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betterdays Apr 2014
please let me apologise
i am unable to write
well of  today's suggested
prompt, but write i must
i made a mental deal.
i am meant to
be writing a terza rima
but at present the form
is beyond me....

my creative flow is
silted up and sluggish,
mindless and murky
just muddy thoughts,
caught upon a logjam
of tired emotion.

and i feel unable to
a  credible rhyme,
let alone......
tercets with a braided
rhyming scheme.

but a deal is a deal....

to day i plod,
from dawn to dusk,
the world a beating rod

upon the broken husk,
that once, was my mind
now muddied, mush,
gouged by memories,
broken elephantine tusk.

i feel, so blind, so blind
about in the dark
chased by ....

see this is the mud... which
i am swimming...

so sorry to you,
as you can see.....
.......a bad write day!!
napo wrimo day15
prompt; write a terza rima

as you can see i had much difficulty and after many virtual sheets of crumpled vitual paper...
i decided to treat this with wry humour
and give you this look into
my brain blocked mind
just don't stay to long you
might get caught up in the log jam
i will write a terza rima
with worth by months end...
i will!

— The End —