be my true love
she will always be,
the one I'll always love.
yeah just so there's no confusion,
hey there followers!
I just wanted you to hear from me, that yes..
I think I am bi-curious, but we're all poets here,
let's not judge! aha ;3 ..&thank; you for reading. x
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