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 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
T Hus
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
T Hus
Let's write a haiku

Boredom engulfing my soul

That was easy no?
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
Sometimes being me
Is unsatisfactory
Almost there
But not quite enough
And when running in circles
Gets too tough
I can't help it
I just give up
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
What if I left
Leaving you only
A broken compass
To tell where I am
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
Gwen Johnson
I'm a ticking time bomb
Just about to go off
No matter what you do
You're in my mind
All the time
I'm gone
Remember me
Because I can't remember you
It's done
Already gone
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
its gone,
i had it,
but i was dumb,
mine to keep,
mine to hold,
never had,
one of my own,
finely mine,
but it didn't suffice,
looked at it,
and said goodbye,
got another,
brand new,
hope it works,
and i'm not really a fool,
wonder now if it was wrong,
i guess i wont know,
until i move on,
but the old one wont leave,
resides in my head,
i swear, i swear,
its driving me mad,
maybe the old one was better,
it's useless,
it's gone
My ex won't leave my head, even though I think I am happy now, with my new boyfriend.
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
Kat payne
To awake from an inevitable slumber, to a cold, dimly lit, hospital room, to feel the lacerations covering your arms, to awake from a midnight dream, of you, and me. Happy, together laughing like we always did, kissing, holding your warm calloused hands.
Then all the light and glory, drifts cooly away.
The light goes out.
Here I am, alone, and you are no where to be found.
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
Help me.

Its in me now.
And its fatal.

You know that right?
That you're the reason I'm slowly dying.
And you keep giving me more
As I slowly become more and more dependent on it.

Like a ****** with a fix;
At first joyful, then guitly.

I tried to stop it.

To get it out like ******* the poison from a snake bite.

Why would you do this to me?
I thought you loved me.

But I guess that's the problem.
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
I have been patient
not always
but mostly...
for a very long time.

Occasional outbursts
of NOOO...please!?!
have startled
and driven you
to hide again

Hurt humanity gone awry,
I hold my tongue again
while you walk away...
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
What kind of woman do you get
by standing back
and pursuing none?
Only the desperate ones...
 Nov 2013 Tay Nicole
I know you,
though you don't always like
the you I see.
that you don't want to see,
or be seen
rises in moments of trust
but I hope it's ok
that I know...
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