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time passes by
in the blink of an eye

time runs away
at the first sign of late

time speaks of the past
because time doesn't last

time knows the grains of sand
like the back of it's hand

time shows up late
like a young ******* a date

time never skips a beat
like a parade band hot on the street

time brings it's friends
beginning and end

time knows the rules
but still plays out the fool

time struggles at the test
like a freshman at his desk

time closes it's hand
on all our demands

time knows that we
were never meant to be
 Oct 2014 Tammy Cusick

This path I wander, aimlessly
through evergreen and stone
As sunlight fades the calling mist,
I’m lost and all alone

With broken branch and tilted leaf
as footsteps fall from view
These endless thoughts a’ swirl my mind
in hopes of finding you
I dance with fairy creatures
that live among these trees
Enchanting stones and casting spells
that will lead your path to me

Your heart is the one I've chosen
but I'll cast no spells to bind
Your love, to me, for eternity
you must choose of your own free mind
Walking long of moss dream windings
Brittle earth my feet they fall
Weary as these eyes perceiving
Echoes on the silence call

Following my heart’s direction
Shimmering a light does bend
There beyond the fern leaf visions
Dare I pray it not pretend
A dash here and a sprinkle there
of pixie dust on my toes
I'll take those last few steps to him
except... I got some up my nose

Ahhhh-Choooo!! I sneeze and lose my footing,
falling swiftly on my ***
I see a face peeking through the trees,
now I feel just a little bit dumb
What was that, ahead, the clearing
a giggling I can’t resist
Parting quick this brush divider,
squinting, I peer through the mist

At this sight my feelings ponder,
beauty fore my questioned brow
A fairy, whom I feel connected
on the ground, she smiles now
"Well don't just stand there looking silly,
come over and take my hand"
I smiled and waited, beaming,
it was all going just as I planned

Now that he's close, I pounce on his heart
knocking him onto his back
"Gotcha!!" I squeal, delighted with my prize
"I'm so happy you made it, at last!"
I took her hand and fell in love,
such happiness her smile it brings
My shoulders twitched, as I looked back,
I saw that I had sprouted wings

She kissed me and my world did bloom
in joyful song and endless laughter
I knew right then we’d spend our days
living happily ever after
A collaboration with my talented friend Ana Sophia.
 Mar 2014 Tammy Cusick
Little cunning foxes jumping over bushes,
              slaughtering the sheep I have been counting in my sleep.

I hand-pick plump raspberries while I watch the foxes
              rip out their throats, all of our lips stained red & ******.

My hazy sepia toned dream shimmers as I sit in the grass,
              sipping on a glass of arsenic laced strawberry lemonade.

The cool sun hugs my skin and my collarbones
              that jut and cut my finger as I brush a hair off my shoulder.

I look down at the pin ***** absentmindedly and glance
              at my foxes as their black eyes gaze upon me wildly.

Magenta stained muzzles set in stone as they begin to roam
              surrounding the circumference of my skirt, snapping their jaws.

Ebony teeth tearing me like cloth, jerking my body like
              a frail little rag doll dancing with these fiendish, lovely beasts.

They leave me quietly, bones picked nearly clean, waiting now
               for flowers to bloom in my hollow chest and my empty eyes.
Amara Pendergraft 2014

“People never like me and I never like people,’ she thought. ‘And I never can talk as the other children could. They were always talking and laughing and making noises.”
 Jan 2014 Tammy Cusick
A love like pomegranate seeds — I am condemned to a mortal marriage with Death, waiting for his hands to touch me in the winter; I am stuck inside an autumnal equinox, waiting for the spring. My mind is a brothel — filthy and thoughts floating in and out but not looking for any sort of commitment. But you say that my brain is efflorescent and something lovelier than I would believe. There are cities in the palms of my hands, once teeming with life like the Great Barrier Reef, but now moan the silent sounds of desolation within a Chernobyl wasteland; but you are roaming the ashes atop my fingertips like a lost child trying to unearth the memories of her mother beneath the rubble of a shaken faith, despite knowing she was lost forever in the wake of brutal destruction, kicking me left and right as though I were the collapsed mountain of infrastructure in the wake of early September, 2001. I say all this to confirm that I do miss your voice and its fluidity on the phone — I miss your voice even though I know you'll hang up, and I wish I felt that way about living. I only want you to hold my sticky heart like melted candy.  I want you to stop sighing and slumping in your chair like the names of every Holocaust victim is engraved on your eyelids. I want you to smile like an innocent child, for once.
 Jan 2014 Tammy Cusick
When did I let myself trust
I thought sure I was just as far away
As ever.
But you never really know something inside out
Until you lose it
And it's the same with people.
You never really know what they truly are
Until you miss whatever that is.
I don't have friends.
I know it looks like I have friends
And a lot of you might even think you are among them
But I don't
I don't have friends.
I stopped talking to my friends.
I stopped way back two years ago,
When I lost everything and nothing could fix it.
And when seeing someone's face who wasn't her didn't hurt me terribly
It was still simply too tiring to have friends at all.
So I stopped talking to them.
Little by little.
They didn't wanna let me go.
Apparently I was pretty great or something.
But they did. They let me go
Because I am great-
At being persistent.
And I persistently pulled away.
And... that was that, really- I didn't have friends.
I had acquaintances.
I had a loose circle of people who I could talk to if I wanted
But who wouldn't miss me all that much if I suddenly bowed out of their lives.
I made a practice of doing just that-
Periodically leaving.
So nobody got used to me enough to like me too much,
Because I didn't have the energy to like them too.
It became that I only gave myself to love,
Not friendship,
Because when I lost love
Even the best of friends became completely invisible to me, hidden behind a haze of pain.
And I figured that must be a sign.
In a lot of ways, I don't do friends.
Or so I thought until today...
But tonight
Tonight I am losing a friend.
She is parting with hugs and promises to keep in touch
And I am sitting on my father's sofa crying
Because I don't remember the last time I cared about anyone I wasn't in love with.
How did I miss this?
When did I start making friends?
How many of them are there?
Will I even know before it's too late?
And why
Do they ever have to leave?
Undress... your mind.

Expose your explicit thoughts.
Bare your soul's deepest secrets.
Uncover your darkest sins.
Scatter each insecurity outside of these
bedroom walls.
Leave every fear to die on the cold floor.

Unmask your make-up free face.
Show off your natural glow.
Strut your never-ending legs.
Flaunt each curve as your shadow
glides across the candlelit room.
Unveil every inch of skin he was too busy to kiss.

Undress... you're mine.
when you run your fingers across my skin
be careful
for I have spent many sleepless nights
stitching myself back together
when people's words cut through me like daggers

and when you brush your lips against mine
be careful
I have so often bled venom from this mouth in my words
And I would hate for you to taste its sting

When you wipe the tear from the corner of my eye
be careful
It is not the last I will shed, there are many more
pricking at my eyelids, itching to be released

When you declare 'I love you' to me
be careful
I have heard it many times, none of which were true
If i hesitate saying it back, know that it is my lack of trust
not your lack of love for me

And when you hold me in your arms
be careful
I am all too likely to shatter, I am but a fragile thing
A bird, if you will; Hold me too tightly
and my little wings will break, hold me too loosely
and I will take flight for fear that pain will follow.
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