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Tark Wain Nov 2016
I wonder about the rain
A good deal more than any sane person should

The way it falls
the inevitably of it
and then
And just like that
It's as if it never existed

What if we're all just raindrops
falling for what mistakably
seems like forever
and then
the only thing left
being the size of our splash

Memories become
molecules we happen pick up along the way

It must be hard
when you're falling
to think of anything but the ground
who cares about where you fell from
or the places you've transversed
when the only thing in front
is solid asphalt

What I'm saying is
What if we're just raindrops
inevitably falling
and if that's a fact that will never change
what good does it do
to overthink
to stress
to doubt yourself

When in the end
we're all just a splash on the pavement
Tark Wain Nov 2016
I can hear you bellowing from a room that rests just outside of my imagination.
My skin crawls
as the wind quietly whispers
begging me to open the window
so the thoughts that once crowded my head
can slide back into bed with me

Nothing ever hurts as bad as it did the first time
each sip of the bottle is easier than the next
as I slip back into unconsciousness

I can hear the rain
hammering on my roof
again and again and again
wishing that maybe the next drop
will be the one that breaks the camel's back

melancholy memories make me muse
perhaps I lost a piece of me when I lost you
and if everything
God willing
must end up right
than Perhaps it makes sense
that you visited me tonight

I feel the flames
sneaking past the floorboards
devouring my oxygen
encapsulating my space
occupying my attention

When the past comes knocking on your door
remind it why
it doesn't have a place in your home
Tark Wain Oct 2016
I think that you can hear winter
The leaves whisper as they fall if you listen closely
The trees call out, not to say anything, just to be heard
And the birds voice their discontent with their absence

There's something about the ability to see my own breath
that I find to be a jarring reminder of my humanity
Tark Wain Sep 2016
It was the first time I had fallen in love on a Tuesday
The crimson skies played tongue hockey
with cumulus clouds that begged so heavily
to be carried into the night

It was a feeling that produced so much awe
that it was necessary
for it to dissipate
within the blink of an eye

I never got your name
that doesn't matter
Bees know not the name of nectar
just that they need it to live

It was raining when you left me
each drop fighting to hit the ground first
in some cosmic sign
that maybe the destination meant more than the journey

Sometimes I feel
the only one that wants me to stop and smell a rose
is my nose
everyone else is content to let me pass by

I'd never stopped to speak to the old lady
at the end of the street
but I did today
and I'm glad I did

Because her eyes showed me
that below her face-scarf a smile hid
It's not always superman that saves someone's world
but who would watch that movie?

My mind is stuck on an endless loop
of play then stop then rewind
I tend to linger on one moment
although I'm not sure why... perhaps it's because

           It was the first time I had fallen in love on a Tuesday
Tark Wain Sep 2016
She was the type of girl that read books no one had assigned to her
She refused to take the sidewalk if the quickest path went through the grass
Her eyes were the color of mud saturated with rain from the night before
I loved her and that was the biggest mistake I'd ever make

This isn't a poem about how girls are evil
or how the world is rigged
it's just that when I saw you I believed in love at first sight
and maybe that was wrong of me
Tark Wain Aug 2016
Like a raindrop down a window
or a rope down a well
I didn't mean to fall
But once I started I couldn't help it
Tark Wain Aug 2016
You remind me of my eyelids
because when I close my eyes
all I see is
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