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you say I'm emo
just because I wear black a lot.
You say I am a queer
because I give my best friend a hug, and he just happens to be a guy.
You think I cut
just because I have scars on my wrist.
Truth is,
none of the stuff you say is true.
See, emo has become a fad.
Everyone wants to have attention.
But us "real emos" will tell you that its no fun.
I can't...we can't control when we are happy and sad,
glad and mad.
Its a ****** feeling.
I do not wear black because I worship Satan,
I wear black because it fits me
I do not wear my band shirts to be cool,
I wear them because they represent who I am.
I do not listen to rock music because I have problems,
I listen to it because the screaming helps my blood flow.
I don't expect you to know what it's like to truly be
The only time you say that word,
the only time you say us
is when you make fun of us.
My hair is not long just to cover my face,
my hair is long because I like it that way.
You expect us to be like you,
but yet you rob us of our happienes.
who the **** are you to call me emo?
What do you truly know about depression.
Because your idea of depression is when you get grounded,
and my idea of depression is when I hold a blade to my neck.
You think depression is just tears,
but nope.
Its painful,
almost numbing.
This isn't even the start.
Do not call me emo,
because of what you think
because you will never know me
I won't let you get to know me
because I don't want that pain.
You are a ******,
and one of the reasons why
*I'm emo
 Apr 2016 the helper
lotus lord
i hear a sound
i pull my blank over my head
i think to myself the monsters will get me

then mother walks in with a light
she shows me there's nothing there

its all in my head

7 years later

i sit in the back of the classroom
i pull my hoodie over my head
i sit in silents

kids through things at me
calls me names
push me around

and i think to myself
were's mother when i need her to scare away the monsters
 Nov 2015 the helper
lotus lord
the world is mine to see it as i please

for i was not born just for my parents to have a child

but i was born to tell my story

when i was little i would look at this world and think
its so pure

this world spins completely around in 24 hours

this world spins completely around the sun in 365 days

and yet 9 years later it only felt like 1

i learnd that this world is far from being pure

it juges you
watches your every move

its a cruel, heartless and greedy place

were told be yourself
be different

but most importly were told dont change for anyone

my did i learn that's all a lie

you act like yourself and you get chewed up and are spit out

the smallest things are life changing

that little girl with golden hair
her front teeth missing cause the tooth fairy came the night before

she looks up to me with her blues eyes sparkling
and a smile on her face and tells me

don't look down
look up

don't be sad be glad

be the princess in your kingdom

never lose hope

never forget who your suppose to be

as i think to myself i say

this little girl knows more kindness
then most people know in one finger

but i was stopped in my thoughts

for this little girl pulled a simple little purple crown

i know its not much but i made it for you

i have to go but remember stay yourself

from that moment on i know not only know that this world is a cruel place

but this world has people that are kind and caring

and keep this world pure in there own eyes

they had a story to be told

at that moment i know at that
i was going to change lives

simply giving a gift
or tell someone i appreciate you
can make a difference in this world
i have been given a assignment to do a spoken word poem and this is what i wrote
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
today came way to soon

and i wish i had time

we put you out of your pain
but now we are in pain

you will be missed boo
and i promise to see you every day
you will be in the back yard
this is for my cat boo i know ive been wrighting about her a lot but i got to spend the weekend with her she has cancer and it hard my parent put her to rest today so she wouldnt be in pain and i love her and will miss her
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
Before she was moody
Any day I would take you in again
Big body and small head

Before she looked like a turkey
Only under the shed
Only dad could train her
Baby boo is my cat boo in two days I have to put her down.  She's only 8 years old and we found her under the shed.  She was fat and when she would lay down she looked like a turkey.  My dad is not the one to really cry or be like that and marine and yet that was his cat he was the only one to pick her up and train her.  She has cancer and it hard
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
Baby boo
Why do you have to go

You are a sweat cat
I dont want you to go
You are so young

But you dont even know
What's going on

You are a very special cat
And I'm glad I gave you home

If I could I would take the cancer

But when you do go please
Tell you brother pumpkin
I said hi and that I love him
At least you'll be together again
I just found out my cat boo has cancer we found her under the shed she was just a kitten then we didn't know were she came but a big storm came and my dad brought her in she became are cat she is the sweetest thing you lay down and with your approval she'll lay down next to you or sit in your lap I dont want her to go I just lost her older bother there not from the same mother but have been raised together but he died 7 months ago I can't loss another we will be putting her down in a week because that's really all she has left I love you baby boo
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
You take many lives way to soon

And you cause so much pain

You cause people to be sad and cry

You would think
With how much money has been put
To find a way to get rid of it
It would be gone
I just want it gone
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
I like different things than you

I have different friends than you

I dont want to be popular like you

So dont pick on me

Dont laugh at me

Because I am me
And you can't change it

This is my life
And I'll do as I please
 Jun 2015 the helper
lotus lord
Time and time again I'll tell you to leave me alone
But you just stay there

Time and time again I tell you to stop picking on me
But you just keep at

Time and time again I say something to you
But you won't listen

I'm tried of asking time and time again
Because now I'm not going to ask time and time again
I'm going to take care of it the first time
 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
We go over the same stuff in school for years

What's the point
We already know this

Teacher tell us to say awake
But how can you went you already know the stuff

Maybe if we didn't go over the same thing over and over again

We would have less years in school
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