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 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
It makes since to me

I come from a town how if your not from here your nothing

They think there the best of the best

Come to find out it was the colonie for the royal they think there royal oh its funny
 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
in high school
i would have never guessed i would have 2 best friends

you could have told me
but i would would have looked at you and said
you must be crazy and lieing

im glad i was never told because it came so much sweeter the way it did
 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
time goes on

friends move
they have bigger and butter thing that come alone

time goes on

they live there life
they get married and have kids

time goes on

they grow old with there loved one

time goes on

but the time that we sent have great times together
will always stay with me and they will

go on with time as time goes on
 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
you think it easy being me

im sweat and kinda
sometimes im happy and i show it
helping others when their in need
always trying to do the right thing
give people complements to brighten there day

but then you come around and destroy who i am
you make me doubt
you make me feel so small

and then i cant be who i want to be

why do you do think its so easy being me
bulling is something i see everyday and i cant stand it.  im bullied and even thought they try to being me down, i still try to bring people up.
 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
i sit there and cry for many of reasons
but you may not even know one

i have trouble in my life
with friends and family

i get sick like every one else
and i dont feel well

my teeth are hurting
and i have to get sugary

i push myself to the point im crying in pain
take the chance off hurting my self to help others

but yet i get told not again
that im worthless
i hold everyone back
the list goes on

i cry for many of reason
so dont judge when you dont know the reason
 May 2015 the helper
lotus lord
im sick i dont fell good
i can barley talk

my wisdom teeth are coming in
have to get 2 teeth removed
might have to get a root canal
surgery is coming soon

but i put it off for 2 reason
the fact i was sick and
my choirs concert is soon

i sit through pain to help my class
put the biggest smile i can on my face
risk the chance of destroying my voice for them

so when i cry from the pain im dealing with
just realize im doing this for you
my concert is tomorrow but i made the surgery so it would be a week after it was the soonest i could get in
 Feb 2015 the helper
lotus lord
You never know what you have till its gone

You take the time for granted

But once you realize it gone
You worried
you panic

And you do all you can to get it back

You said to doutb you'll never see it again
You think back to the wonderful memories you had

Every little thing make you want to cry

But the moment you get it back  
You hold it close and cry
You tell yourself I'll never let it go again
 Feb 2015 the helper
lotus lord
It may seem like nothing
But to someone it means the world

You stand there with your best friend
Know she's in trouble
Scared for her life planing on not going home

But yet you stand there telling there your coming home with me

You don't care about anything else

You just stand there holding them letting them cry but all you do is stand there holding knowing its means a lot

For when you know they don't get much
So you bring even the most simplest of things and yet they act like you gave them the world

No matter what you stand by there side

It may seem like nothing to everyone else
But to one person it means the world
This is for my best friend she got in trouble and was scared but I wasn't about to let her stay in the cold and run, she was coming with me no matter what because she is my sister and she is my family
 Jan 2015 the helper
lotus lord
season 2 comes out in 2016

i cant stand it
you don't fallow the book on the ending
yet you make me 2 years to see season 2

i know they don't fallow the book
but yet its so good

there trying to **** be to me by making we wait so long for attack on titan
this is not funny i want it to come out now
1 pill: Nothing really serious.
2 pills: To distract my thoughts.
3 pills: To numb the pain
4 pills: To get me high.
5 pills: To make me sleepy.
6 pills: To knock me out.
Sleeps for 3 hours
wakes up

7 pills: To cause poising.
8 pills: To send me into the hospital.
9 pills: No returning..
10 pills: To end it all.

*Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Now I'm gone
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