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Gyuwon Apr 2019
Pull the skin off my bones
Only to find Im empty inside

No wonder tears echo inside me
Gyuwon Apr 2019
weve been trained to have an algorithmic response to anything that occurs to us so that its politically correct and socially not awkward, we have been basically brainwashed to like what society decides it likes and they have a neat name for it: trend. You gotta like it or your social life will probably decline and end up in ruins, maybe not, but probably. Show an appropriate amount of empathy, too much or too little, youre all of a sudden this rude psychotic idiot. Dont try to fit me into a standard and assume that you can manipulate me into acting like everyone else, cos in fact, I am and I refuse to be like the others, we all have a right to be unique and different right? Diversity is key to a society, remember that.
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Let me run around my mind
Cut me up a peice of peace
Countless hours spent doing pointless things
Perhaps Im bound to wasting time

If I could turn back time
Id find my *** a dream and start again

Poetry echos my sadness
Inside my empty cell of ribs
Spare me a second to breathe
My blood is barely flowing

Pull my skin off the bones
And youll find that it was just a cover
Im actually hollow inside

No wonder sadness echos inside me
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Released to be discovered

To be found in whole or not
An entirely new question

Living whole, dead partly
All my organs have blood gushing through them
But some of them feel absent

I enjoy being resuscitated
Bring me back to life when Im dead

Let air in my lungs
And sunshine on my skin

I know Im alive
I just cant wait to live again
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Dont come find me when I disappear
Im probably sitting in a corner crying
Sometimes the misery of living gets to me
And singing away at my favorite songs
Only escalates the situation

I go to my favourite corner- the darkest corner;
It seems to understand me
Gyuwon Apr 2019
Darkness shines intensely on this endless road
Shadows rule over my somber field
The isolated wasteland looks so desolate
Not a single drop of tear to be found

You will never be located here
Forever be abandoned
You won't ever feel anything here,
Not even sorrow

Feeling dry as sand
Shiver down my spine
Waves of nothing hitting my face
I take pointless steps everyday
Dont bother moving around
Youd end up in the same place anyway

Perhaps Ill be here for a century
But who cares, tears wont find my eyes here

Don't call me a coward
Im not scared to feel
Im just scared for myself

So dont come find me with your feelings
I refuse to feel anything
Radiate me with nothing
So that tears wont find me
Gyuwon Apr 2019
i never dated anyone
but why do I want to write bad love poems
oh to get views ofc
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