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The ghost that haunts me
Seems to respect privacy
But not sleep habits
I have been informed
That phasing through walls is just
A stereotype.
you effectively deconstruct everything I say
I'm never right in your
drab blue eyes
but I think I have fallen in love with you
shouting hateful words is
apparently a turn on for me
your pessimism
tries to compete with the optimistic noise
I provided
I have enthusiasm
and hope your continue to see half-empty
it sort of completes me
if I forget to dot an i
or cross a t
it is given that you will point it out
your delicate hand points to the mistake
and you say "there. fix that."
and I obey your bitter command
with a half-wish that you will one day
see with my eyes
but in the same way I'd like for you to never change
because I secretly enjoy the spiteful symbiosis
we have attained
I build and you satisfy your need to destroy
and I build again but this time
you take down less
and before you know it you'll be building too
laying bricks
and in your own,
passive-aggressive way,
you are making me infatuated with you
you are my cynic
my blue-eyes skeptic
the one I love to hate
but would love to love
you have denied everything I say
but you have crawled under my stubborn skin
injected yourself into my veins
and grown a garden of ideas in my head
and I know you would say this poem doesn't do you justice
and just this time I'd have to agree

— The End —