you are going to have to
sew yourself together
piece by piece
place by place
peace by peace
listen to the wind
before all of your broken pieces
are swept
into the cracks
in the floor boards
like dust and crumbs
blown in
by their open windows
for they do not know why
you are
who you are
look to the moon
before you are whispered of no more
by dawn they will have forgotten
who you were
why you are here
why you are
who you are
before all the tides
that swept into your shores
have broken
on the rocks below
speak in lowered tones
say your name
over and over again
do not forget tomorrow
but forget today
they do not hear your voice
or know why you are
who you are
piece by piece
place by place
peace by peace
place buttons on your skin
and sew yourself together
over and over and over again
piece by piece
place by place
peace by peace
as this is why
you are
who you are
that's all there is. Plasters plasters sticking plasters on gaping big holes that everyone thinks they know how to fix.