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Theodorus Rex Jan 2015
There is no bark to the bite of
The desolate, coming home to pockets of solitude
With an evening companion of the unattended.

The ghosts of women’s voices murmur
In the creases of my house.

The tapestry remains silent, the oven
Empty, the heart beats the wings
Of freedom and ecstasy is woven into
The still night air.

The house sends them away
With my approval.
The house sends them away
With my approval.

Loyalty lies in the garments
Of dismissal

Theodorus Rex Nov 2014
Never Worry
You are my woman
I'm happy to be your doormat
You own me
It thrills me to be your slave
I know you don't want me right now
But when I am with another woman,
I will always kick her out of bed
At your whim.
Never Worry
I am at your disposal
I enjoy yielding to your better judgment
I will dine on your pleasure box
For as long as it takes
My need is strong
And never ending
Time is not a factor
I laugh at the thought of you with someone else
It just increases my resolve
I have the will
I can wait and wait and wait
Sure, I might be with other women,
But only in an effort to get closer to you
To become a better lover for you
Even your sweat is perfume
Yeah, my flame still burns
I don't even want anyone else
The others are a means to an end
A salve until we reunite
They are all rehearsal space
I'll simply end my date
When you call
Its just the hierarchy
Of natural selection
We are meant for each other
And not meant for each other
The essence of contradiction
The passion
Of the Paradox

Theodorus Rex Nov 2014
Only one flower
Has spoken my name
For so long...

I fear the silence
After the final hug -
More silent than any ocean
Can breathe

A tear in the eye
That is a star.
How far
How far?


— The End —