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Jul 10 · 45
A day to dream
Sometimes I smile as I think of
someone who has been lost
I find them again deep in the
memories that warm my heart
we smile again and we laugh
and whisper of the love
that brought the joys we had
then I thank you with a blown kiss
as you float away with my dreams
Jul 2 · 28
Seven stones reef
The setting sun, sets
as the bodies glowed
about the ship, wrecked
Jul 1 · 48
When I grow up!
When I grow up I want to be
a fairy on top of a Christmas tree
I'd make you laugh I'd make you smile
I'd put your present on top of the pile

When I grow up I want to fly
a tour operator in that big blue sky
I'd take you anywhere you'd like to be
as long as we're together just you and me

When I grow up I'd like my life
to be full of happiness devoid of strife
We'd sit and reminisce about good times we had
the greatest of course being a new mum and dad

When I grow up I'd like time to stand still
like walking the zigzag to the top of the hill
and when we get there we'd hold hands a last kiss
and remember the good times we will now surely miss
Jun 5 · 45
The tide turns
As the waves roll in bringing more and more
we sit there shaking our heads tutting
muttering, why isn't someone doing anything
As the waves roll in
We listen to their promises again and again
shaking our heads
As the waves roll in, the tide turns
We pack our bags and leave the land of our fathers
for a new world a better life
now we become refuges
Waiting for the waves to roll in, waiting
In the throng of Ginza,Tokyo City
they greet you with a smile and a bow
scanning the shūji sign posts
they will point the way you should go

In the smiles of a thousand faces
waiting for the red man to turn to green
there patience is rewarded, eventually
as a new crowd joins the scene

Then as you reach your destination
take a stroll amongst he trees, umbrellas and hats
bow and clap your hands three times
to a shrine dedicated to cats
Apr 22 · 149
A day in the life of...
A sparrow sang for breakfast
the robin sang for tea
Death by misadventure
the magpie holds the key

The jackdaw sang for supper
the nightjar at midnight
The major sips his sherry
as the conscripts fight the fight

Then as the sun rises
and the day begins again
The salmon swims the river
and the deer runs the glen

So, the fisherman packs his tackle
and his glasses for the sun
While the hunter wore his stalker
and loads bullets for his gun

Then we ponder at life's menu
as we drink a glass of wine
Whose time will it be tomorrow
it could be yours it could be mine
I walked freely
every step meticulously measured
head in the clouds
feet always in the centre of my
granite paver  
if not it's unlucky, they say
I caught your smile
invading my eyes
I think I smiled
then I felt the edge
so sharp under my plimsolls
my knees buckled as I
fell over the edge
falling, falling
then the pain as you clasped me
and brought me to my feet
ouch I cried
we smiled
as we stood on the edges of my world
we shuffled to the centre
We all plea for life's equality
all the races of our world
It's not the colour of our skin that cripples us
or the boarders from within
It's the greed of the men who steels from us
and they're quest to rule our world  
He knows we'll never meet our neighbours
will we ever cross that line
Come let us sing our song

So our destiny lays with our masters
but we just don't have the time
We prey to the gods they've made for us
so our mind can wonder free
In the hope that he will listen
and give us back some digenite

Come let us sing our song
the song for freedom
redemption song
Ye, been listening to Bob Marley tonight.
Mar 21 · 83
Carve my name
I whittled away quietly at life
understanding my limits
and sometimes overstretching
but I always learned on that path
once on the right path I quickly moved on
and never looked back
Quietly people noticed me
which was daunting and exciting
so, I whittled some more
learning from my peers
I expanded their experiences
and my confidence grew
until I met love
which is worldly but solitary also
I whittled some more
but quickly realised
WE needed to whittle together
we did
understanding our needs
separate and whole
became a new challenge
but love conquers all
our whittling complete
our names now carved

Parenthood began
we whittled away quietly at life
My pants draw is empty

Anything for the wash bring it down
you called, yesterday

My wash basket overflowing in the corner
commando, I thought, Na

My sister was out
No, I thought, maybe I cringed
what if I get runover?

