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August Feb 2020
The cool breeze of the spring.
                     I'm the withering trees outside in the fall.
   I'm the serene lagoon, where beautiful swans
                         f     l     o     a     t
I'm the  
                   g         moon that bewilders your eyes as you
                 n                                                                ­                    
              i                             ­                                                             
   ­         s                                                       ­                                       
         i                                                                ­                                    
     r                                                                ­                       fall asleep.
                   I'm the sun you cannot look at
                                          in the  b r o a d  daylight.
                  I'm AUGUST,
                               who soon will be a FULL moon.
                         But I first have to become the
                                    ­           f
               ­                            l
                 ­       I have to carry swords in my back;
                        I have to keep wan der ing like
                           a hermit, until I am
                              Until, I have truly found myself.

Britni Ann Oct 2017
But did it hurt?
When you left her?
Do you remember it too?
does your soul ache for her as hers ached for you?
She remembers it all.
And how much it hurt.
The pain she felt when you left.
Do you know how long it takes for a soul to stop aching?
Do you ache too?
Do you remember it?
I bet you do.
She does.
She remembers it all too well.

— The End —