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Rick Smerglia Jun 2014
I awake every morning, uncertain.
Of what would be worse.
To break the heart of an angel,
Or to consume her beautiful light.
Born of another universe,
Her beauty unyielding.
Created from star dust and matter of the most potent kind.
Brighter then the sun,
When she smiles,
When she flies,
Her wings spread across the sky,
Only angels feel so gently,
Love so selflessly,
Care so extraordinarily.
I have trapped the angel,
In my grasp,
Unknowingly, she is consumed by my darkness,
Yet, loves me unconditionally,
And I her,
But I don't deserve an angel,
Especially her,
And if I let her go,
I shall break her pure loving heart,
But i'm sure she will fly again,

Though I will have thrown away an angel.
What am I to do.
Now that I've been touched by an angel,
And hold her heart in my hands.....

— The End —