Anyway, I didn't get run over

Sisters do come in handy:)
A smile for the day.
Feb 24 · 113
Played by a book
The words you wrote were at first
calming and friendly
then as you looked into my soul
you changed
your world became mysterious, devious, violent
yet I could not let you go
I became you, I lived your words,
I craved your mysteries
then, when you both met, at first I was angry
I was ready to let go
but then I realised it was me
there with you
until the very last page
and until...
The End
We all need a good book.
The sad old man walked down the rickety road
his path was blocked by an angry toad
and a Japanese lady sat on a commode
on a great white stallion she rode

So he checked his bag of therapeutic ****
note said only take if you feel the need
should have read that before he did concede
on his bag of munchies he did feed
Feb 18 · 54
The meadow plant
My petals fell
in that winter sleep
Snow cradled me
to the earth so deep
Until the sun broke free
made the branches weep
As the blossoms bloomed
their secrets to keep
And the lambs made play
watched by flocks of sheep
As my petals awoke
the mad summer did hares leap
Feb 12 · 135
That kiss on the brow
My hand held tightly and that kiss on the brow
tells me time is leaving me right about now

My eyes are closed tightly and my heart rate so fast
I remember the day I met you, seems like the night before last
We'd party till midnight then party some more
Like lovers we'd walk barefoot on the sandy sea shore

I remember our big day watching you walk down the aisle
your eyes shining brightly over that wicked infectious smile
We made promises for ever our sacred wedding vow
sadly coming to fruition just about now

So don't be sad when I leave you when my hand turns cold
it's the beauty of living that we get to be old
Our life was made whole by that great ebb and flow
I loved you forever, now its time to let go

My hand held tightly and that kiss on the brow
tells me time is leaving me right about now
Feb 8 · 52
The farm yard
The duck stood quacking drowned out by the chickens cluck
as they waddled for breakfast in the farm yard muck

But the pig was happy and wallowing messily around
next to the goat who was standing on higher ground

The hungry horse was watching and swishing its tail
spied a piece of lettuce being carried by a snail

Then a black bull strode in an awesome sight
just as the duck and chicken started to fight

The sheep dog stood studying looking nothing like a sheep
Just as the pig grabbed a towel to wipe his feet

Then the farmer appeared with a bail of hay
past it around and said, have a good day

The animals were happy some ran to the fields to play
and they all slept soundly after a wonderful day
Jan 4 · 59
Scottish accent
I met a man who said I was going to sea
He was 18 stone and about 6 foot 3

As I was thinking what to wear

My mate butted in and said we'll see sunny
The big bloke smiled

I thought sun glasses and a hat then

As the ambulance pulled up I said to the big man
text me the time we set sail

He looked confused and got a bit shirty

I helped my mate to his feet and said
I think the trip is off

He looked confused

I just smiled and said we'll see
Dec 2023 · 295
Destined to be lovers, BUT.
I could hear the floor boards creak
and the footsteps closing
my mouth was agape
as I watched the door in anticipation
you paused
your hand readied
but your courage deserted you
I sighed as I heard your retreat
and now after all these years
I still wonder
What if.
The house settled slowly into a deep deep sleep
The floor board could be heard yawning
The wind brushed the window
he's coming it whispered
Hush said the bed with a sock hanging from it's nose
the children are asleep

The cat lay sleeping on the settee
and let out a one eyed peep
as dust fell from the chimney
The dog in the armchair sat up
ears touching the celling
as he saw the footprints of Santa’s soot-black feet.

