I was a blind man!
But now i can see.
No stick or hound
not blind literally.
I just never stood back.
Never really took note.
Just watched as humanity
cuts its own throat.
Was I not looking?
Were my eyes closed?
Is my own contentment
so superimposed?
This life I enjoy
for all that its worth
so no notice was taken
to what happens on earth.
Gorilla hand ashtrays
adorning my home,
might it be an idea
just to leave them alone.
If we just didn't buy them
and I’m really not joking.
We’d keep Gorilla’s alive.
Perhaps just give up smoking.
People paying good money
and thinking what fun.
Watching our wildlife
through the sight of a gun.
But if things turned around,
it was you in that sight.
Could you ever imagine
sleeping at night?
Drilling for oil.
War's off afar.
Is it all worth it
for fuel for a car.
Children are dying
its got to be said.
While some fat oil baron
sleeps contented in bed.
Perhaps he might dream
of the poor of this earth?
Use his millions to help
and thus prove his worth.
How many more oil spills
can this world take?
How many more species
can we continue to break?
Now in this age.
Death for lack of clean water!
While Governments rule
with a firm grip of slaughter.
You reap what you sow
is something they say.
Then should we not consider
a different way.
Enough is enough.
Something must give
or this Planet called home
will be no place to live.
15th Sept 2011 posted Aug 25th 2014 © Copyright Christopher K Bayliss 2014.