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 May 2013 Tessa F
Today I killed
the last piece
of love
inside me.

I fed it poison
and watched it
convulse and die
as the cicadas rotated
shifts in my ears.

Yesterday a blind woman
touched my face
as I carried her through
the desert to
the Holy Lake in the mountains.
She touched my face
and asked me to put her down;
she no longer wanted my help
because she knew my
nothing was greater than hers.

Tonight I drink the shadows
of your name, heavy with
 May 2013 Tessa F
You can kiss my ***...


leave my horse alone.

Getting better be bk soon I'll catch up on reading I promise. :)
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
Ever had a teardrop fall out of nowhere?
Like you aren't sad or anything; it's just...

It's almost like
Someone you lived as
In a past life
Still reeling over heartbreak
Or a dredging loss
Breaks thru for a
 May 2013 Tessa F
Tim Knight
 May 2013 Tessa F
Tim Knight
And we rang along those river banks
against the light cast as shadows,
fleeting past mournful dark windows-
timid in the evening's morning.

And you whispered into my eyes
the words you wanted me to see,
and showed them to idle ears
who waited for something else appear.
timknightpoetry >> Facebook
 May 2013 Tessa F
Pardon what I say
But **** the system.
When you have kids
snapping against others
hurting themselves
Because these
in charge
can't understand that
is abuse.
"There's nothing more
I can do."
"It didn't happen here,
so we can't help."
You wouldn't anyway!
I want to expose the fallacies.
Tell the truth.
The whole truth.
The system is flawed.
When you have kids
killing themselves
ending their own lives
because some adult
"couldn't" help?
When you have kids
and hurting others
killing others,
"no one saw it coming."?
This **** hits home.
Going through years
of abuse by other people.
"If you're not bleeding
you're fine."
Don't lie.
If I'm not bleeding I'm fine?
Tell that to the scars.
Tell that to the blood that did fall.
I caused the blood
I caused the scars
But do not say the hurt was my fault.
DO NOT say that I should **** it up.
DO NOT tell me some *******
about how it gets better.
Because when this **** was happening
do you think I looked forward?
Do you think that I was hopeful
full of wonder at the future?
I was depressed.
I know now
that yea, it does get better.
But when you tell a depressed person
they're stuck in the present
maybe even the past
Because looking forward
all I saw
was more pain and hurt on the way.

The system is ******.
And so are we.
Society is ******.
And so is our future.

Unless we stand up.
Fight against those who
"don't see anything wrong"
Show the truth
For what it really is.

No it's not pretty
No it's not nice
But yes it's the truth
But yes, it is right.
I don't know if it should marked explicit or not.
I won't take out the swears, because that is how it flowed.
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