Now the smell of Christmas wafts through the house

The children’s noses twitched
And let out big Christmas yell

All the house was awoken to the sounds
of great joy and the happiness

The smiles on the faces this day
light up the world
and we wish it could be Christmas every day
Dec 2023 · 465
It feels like rain
Dark clouds gather
as the light fades to a hue
I study all the face
and ponder what to do
I'm far away from nowhere
and time is getting late
Empty promises lay broken
do I accept what is my fate
Then I hear a voice calling
it brought me to your door
I look inside at the faces
I think, we've walked this road before
So, I thank you for your pity
as I turn to face my fate
I walk towards the darkened clouds
back to the land of greed and hate
Dec 2023 · 401
And grown men cried
Just a simple text
with a simple note
we lost him last night
A brother had fallen
while asleep in his bed
The memories began
with a smile
and a tear
A cult hero some say
A captain to show us the way
A tourist at play
A lifetime friend lost today
So, now we wait to say our goodbyes
on a cold December day
we will sing your songs
and toast to your life
but most of all
we will remember you
Mike Bonetto a legend in our life time. At peace.
Dec 2023 · 50
Min y Mor
I looked out at the horizon as you lapped at my feet
the sun set and the starts glistened upon your soul
Lost, I could see the light that guides the
hurried ships as they race to port
As cool breeze heighten my emotions to a smile
and I welcomed it so
As I unravelled the mysteries of my mind
at the Edge of the Sea
Nov 2023 · 101
The Waiting Room
It's the waiting that gets you
when your sat on that chair
it muggles your mind
to that long vacant stare

When you stop and listen
you can hear the clouds rushing by
the trees bending in their wake
a ginger cat sat on a wall watching
an old man shuffling along with his stick
and the mother in charge of a pram and baby
weaving to get past
thank you she says as the old man leans on the wall
next to the cat who was watching

Then the clouds disappear
and that world floats away
who's next a voice whispers
as the band starts to play
Nov 2023 · 276
The history of man
I touched her heart, but her heart was too cold
so, I asked her to share the depth of her misery
she looked me in the eyes, and smiled, you wouldn't understand
You're a man in a mans life, as she took me by the hand

We wandered through the history of man
no stone was left unturned
no one was safe not even man  
yet still they became martyred, revered, loved

She touched my heart but my heart was too cold
now you share the depth of our misery
I looked her in the eyes, and understood
I am a man in a mans life, she let go of my hand
Nov 2023 · 67
Always on my mine
I struggle to lay my emotions out to air
they say a problem shared...
no one will listen
will it be deaf ears or warm heart
You never know till you know
I'm going to give you a chance to help!
hear we go.
                        ,                                    ­     .
                                                     ?                   ,                    
                                             !!:(                                    .....
                   ­              ,                                ,                  
"                                                               ­    "              
                               ? :)  :)                                                      .

And there it is in a nutshell, what do you think?

Thanks, I feel better after that.
Nov 2023 · 74
The Welsh Harp
Slowly you meander through the streets
your skips turn to dance on the village green
where your partner spins you to a stop
dancing amongst the clouds as your feet start to tap

Your heart is torn between love and death
love wins for now smiling you kiss him hello
tears fall now you must kiss him goodbye
as your feet start to tap

Dancing and smiling you wave at the crowds
disappearing in the mountain mist but never alone
you lay on the sun kissed hill dreaming of love
in the music you have found it as your feet start to tap
Inspired by Catrin Finch and Aoife ni Bhriain
Hi ****** ****** the harp and the fiddle
Nov 2023 · 55
Only Light
For a bud to open it craves only light
its stem fights and weaves with all its might
from its muddy cradle to its dizzy hight

Then when its time it lets out a sneeze
carried high it fly's amongst the breeze
then spy's its patch and lands with ease

It sleeps a while until the time is right
until the earth warms up and the sun is bright
gaining strength and courage to fight its fight

For a bud to open it craves only light
Nov 2023 · 49
The dogs barked
The air was chilled the moon lite so brightly
and the silence quite deafening
Until the dogs barked

What followed the sound of the sirens
left the scars you see today
in the now old happy people

War was so far away
friends met at the cinemas
laughter filled the pubs
and mothers rocked their children to sleep

