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Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Encircled by the speakers of Uncertainty; it would be good to break out of the universal anxieties of deep storms of silence with certainty! I dreamed of the sparkle of the universe for myself in the depths of immortal deer eyes! A cursed poet with a doorknob in me in a great crouching darkness; calls for a duel! The lasso of my transience is not cherished by Ariadne's hands; his greedy greed drove out this now-life-seeking world! Sandals are still torturing me from the choking edge of the world!
Trappers in pain captivity after some achievable goal; diminishing hope every day spikes a spike-blade of pain! We had to march in mud and I don't know cheap dog kennels or parade palace suites will be mine! - Just the insured For nothing, I can be pretty cowardly! Spark-sharing proud smiles don’t give me their sacred flowers! Toothless wolves are still hunting for my orphaned life: the Stars are sobbing in the proud star field of my soul! A limp limping belfry at my feet, I could never run fast!
I had to live: stray ban trees grew again! A whipping question is a question: why doesn't someone do Good and purposeful instead of signing a line every day ?! I am a lightning lurking among the clouds in whom childish defiance is regenerated; there are tears on my pale blade of grass! Who will heal my wounded heart beating in a terrible fever ?!
With a soothing fever of joy, I would snuggle up to a kindly baboon-hugging lap while our budded twilight lips hint at the sacred flame of the Universe! As a small child, I can hide in my sensitive solitude without asking: why am I behaving especially?!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
The man of today is resourceful if he shortens the long-promising day with a furfang! You know, it licks in a drift, but with a pale self-tanning cream it evokes the luxury of being available in a small country! It was and will be old, heartbreaking, intoxicating nostalgia, if you can imagine making its fences out of sausage for everyone! His blood boils up quickly and if you don't take care of yourself, he collapses tachycardically in the air-conditioned solitude of gyms and falls to the ground! Amazon fairy blues smile, posing above him: the shoulder species of their displeasure are immediately rearranged too!
Life-lie collections are inaugurated in careers also deliberately seduced! Being is the battleground for everyone; every little style of revenge comes from an instinct of balance! "Many people who didn't sell themselves spend the night in the rejection salon!" Accidental splinters settle in teary eyes or unpleasant itchy pimples on the backs! The Alien left by man is being thrown out everywhere! Everyone is playing and selfishly polishing their own well-being! "Whoever is attacked by sincerity of sincerity is perhaps even self-critical, and is almost always blind when they meet the True One!"
Shrewd, careeristic ants already cross each other's paths, if anything is said about their prevalence! It will be the nebula flower that develops under the bulbs, deliberately culminating in the contagious gloom of time! Sleeping rose in a glass coffin with a very hard-chewed cheekbone, and first of all, it asks everyone for a mandatory income! His heart-fidelity pretty much no longer binds anyone! Confessing the Truth in self-defense and staying in the Land of Goodness Nobody is always the hardest! - In an motionless, *****-gray mirror of water, an orphaned little child stares at us in his fears.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Anyone who has become a caress and has satiated for many years now looks down on his luxury citadel: self-tanning, solarium kittens can already easily lose their basic colors! The dreamy lifestyle and the stylish jaccudzi fall apart into its parts! The prostitution of Being a ******* can no longer be traced; even at events, a stone-rich snarling shell can be witnessed by those staring at the screen! Distinguished, twinkling accomplice-masonry smiles at wedding moments; one is barely twenty-two, while the other is already seventy-five! Between two hot quarrels, a giggling, grinning charm-grin! Prolonged myocardial fever, near infarction after promising!
They embrace each other like the newly initiated, while in the depths of their souls a superficial blush breaks their superstitious petals! The price of any phenomenal glow is real Betrayal! Why whirl if someone longs for a normal life on the side of the happiness found? Under the roof is the well-assembled dowry! Dads of large families broke out of the gate-closing panic because they longed for the adrenaline-boosting nectars of common forbidden fruits!
The warfare of Propaganda-blonde underworld bombers is already plagued by the wallet and the red carpet! Everyone circulates like an exile and everyone is eagerly surprised by a special adventurer, his career appetite: the satiated woman is always hungry even on the bed of Procrustean beds! The joy of life of the Cassandras is already on schedule! You can make a bargain with a light heart for cooling latrines, company-wicked villains! “Imaginary hysterics imitate a deliberate nose fall in their mouthful of nail shoes so that the tabloid press can write about them for days.
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
His rolled-out gold money is collected by adult chitens of vulnerable, snoozing Being! Gerontocracy no longer matters much if pampering, material well-being is the universal goal of everything! Celebrity deeds circulating like a balloon for up to three days first start to let go, then burst out sensationally hungry! Oblivion strikes a hollow depth in our beating, perforated hearts anyway! Because every collision is another solid blunder on the Ladder of the Spirit!
And if we don't grow walnut casing ourselves, we can soon suffer a series of injuries and new abyss wounds! What kind of expelled pits do you have to stumble across before every exploiter can reach shore?! - As the face of a match flame, many of them are lurking for prey concerts, and may be the happiest in their top-rated plans, once the calculated deception and deceptive gambling have been proven! The real will can only be revealed from seduced, smaller shreds of chatter!
Who is listening to the Future in telephone silence? If one does not take care of oneself, Fate can stumble back! Kandi's summon-blue people are lurking at all times and they are wondering: who can benefit more?! If you still keep the Loyalty love with a pure heart, when can you know that it will betray you with ease? With your teeth clenched, you may or may not cry, and your selfish rights, shrouded in Protestant silence, will chuckle - but there is no one and where! "On the drunken backs of sluggish nights, the Guards dawn on red algae twilight!" A worn handkerchief bursts like a barge stuck in an alley bed of streets! Immovable stones grind the Truth from themselves

— The End —