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Astounding Apr 2021
When she was a child she dreamed of putting her toes in the sand
She dreamed of the waves rolling into her as she breathed in the salt of the ocean
She never thought her life would stray so far from her plans
Instead imaginary sand fell through her hands

That sand was her happiness turning to dust that swirled up and blinded her of life's lust
She still cries salt water out of her eyes
And she flows through life like she's riding the tides
She's still an Space Underground that thrives
Though she holds monsters within thats hold answers to questions you wish you hadn't of asked and when they awaken she goes into a storm fast  

A hurricane and water-tornado without even herself being warned
Visiting only her surface will likely leave you burned and scorned
Many jump in to escape the heat but its often terrifying or fatal when they travel too deep
The deeper down you go the more mosters you'll meet
And get pressurized into a place thats cold and dark
Where the monsters stay to feed off the parts of the anger you feel for going in too far

For her monster's know where the sweet spots are and their picky eaters as they feed on the parts of you that regret going in and the parts of you that didn't understand
Throwing their trash and ******* in her hora
Killing her beauty like the dying coral
What she needs is someone in suited in a special armour
Someone who will sink down just defeat the monsters but not harm her
Someone to show her just how vast she is and hows she's teaming with life even after what others did
She is mighty and though she is deep
She is powerful and far from weak
-Taylor Aldous

— The End —