The city was lit up
by the bombers drone
the screams that scarred our now old happy people
with memories only time can soothe  

In the distance an angle of death appeared
floating gently down to earth
the ground violently shook as the past were
awoken from their death
rest in peace were the last words spoken

The great Llandaff Cathedral lying next to them
smouldered with dust
the birds in the belfry deprived of a home
the pews full again as so often were
but this time with grief not happiness

Guided home by the light of the moon
men cheered
Heim, ein guter Arbeitstag

June the 19th 1940
War came to our Capital
January 02nd 1941
It left a stench that awoke the dead
the scars will be guarded forever
by our old happy people
Oct 2023 · 72
Born Today 1914 to 1953
With the children at play on a sandy Abertawe beach
At home Shakespeare recitals his father would teach

Late on he met a dancer with the same Celtic blood
A match made in London sank slowly in the mud

Back home revived them when The Boat House did call
His quill flowed quite freely to the delight of us all

Alas, New York cried out the famous Chelsea hotel
His tours a great success, only time would tell

To the Whitehorse Tavern his destined drinking well
Until his glass ran empty and time rang his last bell

His life now lost he said he’d change, if he could
His gift to us his last play, Under Milk Wood

Now buried at Laugharne, died on a cold November day
Destined to be a great poet some critics may say
Oct 2023 · 43
Aberfan, a reminder
In the chilled autumn air, we ran to school
Leaving our mam well behind
We were never late, 9.00 am the bell rang
Waved to our mam and blew her a kiss
By the time she got back home…..
We never left that school
We were never late
116 children
28 adults
An anniversary never to forget.
After the anxiousness
comes the excitement
then the passion
and of course the pride
the prospect follows a win
and belief close behind
the anxiousness raises its head again
calmed by the excitement
and pride that the whole world is watching
the passion never wanes
even after the defeat
memories of your journey
and love for the people who nurtured you
and the friends you've made
and most of all the players who made it possible
we'll meet again
but, now is the hour for me to say goodbye.
Best supporters in the World.
Oct 2023 · 329
Watching from our balconies
The freezing cold artic air warmed, slightly
and the sun never set
A crack appeared and ran and ran
slowly the ice mountains fell into the sea
We watched from our balconies
letting the magnitude washed over us
They gently floated south disappearing from sight
Until we were no more
Sleep deserted me as I pondered through my window
hours before dawn
The fields beyond looked like a desert of dew glittering
in the haze filled light
Bare foot I walked following the light
I pondered more
My mind cleared and I could feel the dew
washing my feet
Suddenly I stopped a lost smile caressed my face
and a tear to my cheek
A new dawn arose then as the sun bathed me
I pondered no more
Sep 2023 · 40
Be never too proud
The granite stone, so proud and strong
could not be broken the hardest of men
Yet, the rain came at first so gentle bathing
him softly then relentlessly
Next the wind searching every crevice
releasing the smallest spec of dust
Then the sun ******* out and remaining moisture
the cracks appeared
Ageing was the worst that once proud upright
hardest of men slowly aged
his life fell all around him until he broke
He ask for help

From that day forth his life changed
washed by the gentlest of hands
dried with care and hope
kept warm with smiles and laughter
accepting age and the inevitabilities it brough
is now remembered with love

Etched on the tallest of granite stone.
Sep 2023 · 54
Lights out
The sparrow sang for breakfast
The robin sang for tea
Death by misadventure
The jailer holds the key

The jackdaw sang for supper
The nightingale at midnight  
The major sips his sherry
The conscripts fight the fight

Then as the sun rises
The day begins again
The salmon swim in the rivers
The grouse nest in the glen

