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AS Jun 2014
Dresses and makeup,
this or that hairstyle,
salads and chocolates,
preparing for the night.
It's gonna be awesome,
that's all I know
love and lights
are gonna glow.
Preparing For Junior Prom :)
Victor Thorn Jun 2014
I dread 2nd and King to this day.

I was born into a poor family:
dad the drunkard,
mom the **** addict,
brother abusive,
and sister wrist slitter,
in '84.

Mealtime portions measly.
The house's fragmented windows,
chipping paint
and carpet, ash stained beyond cleaning,
forced me to attempt an escape
several times.
Its a wonder we had a house at all!
I was the only one who worked.

From 10:00 until 7:00
in the dead of winter I used to stand
in clothes so thin
I was better off not even wearing them.
In '97 I was too young to work
But I wasn't too young for the men-
and I admit, some attractive-
who would pull up to
2nd and King.
I just crawled in the backseat,
assumed the position,
and took my beating
for not being born to the right family,
...... corner...

I can't look at that sign
marking the corner
without thinking of
crotch after crotch
until it was etched in my brain
that the male genitalia
was the epiphany of evil.
I have to turn my head.

I dread 2nd and King to this day.
Rerelease from 2010.
Tijuasgirl May 2014
Dark brown eyes with bags under them telling the world she is tired; dark, long, glumly hair telling us she doesn't care anymore what her appearance looks like. A smile that goes side to side, from left to right showing her white teeth way too much. A big one in fact that could fool anyone, but i'm not anyone. It just leaves you wondering how had her days been going, since when she stopped caring, or did something happened lately that provoke such sadness in her. All she does since two or three weeks ago it's find a chance to shut the world down with her music. At the same time she makes you realize what strength it's all about; yes, she is broken, at the edge of tearing, but she is still standing solid, facing the world, and holding down all the punches life throws towards her. She is just that one girl in class.
today we had to observe someone and describe it for English class. when she read my observation she almost cried and then she said " it's sad because it's true."
Mary Christopher May 2014
I walked by a boy this morning
And I couldn’t help but think
Maybe we could fall in love someday,
But obviously that day is not today
Because I went on to my next class
And he went to his.

But if you’re reading this
I just wanted to let you know
I’m still waiting for that someday.

Of These Oceans May 2014
i believe in a love like wine

the older it becomes
the more wonderful it is

the longer it lasts
the more it is craved
MST May 2014
Let us walk on these streets of gold,
with a Cadillac and Ferrari on the side,
no one dares to be as bold,
as those who show their money with pride.
Keep walking down the way,
until the ground turns gray,
here we find the place of life,
cut apart with a knife.
The attitudes are dim,
the people are looking slim,
for they must continue on,
working on a lawn until they are long gone.
For they visit the golden street,
not to live, but to weep,
as they work to eat,
payed with lies and deceit.
Do we notice?
Do we care?
As their children lie naked and bare.
Do we help them?
Do we feed them?
Or do we just send a prayer?
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