Nobody knew I am on the road
Except for Ronda,
I had new responsibilities,
The money helped to survive with food, heat, and electricity,
Every Monday
I go back to the bush, and she took care of the home,
It was just live,
And it was good,
Because we cared for each other,
We met in a strange way,
The toilet was filled with ****,
They were living like this, and being taken advantage of,
Nobody has to leave in those conditions,
For food, she was getting money from her father, a trapper, and fisherman,
I wanted to take care of her, and Wendy, her little daughter,
Ronda was looking for love in a relationship,
She knew that would take care of her.
The trailer where she was living, that trailer was on her father's property,
The property was big enough, a refrigerator plant, that kept the hunting food frozen for the winter,
It had other places where he can put a dead hunted body,
I tried my best.
What did she do after you were gone?
She found love,
Ronda, Wendy, Teresa,
I am not there,
So much shame, so much regret,
I was working up in Ear Falls, a gold mine, more than a mile deep into the earth,
Working with my hands, explosives
So much shame,
So much regret,
I lived with the pain of not holding, not even once, holding my daughter in my arms,
Explosives, made by the Chinese, invented by the Nobel,
He made all his money by selling gunpowder, blowing out the earth,
And this is where the mining started,
After each explosion, we go down into the mine and take the all rock out with our hands,
All my life I lived with the pain of not holding my daughter in my arms,
Later he invested in Nobel prizes,
She knew
Love will take care of her.