So, as you try to wonder
What this poem's all about
If you are the last to leave
Please switch the lights out
Sep 2023 · 27
Wild Camping
I awoke to the silence
at first welcoming
then eerie, I was being watched
I quietly unzipped to peek outside
The dew upon the grass shone like diamonds
as the dawn rose
Thick mist blocked my vista of the woods that
I knew lay beyond the field
my eyes came to life as a shadow stood at the edge of the mist
His outline stood bold, muscles twitched as he grazed
ears alert to every sound, vast twisted antlers nodding with every chew of the cud
I moved slowly, then our eyes met

I could feel the beating of me heart, he could hear it
as his snort blew white  

The most beautiful moment of my life

I blinked and he was gone
Sep 2023 · 67
Gods garden
My eyes tell me they don't belong here
flourishing in a foreign climate
Invasive some say?
they do no harm, do they?

The natives seem content
letting their seeds mix
For a stronger more colourful future
or will the garden be overrun

The gardener, bless him
seems to have lost control
Sat in his hut drinking tea, watching
sharpening his secateurs

The deadheading is ruthless
lazy and the weak first, then the needy
The natives are nearly all gone
some clinging on, fighting back

My eyes tell me I don't belong here
maybe I'll flourish in warmer climes
I'll do no harm
I sat by that stone and smiled at my past
un-noticed, how did time slipped by so fast
As I read the words that made me proud and sad
then remembered the faces of my mam and my dad
The advice they gave and the things they'd say
I became their young boy again in the quiet of that day
So, I layed out my flowers in that long flower queue
and this time I remembered to say, thank you
Sep 2023 · 103
The Shindig
The fiddler played her tune and the people danced
the skirts of the women floated
as they were thrown high by the young men
laughter consumed by the night

A loan guitar lamented sadly  
and the voices followed
tears on the cheeks
as the lovers danced

The beat changed
and the hands clapped, louder and louder
on a loan table she tapped her feet
and weaved her hands, louder and louder

And the wine flowed and the beer spilt
not a word was spoken
as the fiddler played her tune
and the people danced and the people danced
Aug 2023 · 476
To be alive
Isn't it good to be alive
and read the great things people do
Just walking down the street they nod
and say, how do you do

You smile at the headline paper
YES, we will save the whales
Heading to the high street
to see what's in the sales

Then cwtched upon the settee
with a cup of your favourite tea  
You settle down for the night
and search for the remote for your tv
Aug 2023 · 395
I have to get out more
From my window I watched them, strutting
acting the fool, being cool

They dressed like rouges with a price on their heads
or have I been watching to much Netflix?
Then it happened he was on his knees pleading for his life
she stood over him with tears in her eyes
I could barley look as I pictured the blood
seeping in the gutter

He got up, she said yes, they kissed

From my window I watched them
It was me acting like a fool, I have to get out more.
Aug 2023 · 79
Closer and closer
What are we doing wrong said the dolphin to the whale as he splashes in the water chasing his tail
The sea's are getting warmer and the food chain is beginning to fail
the dolphin listens worryingly and forgets about his tail

Is there anything we can do, can we change and put things right?
No' It's the humans we have to rely on to fight the worlds plight

Then we're helpless said the dolphin as he sinks to meet his doom
his body floated silently in the shadow of the moon

O' look said the human what's that bobbing on the sea
O' don't worry about it darling it's nothing to do with you or me!

The end..... is nigh
Aug 2023 · 58
Veggie restaurant
The robin whispered to the tortoise
who winked with a broad smile
I'll meet you at the edge of the wood
where the road sign say's 1 more mile

The robin met him at the spot
and sat upon the sign
The tortoise let out a big huff
robin said, come on your doing fine

Another half a day had passes
until they went that extra mile
Robin whispered to tortoise
who winked with a broad smile

All the animals of the woods and fields
gathered at the end of that last mile
Where a hare whispered to a hedgehog
who winked with a broad smile

Yes, tortoise and robin drooled
at the thought of first taste
Then a chief came out of the restaurant door
on a table laid the waste

After you said robin NO you first
said tortoise with great hast
robin pushed his share on to the floor
tortoise tucked into the waste
Poor hare and hedgehog sat patently
wating for a taste

