If youre being bullied on social media... Why keep it??? Who cares if you get 400 or 500 likes per picture... If youre told to **** yourself, then you dont need that in your life! Nasty people arent going to stop calling you names, they arent going to delete you! They love making you feel awful! Just delete your account and people will get the picture! If you wanna make a new one, add just your friends and family! If youve only got 1 friend and momma, heck thats all you need! And all them boys commenting on your post will never meet you one day unless its over skype! Forget about them! Its never gonna be! But adventure yourself outside of the internet and meet someone in real life! If youre that attractive and the boys want you, theyll do it in person! You dont truly know who is on the other side of the screen.
©quote from friend Kate on Facebook
Lolll this is from me friend Kate on fb who thinks just like me though she's me cousins girlfriend she is only nineteen years old and she's so right!!!!! Alll these people talk on fb or Skype yet these boys I call them boys because they are. These boys that these girls love with never meet them.. As big difference between me and those boys I know I will meet one. But as I said before everyone wants to have some magical romance lol and they'll never meet its soo fake and illusioned. I see it daily with all these guys tell these girls stuff on Skype soo on because people tell me about it and that's all it is some stupid dream. Honestly women if these guys keep leading you on in Skype and will never meet you give up on them!!! So false and it will never be!!!! Bravo to me friend Kate... She was telling this to girls she knows on fb... Lol so true... And ps- these seriously aren't me own words I don't mispell like this lol and its all truth here soo amazing lol people just talk to anyone in fb so on and think they have some quote-romantic love... Mmmm yeah will you meet them? Lol that's a diff story and if one won't meet us they didn't really love us. Such truth Katie! And for you who might say BRANDON made this up well go look up Katie Westmeyer in Ohio see for yourself for disbelievers lol