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it can strike anywhere

like matches,
converting sulfur into flame
and setting fire to the couch

it can come to you at anytime,

you might be
pondering your most
deepest thoughts
about the universe
in the shower,

retaining some boring lecture
from your college professor,

manicuring your lawn
and watering your garden,

wolfing down 5 cigarettes
on your smoke break to
cope with the stress levels,

checking out books at the library,

flipping over your chicken
on the barbecue grill,

in the middle of helping
your kid out with their
science project,

listening to a song
that makes your
little hairs stand up,

in the end of a good book,

sipping a cup of coffee
and staring out the window
from your kitchen,

from the longest trip to the grocery store
to the shortest distance to the sun,

from the worst day of menial work
to the greatest copulations

it can occur,
whenever and wherever
don’t lose that thought
fill pages upon pages
with ink from your pen
as soon as you can

for me,

this one happened to me
when I was walking my dog
and picking up the dog ****,

two teenagers drove past
doing 45 in a 25mph zone
and the passenger hung
out the window and screamed,
“LOSER” at me.

my immediate thoughts
were to throw my
beer can at their car
but I didn’t think it was
worth the waste

and then,
I wanted to throw
the bag of **** at them
but you and I both know
those kids lives
aren’t as nearly as valuable
as the dog **** in my hand.
Creativity and ingenuity can hit you at anywhere, at anytime.

— The End —