Robin said it's a free for all
as they all tucked in to eat
tortoise munched contentedly
as the salad leaves fell at his feet

So, if life is getting to you and your finding it hard to smile
No matter how long it takes please go that extra mile
Aug 2023 · 190
A & E
As I drift into that darkened night
unresponsive, devoid of fight
blinded by pity only death in sight
I hear people fighting for my plight
Then a crack appears of blinding light
the fight returns, could I win, I just might
spinning falling from that dizzy height
to live again I have the right  
surrounded by angels dressed in white
Aug 2023 · 284
Artist at work
Every brush stroke is gentle so carefully caressed
the colours so vibrant and so full of zest
Then concentration draw lines across your stern face
a tortoise not a rabbit will win this creative race
Your eyes light up as you survey your design
and stretch out your limbs to pour more wine
Yes, the  finish is exquisite as sweat drips off your nose
O' I'm so glad I don't have to, paint my toes
And the rain fell
as I looked out the window
Fluffed up birds were dancing around the pots
Gold fish were racing around the pond
and the flowers bathed  
More rain fell and I smiled
and made a Smiley face on the window pane
put my head on the window sill
and fell asleep
I dreamed of being on holidays
laying in the sun
drinking wine and watching the children
dancing to the music
then racing around the pool
as I bathed in the sun shine
and fell asleep
I dreamed I was sitting at my window
watching the rain
Jul 2023 · 100
Barking up the right tree
The cat sat on the wall and watched
the mouse looked right and left and right again
A bird sat on a tree watching the cat watch the mouse
and squawked a warning
the mouse looked up at the tree and saw another cat
sat on a branch stalking the bird
the mouse blinked
then followed a birds feather blowing in the wind
at the wall their eyes met
A dog barked wagging it's tail
The mouse ran under the shed
The bird flew after its feather
The cats looked at each other thinking F*/ *^ng dog
and they all lived happily ever after
Jul 2023 · 69
The hardest speech of all
I listened to the thoughts of the quivering voices
they talked about love and loss and laughter and pain
we listened and smiled at the words
sometimes not really understanding but we smiled and nodded
a breath was taken to steady the ship
the room was scanned by so many eyes never meeting
then the last paragraph loomed large
the words spoken were un-legible but the tears spoke volumes  
as a heart lay broken for all to see  
it was the hardest speech of all
Jun 2023 · 382
Dr Richard Price
“Be encouraged, all ye friends of freedom …. Tremble all ye oppressors of the world! “


"And still we tremble under the oppressors of our world... our cries for freedom go unheard!"

Jun 2023 · 67
Just a ripple lapped the keel as we silently rocked
hanging limp the flax, wool sail, waiting

Our gods are sleeping said our Gothi
we covered him with hateful stares
Awake him said our leader clasping his Ulfberth
the Gothi summoned Njord

This was the seventh day of the sun, too weak to row
slowly we sacrificed each other to the gods, waiting

The Gothi was next struck by the hand holding the Ulfberth
it was night time that the madness took over
throats were slit their blood painted on the faces
only the strongest survived still grasping tight my Ulfbreth

Yes I am alone to tell you this tale of when Njord deserted us
what could we have done to anger him, we are Vikings
I challenged him as I prepare for Valhalla, what do you want of me

This is when I became Freyr son of Njord
with my last breath I fill the sail
the clouds gathered rain swept my brow the sea rolled to life
Peace and fertility will be your virtue, son of Njord, welcome
Lots of Viking stuff on TV at the moment, gets you thinking.
May 2023 · 74
A white feathered quill
Slowly the life blood is
spilt in anger
it drips to the floor
now never able to fulfill
that wish of the perfect relationship

The writer
hands in his head, full of words
stuck in a chaos jam, bumper to bumper
the ending is clear
as the ink pool reflects
a silent white feathered quill
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