Worthless, light on a bright sunny day.
Rain after rain after rain, remembered
on a bright sunny day.
--- returning from Sukkot, 1969
I gave my flute,
to a guy reporting for duty,
- I heard he came home broken.
- I'd hoped my flute had helped,
- it had helped me, as I told any,
- here, I am in this tower,
- do not shoot at me.
Watchers saw,
I gave that tested flute away,
then just today, aha,
at my wish, I bought another,
handmade, by some whittler out there.
How long to find such a thing?
Never once asking where can I buy one.
Seasons pass in jubileed stacks...
A lifetime of my mother later, I bought
a handmade flute on Etsy,
on a comment, "beautiful voice"
provoking me to purchase
a long held desire,
to own for the use, a hand made flute,
on the blown through Phrygian mode.
Marching through euphoria, euphoria,
we are marching through euphoria,
to reach the tipping point, when time,
starts another round,
'til then, each day say thanks for rain,
believe you have these things
and having proves it so.
That's all, for the moment.