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 Sep 2014 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
I wish I didn't feel so much
Because only now that I let you go
Does it truly feel like I'm falling
 Apr 2014 Tay Nicole
Jonny Angel
She's dark, yet
moonlight glows
inside her soft-eyes
& despite her
I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her.
 Mar 2014 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
I've reached happiness
Like some plead
 Mar 2014 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
I awoke just to see the rainfall wash me away
 Mar 2014 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
I fear rejection
Yet I told you how I felt
And now I'm waiting here
With this nothingness
And that's one problem
With speaking through glass screens
But every time I speak to you
I find myself anxious
And I feel like I'll get rejected
But I usually
Reject myself
Before I get rejected by anyone else
 Feb 2014 Tay Nicole
no matter what your teachers
may tell you, your grades are not a
measure of how smart you are, that
has more to do with how you handle your
heart, and i have never seen anyone love
more fiercely or smart than you.  

i have let boys touch me just because
i was scared to lose them; don't let them
lay a hand on you without you asking
them to, you are worth more than that.

people will walk away, but you've known
that already.  keep your chin up so that when
they turn back one last time, they know that
you don't need them.
you don't need them.

i hope you find somebody that holds your
hands, even when you're nervous and
they start to sweat.  if they pull away,
you come find me and i swear,
i won't let go.
i just love her more than words
 Feb 2014 Tay Nicole
Theia Gwen
She reads
                                          And she sleeps
                                                      Way too much
                                                            ­           It's her coping defence
                                                                ­               When nothing else will suffice
                                                         ­               She needs to get away
                                                       Without actually leaving
                                             Because she's too scared
                                   And too tired
                                            To leave her bed
                                                      So she cracks open a book
                                                            ­     To escape somewhere far away
                                                            ­             And she'll sob for the characters
                                                      ­                       Whose brokenness resembles hers
                                                            ­                                   And then she'll sleep
                                                           ­                                   And have sweet dreams
                                                          ­              Of realities that are not her own
                                                       Because pretending is so much easier
                                                 Than facing reality
                             So she'll sleep and dream
          And secretly wish she won't wake up
So she can finally escape
 Dec 2013 Tay Nicole
Kat payne
Dec. 20th, a whole month is nearly gone in the blink of an eye and I didn’t even realize it, a ******* year has flown past without me even knowing. I loved the glow of your eyes in the dark car, I was just melting in your hands and you hadn’t even touched me, hearing you talk so animated, and so vibrant and alive, you aren’t even a ******* color but if you were you would be a brilliant mixture of reds and oranges in the setting sky, setting everything alight with nervous energy in your path. You were such a unique person, you totally caught me off guard, I wasn’t the cocky party girl I usually was, you were so full of life and I was a mere observer of the beauty you held inside of you. I was so star struck by your personality, but that was my mistake, romanticizing you, mistaking that short glimpse of you, for the whole entire you. I would have followed you anywhere, taken any chance to be with you, held you when you felt like ****, made you tea and tried my best to get a laugh out of you. I wanted to be your best lover, and when we kissed your lips felt like home, what actually rips out my heart is, you said I was something special, you gave me so much happiness, I’d never felt better. You made me feel like I truly meant something to someone for once in my life, and when I gave you the last remaining piece of me, you just took and took and took, you never gave me the slightest piece of you. I wanted you to say something to make me stay. You just let me walk away, like after all you had said to me, I was still nothing but another dumb girl, reduced to a mere speck of dust.
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
This One

I’m still me
Albeit cowardly
If there is a lion in me
That’s something I wish to see

For if a lion’s roar could find my lips
Maybe my lips could find their way to yours
If our arms found each other and your head my chest
You’d hear a kitten’s purr I’m sure

Of that, yes
I am Sure
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