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Firenze Brennan Jan 2017
She was a butterfly and I was a kid.
We had a kind of love that all of the gods forbid.
She had a heart so tender and placid-
the exact opposite of mine that was too rigid.

But there was something in the way she spoke;
though my walls were built sturdy, her voice managed to break through and for once, gave me hope.
But I know in my heart it won't be long before these all shall finally dissolve...
'cause time never stands still and the earth shall continue to revolve.

And who knows? Maybe tomorrow I'll be left with all of the memories that we both have enjoyed.
Goodbye little butterfly, I'm going back to the void...
I know this ain't something that we can avoid.

Fly high little butterfly, I know I'm just a kid.
But I know in my heart that I love you though all of the gods forbid.
I will love you from a distance-
and cherish this heart that's so placid.

-Firenze Brennan (Florence Samson

— The End —