It's not the same
Your dress looks beautiful
the weather is fantastic
this restaurant you picked
the waiter
It's not the same
What did Gina tell you?
That her bladder is so small that she has to ***
every time she washes her hands?
that's hilarious
how inconvenient
It's not the same
Pass the salt
no the other salt
I know that's pepper
what a cute smile you have when you're playing a joke
It's not the same
Always the jokester
never serious
It's not the same
Did you smile like that when you let him touch you it's not the same
What a beautiful dress you have
can I try some of your pasta
you know I heard it was supposed to storm out in--
It's not the same
I think I'm going to use the restroom
*** even though you don't even have to
Now that I am washing my hands I do
I'm no better than ******* Gina
Don't punch the wall
It's not the same
You forgave her
she apologized
she had to apologize
punch the wall
It's not the same
Finish washing your hands
Compose yourself
You love her
and she loves you
she always did
she made a mistake
we all make mistakes
It's not the same
not like that
we don't all do that
is not normal
Honey yes, they do have towels in the bathroom
no I didn't know they used to make creme brulee here
why did they stop?
wow amazing
why did you stop?
It's not the same
I look tired?
Works been crazy
good lie
you're worrying
she doesn't know
or care
It's not the same
You forgave her
That doesn't mean I have to
because I know
as well as you do
as much as you try to fight it
It's not the same