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 May 2013 Tara Brooke
To drown in the void; a steadfast oxymoron
But I am struggling to stay afloat
My limbs lack sensation, mockery of my mind
Vocal cords cut, stolen that night in the snow
Carried to the cosmos on an angels back
Helen, how you torment me!
A thousand whispers, torrential and coaxing
To find silence would be all end all; greatest defeat
But what a warrior I found in you,
Quiet and it's little reverie
Infinite; feeling as though I should explode
The quickness of newly discovered emption uncontainable
But in solidation I am weak, without your armed defences
And Helen is touching my skin again
 May 2013 Tara Brooke
 May 2013 Tara Brooke
Is she defined by her virginity or her fertility?
Do you deem her useful because of her womb or her worth?
Or is her womb her worth?

If she made the choice to dIe without bringing child,
is she still woman or an unfinished human?
Is the accident of her gender the definition of her life remainder?
Answer this and answer loud.

Selfish you say, when she wishes to live on her own terms.
Unnatural to keep at bay, Nature.
Do you deny her the choices others exercise,
free from pressure and thoughtless in nature?

If she brings life in, she will decide all to it.
For all your pomposity you shall not
induce it or force it.

She does not threaten to extinguish but merely
ask that understanding be in plenty for you do not
can not know or see within.
 May 2013 Tara Brooke
Your jewel incrusted crown, isn't as beautiful as it once was.
The gems are popping out because the glue didn't hold.
Your majesty is a fake!
He rules relentlessly over everyone, when in reality he is no one.
Your beloved monarchy is a lie!
A fraud!

— The End —