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 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
Buried in 'maybe'
A throbbing heart toils for a throbbing mind,
Heart beating on its cage of rib -
It's only a matter of time

Ready to bust out of that joint
Make a run for it and

Worked like a slave,
Your blood-pumping knave
Tired, shifty-eyed & opaque

Make no mistake:
It'll burst straight thru your chest
Go running off right before your dead eyes
And you'll never see it again.
A warning from weary hearts. Don't cross them.
 May 2013 Tessa F
Take your time
and mine
and from these moments
form one day
one hour
of solitude for us to share...

let nothing here

break not this gentle silence
with wasteful
fill up each pause with tender looks
a lovers touch
a lingering kiss
just take your time
and mine
to enjoy these perfect
 May 2013 Tessa F
Let's exchange our pillows...

to share
in one anothers

 May 2013 Tessa F
Look At Me
 May 2013 Tessa F
"I hope you find happiness"
Are you saying I'm not happy?
I'm angry
But I hope that is what you're saying
Because it would mean someone is paying attention
Someone notices
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
Today was hard
Girls in teeny tiny shorts
With teeny tiny legs
And teeny tiny waists
And long, strong hair
And beautiful faces
And me
In all black
In a baggy shirt
With thick legs
And a big ****
And dry hair
And an ordinary face
And he's there
And he's beautiful
And don't forget that other one,
he didn't want you too
And why would they,
When there are beautiful, tiny, perfect girls to love instead?
Throwing a little pity party for myself
 May 2013 Tessa F
I'm Just Tired
 May 2013 Tessa F
I say "I'm just tired"
Because I can't tell you
I can't tell you how I just want to cry
All the time
Because sometimes I feel so hopeless
Because sometimes I feel so different
Because I'm strange and left out and rejected
I can't tell you how my heart is broken
That the most beautiful boy I've ever known doesn't want me
Because I can't tell you what I did
Because I don't want you to see the ugly inside of me
I can't tell you how I hate my body
That I nit-pick and try to perfect it every second of every day
Because I feel trapped in this physical shell
Because I just want to be beautiful
I can't tell you how ashamed and alone I feel
Because I'm different
Because I'm an oddball and I don't fit in with any of my many groups
Because I'm never good enough, never bad enough
Because I'm never enough
I can't tell you any of this
Because I don't think you really want to hear it
Because I don't want to burden you
Because I know I'm being stupid
Because I feel too insecure to tell anyone anything
Because I don't trust people anymore
Because you'll just hurt me
I can't tell you any of this
So instead I'll say,
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired."
I've been tired a lot lately
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
The world Is your playground
The moon's smiling at you
Life is tremendously short
You are an imperfect creature
Politicians are stilling from you
Terrorists want to **** you
There is no Heaven only dirt
There is some song that says dance until the world ends. I thought it is pretty naive if not stupid to say the world is ending dance, like dancing cures all.
 May 2013 Tessa F
Calm facing adversity
Reaching within
To emerge victorious
Conquering self
dear lord i
want to do
things i will

not regret eternally
i sleep in
your hammock love

i am no

longer in


but rather waking
to the silence
of my hut

to the how-are-you-this-mornings
of the secret friend
and friends


each other as
the semis roar
by on the

highway headed for
nyc or maybe

dear lord thank
you for life
for this hut

for this blanket
please wrap your
grace around those

who are doing
without wrap it
around me that

i may wrap
it around others
heal us and

we'll be healed
save us and
we'll be saved
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