Slowly walking, almost stumbling
I saw her sitting there, just looking into space
What you saw, I wondered, But could not see
Looking up, pondering with some blissful Glee
A soft tumble of moisture fell from her lips
Her memory slowly leaving my mental grip
I saw her sitting there, Just looking into space
Soft, pale, sunlight fell upon her face
What you saw I could not see, assuredly it did not involve the likes of me
But still, I looked, and could still not see what quaked your soul
Perhaps it was, I could not dream, could it be me, It did not seem
But still trembling, Almost stumbling, Slowing upon my pace
She looked, She saw, she knew what I was about
Undoubtedly she thought and begun to shout
Red and angry, Or so I thought, but not
She beckoned to me, Although from afar
Still I saw her, sitting there, looking into space
With some peaceful slumber still showing on her face
She awoke with a smile, kissed me on the cheek
Isn't it wonderful we will get another peek
Softley, almost brilliantly, she began to speak
I held her closely, again fighting off the sleep
Early morning warm, the softness of her breath
She spoke to me, surely brilliantly, as if to say
Grandfather, she would say, stay with me this day
You've got stories to tell, don't go away
Please stay , there are games left to play
Oh god, Not today, she wants me to stay
Written April 2016 for my grandchildren, Becky, Tory, Olivia, And Charlotte.