I always feared thunderstorms
Lightning has killed many trees I loved
I understand that lightning
is a necessity as it replenishes
the nitrogen in the soil
But it destroys to create life
Tonight the thunderstorms roll
The thunder remains high
just growling low
as the lightning skips from cloud
to cloud
Then all at once
a bolt hits close by
and the thunder
kabooms . . .
rattling windows
Making your heart
skip several beats
The wind picks up
the sirens go off
and you chek out the radar
You breathe a sigh of relief
as the approaching storm splits
and goes around you .
It rains hard . . .
Then it stops . . .
so has the wind
Aloft the clouds
are race horses
galloping away as fast as they can
They have business elsewhere
Now all is quiet
a feeling of relief
soaks in unlike
the water running
rushing down the sides of the street
An after the storm moment
of peace when the air feels as clean
as the thoughts you . . . you don't have
A moment tonight between rows of thunderstorms rolling through