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Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
In my careless anguish, in the moonlight, displaced, she wept alone; My knocking, true-kissing, friendly voice was not yet answered, Only a syrupy darkness had taken hold! Thus in my trembling body the little child cried out in a roar! All compassion against me was frozen on ever-superficial, grimacing faces; and the preserved aversion curiously scanned its sad, past memories! He who is the sole companion of himself, and who, repressed, creeps with terrible strength into the land of still survivable Tomorrows, is forced to scrape together his courage of noble substance in himself!

He can cry as long as he likes, for no one will listen anyway! - Squeaky shadow-wings whisper in the haunting twilight, and now everything seems so uncertain and difficult to digest: he forces himself into foreign roles instead of taking root, settling down and finally being himself! He stops, alarmed, like a chubby, worn-out coat on the rack of the pegs that pull him to the stake, and feels that his fate would fall before the pre-shotgun barrels if he let it - so he prefers to stand back in the eyes of the Outlands and digest his own humanity!

He knows his efforts are all in vain, but he must cling to something! A superstitious glance, a disturbed childish memory in the horrors of the past, or a kiss that might have been a romantic summation, which in an unexpected moment of magic could have meant much to all! - Outside he gazes at himself paralysed, And knows the treacherous Beast's needle-sharp fortune awaits!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
I know I should finally cling like restless grains of sand in the cracks of rocks, like a stream bustling in the thin veins of stones, like the esteemed promise of the Truths! In hurricane storms sweeping the seas, the defiant sailor, or like a True Pearl-sized tear on truly sincere faces! I still crouch wordlessly in rose petal hearts and I would wait anonymously for the right moments! I still don't know what this uncertain expelled Fate can want with me and can I still find the secrets of Happiness ?!
As if in gravitational gravity alone I would fall; grabbing the two ends of Being, I pulled with me the ingrained shadows of my past! Many times I couldn't be good enough with petty Differences! Brown blinking dots smiled from laughing deer eyes and I imagined that; it can be found in Harmony! The walls of a selfish prison, I feel every day, lean inwards: the trumpet of Jericho calls for selfish revenge and I know that as the shadow of haunting nights, like a crouching animal, I cannot drop my panting head! Like crooked spider legs are the cages of my breathing ribs; and it would be good to know and feel! I would already step out of the usual World if I didn’t have to look back as an account!
In my heart there will always be a knife in pain anytime I break it! Among my hedgehog spikes, I can only extend a friendly hand to Angel! If almost every dawn is a torch, my Hope can stretch its arms again! And **** is always accompanied by trendy method ?! "As a hesitant fool, every word burns your soul!" It would be good to believe again superstitious eyes really
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Non-****** macho, dice-bellied Adonis-Titan chicks tend to lurk intentionally and escape the attention of bikini fairies! They themselves feel that losers against murderously stimulating exibitionism can be absolutely just brought up! Who is not on purpose, and his movement cannot be convincing enough between two chairs waiting for the captivity of floors! Democratic D.Js are pocketing their horses for bakelite shifts, while cosmic noise is raging in the ecstasy vortex of dance halls! Inhibition and anxiety cannot be resolved clearly: it is the manifestation of everything!
Every day, losers and a seven-rehearsed, petty Nobody dream of themselves as self-appointed pop stars; think if they get a record deal maybe they can even run overseas! Then come puffed-up petting, one-man Spanish wax makers, with a flag of allied fire in their eyes; because you always need another, incomprehensible, bribed sensation that infects just like good-neighbor gossip! Institutional conspirators are forcing the crowded idiocy and the rampant Chaos! When can there finally be Peace Empathy and Tolerance?!
The silly moth sets mine traps in the yard of our constantly creative brain! An unstoppable rumbling convoy is approaching your heart attack! Everyone is gradually becoming a livelihood nomad because they can’t know the avoidable answers! To survive, they need long-term hunting! You are growing around you who is not finest enough to survive Tomorrow!
Dogs snarling at their unspoken accusations are trotting after free-leaning fat columns! Overbearing bad faith can always find asylum seekers.
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
In the midst of the constantly ***** tempers set on Spear Hill, the Being-Sensing Man must retire! Feel the tension in your body! The dumbest show of strength on this earth is when the phlegm **** creates mold flowers blooming from a killer quail! In flooded brains, the bob of knowledge can rarely jump into the stem! The optimized horizon may be strangled by the open port; a weeping sluice squeaks rusty around the necks: a sense of constraint - perhaps - only tortures free thinkers!
And only passengers can get to the island of the dead on Kharon for money!
To see the bronze-brown excitement of attractively hot bikini swans: their muscle gorillas thickly lubricate the arch of their shoulders with factor sunscreen! And everyone who may have remained a Seer wounded, with a chubby body of Sisyphus, is at all times forced to suffer delusions; their existence Death-pointing, targeted arrow! - In the age of trying TV ideas, when a person is deliberately guided and turned on! In an alamus, receding silence, only the silenced Watchmen can only be awake!
The mood of handcuffs is cheering! Homely Chaos can rarely shine with skillful stars; big chunks of self-telling, parrot people are feeding the good people with soft-smeared press releases! Set aside, truth-tellers choose the deep layers of suicide in self-hatred and self-restraint so that we can stay on our own! - Who is the greater hypocritical leech in self-exaltation?! Paprika and guided around the neck, the executioner's loop is strained; so swing them ghost-wind mother-born naked!
It is a pathetic duty to cast vital signs from your isolated mood block; in a city that once flourished and was a shelter for cultures Infectious disease is infectious! If you don’t take care of your brain’s treasury, it will dwindle daily
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Curled up in a sweltering darkness, in a half-cut pretzel, an eternal-child man chuckled innocently! His superstitious sweetheart was desperately trying to calm the heartbeat of a harassing volcano! The sweaty pearls of his skin testified instead; like an orphaned little child moaned so that the vicissitudes of his wounded soul could be heard! "The universe-feeling *** guest play with its lily-bodied lily body on balmy scorching nights was the immortal Dear as a Mother babushed her teddy bear boyfriend growing up in Eve's costume, and she didn't mind if the all-pervading honesty fell to the surface!"
In the twinkling moonlight, they fell asleep side by side, even in their allegiance, innocent and heart-touching children, who became one in the protection of selfless caring love! Her raven-black hair fell on the petal face of her sweetheart, and her audible rest was soaked by her babbling heart; his apple face shines in caressing whiteness so many times he was open to kissing and the hesitant knight had to concentrate strongly, in the heat of their immortal lips, to be able to breathe evenly!
When they wake up together with forgiving mischief, they wash away: they cherish our nasty, naive-childish secrets! Their faces: An open hollow wound in which it is as if they are both looking in a mirror, the heart-touching and eternal minutes of the night that has happened shine! - Romantic emotions were not forced to their knees by lies or overwhelming interest! “Like a conscious shadow born of a snow-white wall — apple-white-pounding heartbeats in silence!” Two soul-petal rooms opening into each other

— The End —