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 May 2013 Tessa F
Lily Gabrielle
My pillow
still smells
*like you
 May 2013 Tessa F
Lily Gabrielle
I am writing this as I lay beside you
for the last time.
In the morning I'll leave the strawberry yogurt on the counter,
I know it's the only flavor you can stand.
Don't bother running to the door,
I'll have been gone for hours.
Did you know that your eyes flutter an awful lot when you sleep?
And it's sweet how gentle your hands look laying on your chest.
You have a freckle on your forearm,
I guess I never noticed
because as much of your body I've seen I guess I never really looked.
And I'm sorry we skipped introductions,
like your favorite song.
I wish I knew it.
Instead I spent my time memorizing how you breathe;
choppy at first, then gentle.
And I could remain by your side until you to love me back,
but I'm too restless,
and you'd never notice.
And now I am left with an unfinished poem in a book you'll never see,
so when you read this note keep in your mind
that I have loved you as flowers love bees
but the sting has become too much to endure.

*Goodbye my love.
A note I never delivered.
 May 2013 Tessa F
You were the love song
That was sang through the breeze
When there was no one to blame
For what I thought was certainty

Maybe the reason
After all that has gone
Was to bring back love for me
And fill my heart with lullabies

But my melody
Failed to reach out to you
When the clouds seem to cover
My lonely heart from loving you

I watched the sunset
Sealed with so much regret
I could’ve been happy now
Knowing that there is something more

My words can’t perfect
My flaws command regret
My heart that was once broken
Further breaks into tiny bits

There’s nothing to do
Life has taught me two things
Do what might be right for you
Or taste the pain of might-have-beens.
 May 2013 Tessa F
With a warm glow
around my tired bones,
I feel the chemicals
slowly take effect.

It's ok with me, precious,
if you think I'm ugly.
I'll love you just the same.

My hands knew your skin
before we ever touched lips
because you are missing from me.

It's ok my dear,
if we never live
I'll love you just the same.
It's the honey on your lips
that keeps me on my knees.
 May 2013 Tessa F
My favorite sin
 May 2013 Tessa F
Shadows taste like unanswered crickets and last years leaves.
This question crawls in your skin
as you try to wring the answers out of *******.
There is no right or wrong
in the realm of exo-skeletons
so the crickets sing as
I part the earth and
come on your sacred soil.

I know what I am.

You are my sugar,
white and heaping.

There is only this.
There is only now.

You are here
and I am there
and I will choke on these
shadows the way you choke me
behind your lovely lashes.
Don’t die so soon,precious;
I have many flowers to
spread on your skin.
 May 2013 Tessa F
She comes, and she goes but she never stays
She looks, she smiles, but she never speaks.
I look at her; she is a beauty of forever,
She brightens the way like a shining star.
She walks like a snake sweetly,softly and silently
her open hair flying in the open air
I know, does she know?
What a beauty she can make!
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